R.H. Is A 74-Year-Old Black Woman, Who Presents To The Family Practice Clinic For A

R.H. Is A 74-Year-Old Black Woman, Who Presents To The Family Practice Clinic For A

R.H. is a 74-year-old black woman, who presents to the family practice clinic for a scheduled appointment. She complains of feeling bloated and constipated for the past month, sometimes going an entire week with only one bowel movement. Until this episode, she has been very regular all of her life, having a bowel movement every day or every other day. She reports straining most of the time and it often takes her 10 minutes at a minimum to initiate a bowel movement. Stools have been extremely hard. She denies pain during straining. A recent colonoscopy was negative for tumors or other lesions. She has not yet taken any medications to provide relief for her constipation. Furthermore, she reports frequent heartburn (3–4 times each week), most often occurring soon after retiring to bed. She uses three pillows to keep herself in a more upright position during sleep. On a friend’s advice, she purchased a package of over-the-counter aluminum hydroxide tablets to help relieve the heartburn. She has had some improvement since she began taking the medicine. She reports using naproxen as needed for arthritic pain in her hands and knees. She states that her hands and knees are extremely stiff when she rises in the morning. Because her arthritis has been getting worse, she has stopped taking her daily walks and now gets very little exercise.
Case Study 1 Questions:
In your own words, define constipation and name the risk factors that might lead to developing constipation.
List recommendations you would give to a patient who is suffering from constipation. Include both pharmacological and non-pharmacological. 
Based on the clinical manifestations in R.H.'s case study, name and explain the signs and symptoms presented that are compatible with the constipation diagnosis.
Complement your list in question 3 with other signs and symptoms of constipation not present in the case study.
Sometimes Anemia can be present as an associated diagnosis and/or a complication for patients with constipation. Would you consider that possibility based on the information provided in the case study? Explain.
500 words, 2 cited sources, APA format


    Read All The Instructions  Analyze A Healthcare Organization’S Capital Or Operating Budget (Hca Florida

    Read All The Instructions  Analyze A Healthcare Organization’S Capital Or Operating Budget (Hca Florida


    Analyze a healthcare organization’s capital or operating budget (HCA Florida Mercy Hospital)and create a slide presentation of your findings and recommendations for stakeholders


    Replies 1   Prompt One: The Authors Of Our Text Describe Masculinity Similar To The

    Replies 1   Prompt One: The Authors Of Our Text Describe Masculinity Similar To The



    Prompt one:

    The authors of our text describe masculinity similar to the statement "boys will be boys". Aggressive behavior, when it does not inflict significant harm, is often accepted from boys and men because it is congruent with the cultural script for masculinity (Conerly, T. R., Holmes, K., & Tamang, A. L., 2021c, June 3, p. 342). He then explains that it has been almost assigned or predetermined to each gender of how their characteristics will be. The authors of our text give an example of going to a loan officer and how if that officer were male, one would be more focused on numbers vs. if the officer was female one would be more emotional. This is true. I can think specifically growing up with my twin sister I was expected to play sports and my sister was expected to be involved with dance. 

    Patriarchal masculinity is not the only form of masculinity. Hegemonic masculinity is the norm and stereotypical way that a man should be. For example, Hegemonic masculinity might be not showing emotion, or being told to "shake it off" and "be a man" when emotion is shown. Another example could be a male being incredibly muscular or in a position of power. Even though hegemonic masculinity is not directly the same as patriarchal masculinity, it does show similarities. Patriarchal masculinity is thought that if you have more hegemonic tendencies, then you will have more power or strength over women. 

    Prompt four: 

    I will honestly say that most of my news is from social media (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc.). While I already know that these sources are not as reliable, it is something that I view daily. I do not have much time for network television and I do not read newspapers. My parents primarily get their news from network television and my grandparents combine network television and newspapers. I think it is incredibly important where you seek information from. One news outlet may lean politically more one way towards another (CNN has more democratic views and FOX has more conservative views). With these different views, news information may be construed in a way that is different than the facts. Social media cannot always be a reliable source. Information is not always checked and it is not always factual. 



    How have digital media changed social interactions? Do you believe it has deepened or weakened human connections? Defend your answer. (USLO 5.6)

                              Digital media platforms, such as social networking sites, have facilitated the establishment and maintenance of connections on a global scale. As individuals can now connect and communicate effortlessly across borders and time zones, digital media has indeed expanded the possibilities for social interaction. For instance, platforms like Facebook and Twitter have allowed individuals to reconnect with long-lost friends or relatives, providing avenues for reviving dormant connections (Turkle, 2011). However, Despite the potential for deepened connections, digital media also presents challenges that can lead to weakened human interactions. One prominent issue is the prevalence of superficial connections. As social media platforms promote the accumulation of friends and followers, individuals may focus more on the quantity rather than the quality of their connections, leading to shallow relationships (Baym, 2010). Likes, retweets, and comments can create a false sense of social validation, fostering a culture of virtual popularity that does not necessarily translate into genuine connection. I firmly believe the overreliance on digital media for communication has significantly affected face-to-face interactions. In-person conversations are now frequently interrupted by the constant distraction of notifications or the desire to capture moments for virtual consumption. This has resulted in a decrease in the quality of interpersonal communication, with decreased attentiveness and empathy (Turkle, 2011). I think that individuals should strive to be more conscious of their online behavior, refining their digital presence to cultivate meaningful connections. Actively engaging in conversations, communicating empathetically, and avoiding superficial engagement can help foster authentic relationships across digital platforms. In the end, I feel that digital media revolutionizes social interactions by introducing new modes of communication and connecting individuals on a global scale. While it presents opportunities for connections, the challenges posed by shallow connections and decreased face-to-face interactions cannot be overlooked. Striking a balance between virtual and physical interactions is crucial to maintaining and strengthening human connections. By consciously cultivating genuine relationships and leveraging the potential of digital media, individuals can harness its benefits while minimizing the drawbacks, and reinforcing meaningful human connections in the digital age.


      Reply If You Agree Or Disagree With The Following Post. 200 Words The Theory Of

      Reply If You Agree Or Disagree With The Following Post. 200 Words The Theory Of

      Reply if you agree or disagree with the following post. 200 words.


      The theory of self-efficacy, developed by Albert Bandura, has had a great influence on the field of psychology and nursing. However, like any theory, it is important to critically evaluate its strengths and weaknesses (Malik et al., 2021).

            Internal criticism evaluates how well a theory meets its own stated objectives and criteria. The theory of self-efficacy for the study of the nursing profession aims to explain and predict how one's beliefs about one's own abilities affect one's motivation, behavior, and, ultimately, one's performance and achievements. Overall, the theory has strong internal validity. Bandura's claim that self-efficacy predicts motivation and success in many areas of health has been supported by hundreds of studies (Adebusuyi et al., 2022). The theory offers clear conceptual definitions and predictions that can be proven wrong and are supported by evidence. It also makes sense and considers what we already know about how people behave and what motivates them.

                 However, there are also some weaknesses on the inside. The theory focuses primarily on individual cognition and does not take into account social or structural factors that may influence our patient's self-efficacy and performance (Malik et al., 2021). The mechanisms by which self-efficacy affects outcomes are not fully specified in theory. There is a lack of clarity around the exact causal pathways linking self-efficacy to motivation and performance. Additionally, the theory relies heavily on self-reported measures of self-efficacy, which can be biased and inaccurate. Finally, although theory predicts that self-efficacy will influence motivation and performance, the reverse causal relationship has not been examined in depth (Adebusuyi et al., 2022). The theory would be strengthened by testing bidirectional causal models to determine whether motivation and performance also shape self-efficacy over time. In general, these are some internal weaknesses related to the specification of causal mechanisms, the incorporation of objective measures, and the examination of reverse causality.

                External criticism evaluates how well a theory corresponds to objective reality and fits existing knowledge. An important strength here is that literally thousands of studies have provided empirical support for the theory in many contexts, including health professional education, sports (Malik et al., 2021). It is consistent with existing theories for the nursing process that emphasize cognition, motivation, and goal pursuit. The theory also provides practical utility by informing interventions aimed at changing human behavior by focusing on self-efficacy.

               However, there are also limitations in terms of external validity. Most evidence-based practice research has been conducted through controlled health experiments rather than real-world settings (Adebusuyi et al., 2022). More longitudinal and multivariate research is needed to examine the complex dynamics between self-efficacy and outcomes over time. The theory may also place too much emphasis on individual agency and downplay structural barriers that can undermine self-efficacy. Additionally, more cross-cultural research is needed to determine whether the theory holds up in different medical and scientific contexts.

               In conclusion, self-efficacy theory is internally robust in its ability to predict human motivation and performance based on self-efficacy beliefs. Externally, it is well supported by decades of research. However, the theory has gaps related to specifying causal mechanisms, capturing real-world complexity, and generalizing across cultures (Malik et al., 2021). Nursing-based critical analysis helps refine and improve theories over time. Self-efficacy theory has room to grow, but it provides a useful model for understanding an important set of psychological processes.


        Reply If You Agree Or Disagree With The Following Post. 200 Words. Cultural Competence

        Reply If You Agree Or Disagree With The Following Post. 200 Words. Cultural Competence

        Reply if you agree or disagree with the following post. 200 words.

        Cultural Competence and Gender Considerations in Healthcare Assessment Tools

        Cultural competence is a fundamental aspect of providing effective healthcare services. Understanding the influence of various factors, such as culture, gender, age, and language, on symptom perception and management is crucial for healthcare professionals. This assignment explores the significance of cultural competence in healthcare and highlights the importance of assessment tools that incorporate culturally sensitive questions. Additionally, it emphasizes the need to investigate gender-specific symptom experiences to better understand potential differences in symptom expression between individuals of different genders.

        Culture plays a significant role in shaping individuals' beliefs, behaviors, and healthcare decisions. Healthcare providers must be culturally competent to effectively address the diverse needs of patients from various cultural backgrounds. 

        Healthcare assessment tools are essential for gathering information about patients' symptoms and medical history. To ensure effective communication and accurate diagnosis, these tools must include culturally sensitive questions. Cultural sensitivity in assessment tools means incorporating questions that consider cultural factors, such as beliefs, traditions, and language preferences. For instance, a question like, "Have you sought traditional remedies for your symptoms?" may be relevant for patients from cultures that commonly use alternative or traditional medicine. Such questions help healthcare providers gain a comprehensive understanding of how cultural beliefs can affect symptom perception and management.

        In addition to cultural competence, healthcare professionals must also consider the influence of gender on symptom experiences. Research has shown that there can be differences in symptom expression between men and women. Recognizing these differences is crucial for providing gender-specific care. For example, studies have suggested that women may experience different cardiac symptoms than men during a heart attack, which can lead to misdiagnosis if not considered. Healthcare assessment tools should, therefore, include questions that account for potential gender-specific variations in symptom presentation.

        Investigating gender-specific symptom experiences is essential to ensure that healthcare assessment tools and protocols are gender-sensitive. It helps healthcare providers recognize and address gender-related differences in symptom reporting, diagnosis, and treatment. Furthermore, it promotes the delivery of patient-centered care by considering individual needs and experiences.

        Cultural competence and gender considerations are integral components of healthcare assessment tools and practices. Culturally sensitive questions in assessment tools assist healthcare providers in understanding how cultural beliefs can influence symptom perception and management. Additionally, investigating gender-specific symptom experiences is essential to account for potential differences in symptom expression between individuals of different genders. By incorporating these elements into healthcare assessment tools and practices, healthcare professionals can provide more effective and patient-centered care, ultimately improving the overall quality of healthcare services.


        Chukwurah, J. N., Voss, J., Mazanec, S. R., Avery, A., & Webel, A. (2020). Associations between influencing factors, perceived symptom burden, and perceived overall function among adults living with HIV. The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care: JANAC, 31(3), 325.https://doi: 10.1097/JNC.0000000000000166

        Kang, J. H., & Kim, M. J. (2022). Factors influencing the health-related quality of life in Korean menopausal women: a cross-sectional study based on the theory of unpleasant symptoms. Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing, 28(2), 100-111. https://doi: 10.4069/kjwhn.2022.05.29


          Reply If You Agree Or Disagree With The Following Post. 200 Words. Self-Efficacy Theory,

          Reply If You Agree Or Disagree With The Following Post. 200 Words. Self-Efficacy Theory,

          Reply if you agree or disagree with the following post. 200 words.


          Self-efficacy theory, internal and external criticism evaluation process.

                In order to provide a clearer understanding of this topic, let me begin by explaining the theory of "Self-efficacy.” According to Bandura (1977), efficacy beliefs play a significant role in predicting changes in human behavior. Efficacy beliefs refer to an individual's inner beliefs about their ability to successfully perform the required behavior to attain a specific outcome. These beliefs only influence behavior when an individual has confidence. Therefore, efficacy beliefs are crucial in altering an individual's behavior. Self-efficacy refers to the belief in one's ability to make decisions and execute actions to achieve a desired outcome. It involves several key aspects, such as assessing one's own performance measures, considering possible outcomes before taking action, learning from the experiences of others through observation, receiving constructive feedback and coaching, and being aware of one's emotional state while performing a task.

                Badura's postulate tells us, as well, that individuals have the freedom and ability to choose and pursue a course of action. They do this by assessing their own values, moral standards, motivators, and feedback (positive and negative) against societal norms. This process allows individuals to improve their knowledge, skills and overcome any challenges they may face. It also helps them to plan and choose the most beneficial and desirable course of action while avoiding undesired outcomes. However, societal pressure and scrutiny, along with the fear of punishment for nonconforming behavior, can have an impact on an individual's behavior. Therefore, a person's level of self-efficacy can influence their coping, motivation, performance, and persistence to achieve their desired course of action. Higher levels of self-efficacy are associated with increased attributes, while lower levels are associated with decreased attributes. (Kim & Sohn, 2019)


            Reply If You Agree Or Disagree With The Following Post. 200 Words. Theory Of

            Reply If You Agree Or Disagree With The Following Post. 200 Words. Theory Of

            Reply if you agree or disagree with the following post. 200 words.

            Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms (TOUS)

                  Every day in practice as a nurse, whether in hospitals, clinics, or any place where a patient is assessed. Subjective data is necessary. These data are obtained by the patient or caregiver. Considering that each person is a unique being, nurses must conduct a multidimensional evaluation of the symptoms. This evaluation allows adequate treatment for the patient and peace of mind simultaneously for the patient's caregivers. There are multiple tools to evaluate symptoms, but few evaluate multidimensional symptoms. Therefore, below there will be a brief compilation of the theory of unpleasant symptoms created and reviewed by Lenz, Suppe, Gift, Pugh, and Milligan, 1997, which can have been applied to practice and research by nurses and doctors.

                 Models have developed but are centralized specifically on the intensity and severity of a symptom. However, it is necessary to identify quality, distress, and duration. The theory of unpleasant symptoms (TOUS) as a guide is excellent for assessing a symptom or symptoms with the mentioned characteristics. This theory is based on the idea that if a symptom is well managed, it will have repercussions positive for other symptoms per a patient (Peterson & Bredow,2013)

                 On the other hand, the theory of unpleasant symptoms was developed to analyze the important aspects of the experience of the symptoms. The goals are to improve comprehension and help nurses in their research and practice. Lenz (2018)

                 The TOUS indicates that the symptoms could be measured according to intensity, time, distress, person to assess, and dimension of quality. At the same time, there are factors influencing, such as antecedents physiologic, age, gender, pathologies, pregnancy, surgery, medication, and radiotherapy. The factors are psychological, e.g., mood of the person, management of disease, and factors such as environment, social aspects, and financial aspects. Also, TOUS hypothesizes that a non-revision, treatment, or following of these three dimensions would affect the functional and/or cognitive performance of a person (Peterson & Bredow, 2013).

                 Nevertheless, the TOUS does not contain explicit interventions, so components of this theory implicate an intervention in every aspect already mentioned. Even so, the authors indicated that this theory has solid foundations for implementing interventions for the evaluation and management of symptoms (Peterson & Bredow, 2013).

                 The implementation of this theory is a guide for nurses and advanced nurses, beginning with obtaining clinical records that include factors, physiological, psychological, and situational, for instance, symptoms physiologic would include consequences of diseases, injuries, or management. The psychological aspect includes identifying depression, mood changes, or traumas. Finally, identify factors situationally implicated and identify conditions of life, family problems, and concerns. (Peterson & Bredow,2013)

                 Also, the implementation of theory allows for the evaluation of outcomes to periodically monitor the changes in the symptoms in the short and long term, so giving instructions to inspire self-control and self-care. Lenz (2018)

                 To conclude, the main thing is not to forget that each patient is unique and that the symptoms presented, whether caused by physical, psychological, situational, or related problems, are experienced individually. Based on this, as a family nurse practitioner, I would seek to collect as much data as possible on the symptoms indicated by the patient. This evaluation tool must contain at least three aspects to evaluate: physical, psychological, and situational. Once these data were obtained, I would analyze their relationship and how one symptom could be related to the other. Then I would evaluate the priority with the patient and caregiver to implement a work plan that involves the patient, family, and nurse, and finally, periodically evaluate compliance with the objectives. It should be noted that this holistic work must require support from other health professionals, such as case managers, social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists, to fully meet the objectives.


            Sandra J. Peterson & Timothy S. Bredow (2013) · Middle Range Theory: Application to Nursing Research and Practice, Third Edition P.P 78-86.

            Lenz, Elizabeth R. (2018). Application of the Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms in Practice: A Challenge for Nursing. Investigación en Enfermería: Imagen y Desarrollo, 20(1).


              Reply  1. Translating Research Into Clinical Practice Is A Crucial Global Issue Due To Its

              Reply  1. Translating Research Into Clinical Practice Is A Crucial Global Issue Due To Its


              1. Translating research into clinical practice is a crucial global issue due to its potential impact on healthcare delivery and outcomes. Although health research has expanded considerably in recent years, many regions worldwide are slow to implement relevant study findings into clinical practice. Several barriers prevent the translation of research into clinical practice, including healthcare professional's lack of motivation, insufficient ongoing education, uncooperative and unsupportive organizational culture, and a disconnect between knowledge producers and users. 

              One of the most pressing challenges in healthcare today is translating and utilizing. The challenge of translating and applying evidence for practice change in a target healthcare organization is shared by many. To effectively address this challenge, it is essential first to understand the organization's context and the current landscape of evidence-based practice change. Then, it is crucial to identify the barriers that exist to translating and applying evidence for practice change and devise strategies to address those barriers. In my target healthcare organization, the most significant barriers to translating and applying evidence for practice change are a lack of awareness, commitment,  and resources. Many nurses are unaware of the evidence-based practice resources available and may not have the skills or knowledge to identify and utilize those resources. There is also a lack of commitment from the organization to invest in evidence-based practice initiatives and to provide incentives for nurses who invest the time and energy to put them into practice (Alqahtani et al., 2022). Furthermore, there is often a lack of resources for nurses to access and opportunity to create a healthcare culture that promotes the translation of evidence for quality improvement and social change. I view my role as a leader in this effort and use my knowledge and skills to advocate for evidence-based practices and support the development of an evidence-based practice culture in the organization (Zajac et al., 2019). My actions and activities should model best practices and support the translation of evidence into practice. One of the effective ways to advocate for quality improvement and social change through evidence-based practice is to lead an evidence-based practice quality improvement project. This project can be designed to improve patient outcomes and the overall quality of care in the organization (Grys, 2022). Through the project, I can guide and support nurses in understanding the evidence and applying it to practice. I can also provide resources and support to assist nurses in identifying and utilizing evidence-based practice resources. Additionally, I can advocate for the organization to invest in evidence-based practice initiatives and resources and provide incentives for nurses to embrace these practices. Ultimately, as a DNP, I have the responsibility to lead by example and ensure that evidence-based practice is applied thoughtfully and effectively. I must also ensure that the implementation of evidence-based practice is monitored and evaluated and that resources are available to support nurses in translating the evidence into practice (Li et al., 2019). By promoting and advocating for evidence-based practice, I can create a culture of quality improvement and social change in my target healthcare organization.

              2.Fostering an organizational culture that welcomes evidence-based practice (EBP) is crucial for Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) holders with a focus on mental health. This also applies to quality improvement (QI), which presents several difficulties in healthcare environments. The main challenge is incorporating study findings into routine practice. Healthcare workers may have resource shortages, reluctance to change, or time limits. These difficulties make it more difficult to use the evidence in practical settings (Kumah et al., 2022). Particularly in the field of mental health, new treatments and approaches are always changing the terrain. These adjustments are frequently implemented slowly. The careful nature of mental health practice is the reason for this. A comprehensive validation process and the intricate interaction of each patient's needs are other contributing factors.

              Maintaining current procedures while incorporating new evidence necessitates careful consideration. As a DNP, I play a critical role in fostering an evidence-based healthcare culture. I see myself as a change-instigator. I may accomplish this by pushing for the application of research findings to practice, promoting cooperation between healthcare professionals, and cultivating a culture of lifelong learning. This entails disseminating EBP concepts via workshops, mentoring, and continuing education (Dagne et al., 2021).

              I will set an example by leading an EBP QI project that is concentrated on a particular facet of mental health care in order to solve these issues. This could involve taking steps like enhancing patient assessment instruments or putting in place a new therapeutic approach. I would promote interdisciplinary cooperation, data gathering, and analysis through this project. This will serve as an example of how evidence-based modifications affect patient outcomes (Luke et al., 2022). In addition, I will concentrate on promoting social change and quality enhancement in nursing. To debate recent research findings, their ramifications, and how to incorporate them into practice, I would often host forums or seminars. In order to promote a culture of ongoing learning, I will use technology to create an easily available database or platform where employees may view the most recent studies.


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                Post Three Main Messages You Derived From Chapter 20 (Patient Engagement And Public Policy: Emerging

                Post Three Main Messages You Derived From Chapter 20 (Patient Engagement And Public Policy: Emerging

                post three main messages you derived from chapter 20 (Patient engagement and public policy: Emerging new paradigms and roles) in the book Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care 8th edition, with a brief discussion and critique of the chapter. Be sure to include the complete APA 7th edition reference citation for chapter 18 including Chapter author(s), name of chapter and pages, IN editor names, text name, publisher and year.