MAT2301: Elementary Statistics_ Unit V Discussion: Due 5 March


Discussion Topic: 

You are now at the halfway point in the course. Name at least one challenge you have faced in the course so far, and describe how you coped with this challenge.

To Access My School/Course you’ll have to follow the steps below.  Let me know when you’re ready to login so I’ll be ready to send you the required code immediately upon receipt.

Go to 

Select Blackboard 

If the link above doesn’t give you the Blackboard option, just Google “Columbia Southern University Login” and click on the link that pops up

A message will pop up asking to Approve sign in request: Click “I can’t use my Microsoft Authenticator App right. now”

  1. A message will pop up asking to Verify Identity: Click on “Text +Xxxxxxxxx16

(I’ll receive the code immediately and will message it to you). 

  1. Enter the code I send you and select the option “Do not ask me this again for 7 days”. 

Now you should be logged in. 

  1. If an error message pops up saying you don’t have access, just log back in and it should work from there.