Practice Nurse 11 Nurse 11: Criterion: Applies The Nursing Process To Systems Or Processes At

Practice Nurse 11 Nurse 11: Criterion: Applies The Nursing Process To Systems Or Processes At

Practice nurse 11

Nurse 11: Criterion:

Applies the nursing process to systems or processes at the unit/team/work group level to improve care as a community care nurse case manager. Demonstrates leadership by involving others in improving care.

Nurse 111 Criterion:

Provides leadership in the application of the nursing process to client care, organizational processes, and /or systems, improving outcomes at the program or service level. 

Self Assessment

Ethics – Nurse 11

NOTE: Enter your documentation of achievement for the current grade first and then document any additional achievement that relates to the next higher grade. Make sure to address the following questions: 91) What was done? (2) For whom was it done(Population)? (3) What was the outcome?

Nurse 11 Criterion:

Supports and enhances client self-determination. Serves as a resource for clients and staff in addressing ethical issues.

Nurse 111 Criterion:

Provides leadership in identifying and addressing ethical issues that impact clients and staff, including initiating and participating in ethics consultation.

Self Assessment:

Resource Utilization – Nurse 11:

NOTE: Enter your documentation of achievement for the current grade first and then document any additional achievement that relates to the next higher grade. Make sure to address the following questions: 91) What was done? (2) For whom was it done(Population)? (3) What was the outcome?

Nurse 11 Criterion:

Identifies and assesses resource utilization and safety issues, taking appropriate action.

Nurse 111 Criterion:

Manages program resources (Financial, human, material, or informational) to facilitate safe, effective, and efficient care.

Self -Assessment

                                           Professional Development

Performance – Nurse 11

NOTE: Enter your documentation of achievement for the current grade first and then document any additional achievement that relates to the next higher grade. Make sure to address the following questions: (1) What was done? (2) For whom was it done(Population)? (3) What was the outcome?

Nurse 11 Criterion:

Evaluate the practice of self and others using professional standards, relevant statutes, and regulations. Takes action to improve performance.

Nurse 111 Criterion:

Uses professional standards of care and practice to evaluate programs and /or service activities.


                                                                          Education/ Career Development – Nurse 11

Enter your documentation of achievement for the current grade first and then document any additional achievement that relates to the next higher grade. Make sure to address the following questions: 91) What was done? (2) For whom was it done(Population)? (3) What was the outcome?: 

Nurse 11 Criterion:

Acquires knowledge and skills to maintain expertise in area of practice. Participates in educational activities to improve clinical knowledge and enhance role performance

Nurse 111 Criterion:

Implements an educational plan to meet changing program or service needs for self and others. Maintains knowledge of current techniques, trends, and professional issues.

Self Assessment

Collegiality-nurse 11

NOTE: Enter your documentation of achievement for the current grade first and then document any additional achievement that relates to the next higher grade. Make sure to address the following questions: 91) What was done? (2) For whom was it done(Population)? (3) What was the outcome?

Nurse 11 Criterion:

Educates colleagues and/or students and serves as a preceptor and /or mentor

Nurse 111 Criterion:

Coaches colleagues in team building. Makes sustained contributions to health care by sharing expertise within and /or outside the medical facility.

Self Assessment:

Collaboration-nurse 11

NOTE: Enter your documentation of achievement for the current grade first and then document any additional achievement that relates to the next higher grade. Make sure to address the following questions: 91) What was done? (2) For whom was it done(Population)? (3) What was the outcome?

Nurse 11 Criterion:

Uses group process to identify, analyze, and resolve care problems.

Nurse 111 Criterion:

Uses the group process to identify, analyze, and resolve care problems.

Self Assessment:

Quality of Care – Nurse 11

NOTE: Enter your documentation of achievement for the current grade first and then document any additional achievement that relates to the next higher grade. Make sure to address the following questions: 91) What was done? (2) For whom was it done(Population)? (3) What was the outcome?

Nurse 11 Criterion:

Initiates/participates in quality improvement activities that result in approved outcomes.

Nurse 111 Criterion:

Initiates interdisciplinary projects to improve organizational performance.

Self Assessment:


    Present The Age-Related Physiologic Or Psychologic Disorder Choose From One: Integumentary Function, Urinary Function, Musculoskeletal

    Present The Age-Related Physiologic Or Psychologic Disorder Choose From One: Integumentary Function, Urinary Function, Musculoskeletal


    1. Present the age-related Physiologic or Psychologic Disorder
      Choose from one: Integumentary function, Urinary function, Musculoskeletal function or Endocrine function.
    2. Describe the age-related changes and common problems and conditions.
    3. Summarize the nursing management appropriate for your Physiologic or Psychologic Disorder chosen


      Please Read Carefully The Instructions, You Need To Use The Template, The Discussion For This

      Please Read Carefully The Instructions, You Need To Use The Template, The Discussion For This

      Please read carefully the instructions, you need to use the template, the discussion for this week and the professor feedback.

      if you have any questions please contact me.


      Please Respond To The Following Classmate’S Post In 50 Words Or More:    Define ‘Big

      Please Respond To The Following Classmate’S Post In 50 Words Or More:    Define ‘Big



      Define "big data" and describe two ways it can be utilized to advance nursing and/or improve patient outcomes.


      Healthcare big data refers to the large amounts of health-related data generated from different sources such as electronic health records (EHRs), wearable devices, genetic testing, and others. This data is marked by volume, velocity, and variety which poses peculiar challenges and opportunities for analysis and utilization (Shilo et al., 2020).

      Utilization to Advance Nursing and Health Outcomes:

      Predictive Analytics for Patient Care: Predictive analytics can be used to predict health outcomes and identify patients who are likely to develop specific conditions. The patterns in historical and real-time data allow healthcare providers to proactively manage chronic diseases thereby reducing hospital readmissions, tailoring care plans to individual patients’ needs and thus improving patient outcomes (Shilo et al., 2020).

      Evidence-Based Practice and Research: Big data facilitates the development of nursing and healthcare by being a source of information used in evidence-based practice and research. Large-scale data analysis may reveal insights into successful treatments, trends in patient care, and outcomes and add knowledge to the body that guides clinical guidelines, policies, and nursing education (Shilo et al., 2020). This evidence-based approach guarantees that the care of patients is based on current studies and best practices, which help with better health outcomes.


      Shilo, S., Rossman, H., & Segal, E. (2020). Axes of a revolution: challenges and promises of big data in healthcare. Nature medicine26(1), 29-38.


        Please Respond To The Following Classmate’S Post In 50 Words Or More: In Your Work

        Please Respond To The Following Classmate’S Post In 50 Words Or More: In Your Work


        In your work setting, which future trend(s) are likely to have the largest effect on patient care and related information systems?

        In my work environment, the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technologies of machine learning are likely to have the greatest impact on patient care and information systems. These technologies have the ability to process large amounts of data both from EHRs, wearable devices and genomic data to provide insights that aid in clinical decision-making, personalized treatment and prediction of outcomes (Shilo et al., 2020). AI-based tools can help to diagnose diseases more accurately and efficiently, provide treatment recommendations, and detect patterns that influence public health.

        Additionally, telehealth and remote monitoring technologies are rapidly gaining popularity, changing the way healthcare is provided. These technologies make it possible to monitor the health status of patients in real time, reduce the number of visits, and bring health care closer to people, especially those living in remote areas. The introduction of these technologies into information systems requires strong data management and security but improves patient care by making it more personalized, efficient, and accessible (Shilo et al. 2020).


        Shilo, S., Rossman, H., & Segal, E. (2020). Axes of a revolution: challenges and promises of big data in healthcare. Nature medicine26(1), 29-38.


          Please Respond To The Following Classmate’S Post In 50 Words Or More: Option 2 –

          Please Respond To The Following Classmate’S Post In 50 Words Or More: Option 2 –


          Option 2 – Define "big data" and describe two ways it can be utilized to advance nursing and/or improve patient outcomes. 

          Introducing “big data” in healthcare allows health care providers to use new technologies in treatment of patients and health management. Big data is a term that includes structured and unstructured data sets. These sets can be used in health care for guidance of clinical decision-making processes. The use of big data can decrease health care costs and improve patient outcomes. One of the most common ways to use “big data” in health care include use of electronic health records (EHR), electronic medical records (EMRs), personal health records (PHRs), and data produced by widespread digital health tools like wearable medical devices and health apps on mobile devices. Another way to use “big data” to advance nursing and improve patient care is to use it as predictive analytics. The use of predictive analytics will allow access to statistical forecasts, and it will allow health care providers to estimate the likelihood of occurrence of specific diseases and, on this basis, to plan types of health services.  


          Batko, K., & Ślęzak, A. (2022). The use of Big Data Analytics in healthcare. Journal of big data9(1), 3. to an external site.  


            Please Respond To The Following Classmate’S Post In 50 Words Or More:    Option 1

            Please Respond To The Following Classmate’S Post In 50 Words Or More:    Option 1



            Option 1

            1. What other questions should the nurse ask about the cough?

            How long have you had this cough?  Was it gradual or sudden?  How often do you cough? Is there any blood in the phegm?  How long has the phlegm been green? Is the phlegm thick, thin, or frothy?  Does the phlegm have an unusual odor?  Is the coughing associated with any chest pain or ear pain?  Do you have any problems catching your breath after coughing?  Is there anything in particular that causes the cough?  Does activity make it better or worse? Are you using any treatments to lessen the symptoms of the cough? If so, prescription or over the counter?   If so, are they working? 

            1. Develop a problem list from the objective and subjective data.

            Green phlegm could indicate infection.  Runny nose and sore throat could indicate a virus or sinus infection.  Hypertension.  Ronchi and wheezing possibility of obstructive lung disease.  TM bulging possible ear infection.  Red sore throat with pustules could indicate infection. Fatigue.

            1. What nursing diagnoses can be derived from the problems list?

            Ronchi and wheezing: Impaired gas exchange related to rhonchi and wheezing. 

            Impaired swallowing related to pain in throat.

            Acute pain related to sore throat.

            Decreased activity related to fatigue.

            1. What should be included in the plan of care?

            Assess respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, lung sounds.  Provide patient with pain relief, cough suppressants, breathing treatments, steroids.  Keep patient in a comfortable position with head of bed elevated to minimize shortness of breath. Sputum sample to determine bacteria.   

            1. What risk factors are associated with this age group?

            Heart disease and hypertension.  Respiratory diseases such as asthma, emphysema, and COPD.  Cancer. Prostate problems.

            1. Based on the readings, what is the most likely cause of this patient’s cough?

            Based on the readings, wheezing is a common symptom of acute bronchitis. Fatigue, post-nasal drip, and sore throat are also symptoms of bronchitis.

            Jarvis, C. (2016). Physical Examination & Health Assessment /: 7th edition. Elsevier.


              Please Review The Following Information: What Challenges Have You Overcome? What Do You Do When

              Please Review The Following Information: What Challenges Have You Overcome? What Do You Do When

              Please review the following information: What Challenges Have You Overcome? What Do You Do When You Encounter Obstacles to Success? What Life Lessons Have Adversity Taught You? Is Struggle Essential to Happiness?


                Pick Any ‘Adult’ Acute Or Chronic Disease.  Must Use The Sample Template For Your Soap

                Pick Any ‘Adult’ Acute Or Chronic Disease.  Must Use The Sample Template For Your Soap

                Pick any "ADULT" Acute or Chronic Disease.  Must use the sample template for your soap note .

                 -Templates used from another classes will not be accepted. Student must use the template provided in this class which must clearly contain the progress note (in the Assessment section) of the encounter with the patient ( this section is clearly mark in bold, highlighted  and underlined).

                 - Follow the MRU Soap Note Rubric as a guide.

                –   Use APA format and must include minimum of 2 Scholarly Citations. 

                –  Turn it in Score must be less than 20% or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words.  The use of tempates is ok with regards to Turn it in, but the Patient History, CC, HPI, The Assessment and Plan should be of your own work and individualized to your made up patient. 

                 Below I attach the Template, which must be completed in my Soap Note # 1 work  .. I am also attaching the Soap Note Rubric as a guide.


                Please  Provide Positive Analysis For Each Paragraph With References, Independently. In Other Words, Send Comments

                Please  Provide Positive Analysis For Each Paragraph With References, Independently. In Other Words, Send Comments

                 Please  Provide positive analysis for each paragraph with references, independently. In other words, send comments and references for paragraph one, and comments and references for paragraph two, separately, 


                MATTHEW Paragraph # 1

                The findings in this article suggest a need for targeted education on local policies, the laws related to the duty to protect, civil commitment, and firearm restrictions. The study emphasized potential collaboration and cross-training involving both the clinician and law enforcement to enhance the responses to Tarasoff warnings and potentially protect the potential victims from harm. This involves understanding legal and ethical duties, effective communication, documentation, and ongoing training to ensure comprehensive responses to situations involving threats of violence by patients with mental illness. 

                SAMIA Paragraph # 2

                 In the Tarasoff case, a university student named Prosenjit Poddar confided in his psychologist, Dr. Lawrence Moore, about his intention to harm a woman named Tatiana Tarasoff. Despite this disclosure, the psychologist did not warn Tarasoff or take any action to protect her. Tragically, Poddar later murdered Tarasoff.

                The court ruled that mental health professionals have a duty to protect potential victims if they determine or reasonably should have determined that their patient poses a serious threat. This duty may include warning the potential victim, notifying law enforcement, or taking other appropriate steps to prevent harm.