Goal: Develop A Powerpoint Presentation On Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. The Presentation Must Provide Information About The Incidence,

Goal: Develop A Powerpoint Presentation On Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. The Presentation Must Provide Information About The Incidence,

Goal: Develop a PowerPoint presentation on Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

The presentation must provide information about the incidence, prevalence, and pathophysiology of the disease/disorder at the cellular level. The presentation must educate advanced practice nurses on assessment and care/treatment, including genetics/genomics—specific to this disorder. Patient education for management, cultural, and spiritual considerations for care must also be addressed. The presentation must specifically address how the disease/disorder affects 1 of the following age groups: infant/child, adult, or elderly.

Format Requirements: 

  • Presentation is original work and logically organized.
  • Followed APA format including citation of references.
  • PowerPoint presentation with 10-15 slides was clear and easy to read. Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).

  • Content Requirements:
  • Provide information about the incidence, prevalence, and pathophysiology of the disease/disorder at the cellular level.
  • Educate advanced practice nurses on assessment and care/treatment, including genetics/genomics—specific to this disorder.
  • Provide patient education for management, cultural, and spiritual considerations for care must also be addressed.
  • Must specifically address how the disease/disorder affects 1 of the following age groups: infant/child, adult, or elderly.


    Health Care In The United States Is Changing. A Paradigm Shift Is Occurring As More

    Health Care In The United States Is Changing. A Paradigm Shift Is Occurring As More

     Health care in the United States is changing. A paradigm shift is occurring as more and more health care organizations are reorganizing existing business models from inpatient to outpatient services. That being said, you have been tasked to develop a proposal for the development of a health care facility that is designed to meet the rapidly changing health care needs. Within your proposal, you are required to research and discuss the following:

    • The type of facility you are recommending and the rationale behind your recommendation. For example, if you chose an ambulatory care facility, explain the reasons why this type of facility would be recommended over another type.
    • The type of health care delivery and services that are provided at the facility.
    • The type of staff that will work in the facility. Specify the position categories and/or titles for these positions and include what are the credentials or licensures required by these positions in the state in which you live where you proposed facility would be located.

    Note: You should include a minimum of 3 references, properly cited in APA format.


      For The Discussion This Week On Ethics In Influencing Policy And Politics, Please Consider The Section

      For The Discussion This Week On Ethics In Influencing Policy And Politics, Please Consider The Section

      For the discussion this week on ethics in influencing policy and politics, please consider the section Allocation of Scarce Resources pgs. 116-119 in the book Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care 8th Edition. Include the following in your initial posting:

      • Consider the principles of distributive justice on page 116. What are some of the ethical issues that arise related to two of these principles? Name the principle and then discuss the ethical issue.
      • Answer the reflective question on page 117, regarding mental health impairments in a state without an outpatient treatment program as a member of the Emergency Nurses Association.

      Be sure to include the complete APA 7th edition reference citation for chapter 18 including Chapter author(s), name of chapter and pages, IN editor names, text name, publisher and year. 


        For This Assignment Develop Criteria 5-8 As Detailed Below:  You Will Submit Just This Section 5-8

        For This Assignment Develop Criteria 5-8 As Detailed Below:  You Will Submit Just This Section 5-8

        For this assignment develop criteria 5-8 as detailed below: 

        You will submit just this section 5-8 . Please do not resubmit Part 1. 

        Use a presentation page. Start the body of content with topic 5.

        • 5. Propose a health promotion program using an evidence-based intervention found in your literature search to address the problem in the selected population/setting. Include a thorough discussion of the specifics of this intervention which include resources necessary, those involved, and feasibility for a nurse in an advanced role. 
        • Be certain to include a timeline. (2 to 4 paragraphs- you may use bullets if appropriate). 
        • 6. Thoroughly describe the intended outcomes. Describe the outcomes in detail concurrent with the SMART goal approach. 
        • The SMART goal statement should be no more than one sentence (1 paragraph). 
        • 7. Provide a detailed plan for evaluation for each outcome. (1 paragraph). 
        • 8. Thoroughly describe possible barriers/challenges to implementing the proposed project as well as strategies to address these barriers/challenges. (1 paragraph). 
        • Finish the paper with a conclusion paragraph (1 paragraph) without typing the word "conclusion" before the paragraph. 

        Paper Requirements Your assignment should be up to 3(excluding title page and references).

         Remember, your Proposal must be a scholarly paper demonstrating graduate school level writing and critical analysis of existing nursing knowledge about health promotion. 

        Finish  with a your reference page no older than 5 years

        just submit document from 5 to 8 steps 

        NO PLAGIO MORE THAN 10 %

         DUE DATE FEBRUARY 12, 2024


        For This Week’S Assignment Respond To One Of The Following Options, And Include Option 1,

        For This Week’S Assignment Respond To One Of The Following Options, And Include Option 1,

        For this week's assignment respond to one of the following options, and include Option 1, 2, or 3 as part of your heading.

        Option 1: The first option is to name and describe in detail a key specific and recent healthcare technology. What are at least two key moral problems this technology creates? What are the proper moral guidelines for dealing with it in your view? Compare your approach to what a utilitarian and ethical egoist would say (each independently). Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.

        Option 2: In the second option, name and describe in detail a key specific and recent social technology. What are at least two key moral problems this technology creates? What are the proper moral guidelines for dealing with it in your view? Compare your moral approach to what a utilitarian and social contract ethicist would say (each independently). Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.

        Option 3: John Doe, Patient One, is in late stage of kidney disease. If he does not receive a new kidney, then he is predicted to die within a week. Doe is 45, single, and has no children. Doctors theorize that Doe damaged his kidney by not following a low-salt diet. Doe inherited one million dollars and is known for giving money to charity. Without a transplant, he will probably be forced to spend all his money searching for a kidney outside of the usual legal channels. Patient Two is Jane Doe (no relation to John). Patient Two is a mother of two children (ages 21 and 24). She is divorced and 55 years old. She developed kidney problems due to eating a high-fat and high-sugar diet. If she does not receive a kidney within one month, doctors believe she will die. Patient Three is an orphan. This orphan lives in a state facility. She was born with a genetic condition that constantly damages her kidney. The only known approach to her condition is to provide her with a kidney transplant every so often. She is 11 and has already undergone two kidney transplants. She will perish in two months if she does not receive another transplant.

        All three patients are at the same hospital. The hospital only has one kidney to give out. The orphan's birth parents were known to be of a religion that is opposed to organ donation. The other patients come from religions that do not oppose organ donation. Who should get the kidney? Why should that candidate receive it over the others? Devise a course of social action and a solution for this case by using the ethics of egoism and then utilitarianism to a key moral conflict involving health care in this case. Appraise the interests of diverse populations (in terms of ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.) and how they relate to the case. Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.

        For all the options:

        Cite the textbook and incorporate outside sources, including citations.

        You should not be using any text you used in a discussion board or assignment for this class or any previous class.

        Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.

        You will submit the following:

        • An audiovisual presentation that presents one of the options above. Be sure to give equal time to each element. Doing a PowerPoint presentation with audio recorded on the slides is preferred. Please refer to the Narrated PowerPoint Tutorial located in the Required Resources in this assignment.
        • Please provide a transcript of anything said in the recording aloud that does not appear as text on a slide. This transcript can be provided as a Word document or placed in the Notes section on the PowerPoint slides.
        • The link or a scan of the article mentioning any health technology, social technology, or case you are reporting on. If you made up the case, please indicate that in your report. If you choose to do option #3 (the case about a shortage of transplant kidneys), your article would likely be an article about the shortage of transplant organs, or a shortage of people signing up to be transplant donors, or the status of educating people about being donors, etc.


        • Length: 4-6 minutes narrated presentation 
        • Slide length: 4-6 slides (not including title slide, conclusion slide, or references slide)
        • Title slide
        • Conclusion slide
        • References slide (minimum of 2 scholarly sources cited in APA format; not narrated)


        Gastrointestinal Function: R.H. Is A 74-Year-Old Black Woman, Who Presents To The Family Practice Clinic

        Gastrointestinal Function: R.H. Is A 74-Year-Old Black Woman, Who Presents To The Family Practice Clinic


        Gastrointestinal Function:
        R.H. is a 74-year-old black woman, who presents to the family practice clinic for a scheduled appointment. She complains of feeling bloated and constipated for the past month, some-times going an entire week with only one bowel movement. Until this episode, she has been very regular all of her life, having a bowel movement every day or every other day. She reports straining most of the time and it often takes her 10 minutes at a minimum to initiate a bowel movement. Stools have been extremely hard. She denies pain during straining. A recent colonoscopy was negative for tumors or other lesions. She has not yet taken any medications to provide relief for her constipation. Furthermore, she reports frequent heartburn (3–4 times each week), most often occur-ring soon after retiring to bed. She uses three pillows to keep herself in a more upright position during sleep. On a friend’s advice, she purchased a package of over-the-counter aluminum hydroxide tablets to help relieve the heartburn. She has had some improvement since she began taking the medicine. She reports using naproxen as needed for arthritic pain her hands and knees. She states that her hands and knees are extremely stiff when she rises in the morning. Because her arthritis has been getting worse, she has stopped taking her daily walks and now gets very little exercise.

        Case Study Questions

        1. In your own words define constipation and name the risk factors that might lead to develop constipation. List recommendations you would give to a patient who is suffering from constipation. You might use a previous experience you might have.
        2. Based on the clinical manifestations on R.H. case study, name and explain signs and symptoms presented that are compatible with the constipation diagnosis. Complement your list with signs and symptoms not present on the case study.
        3. Sometimes as an associate diagnosis and a complication, patients with constipation could have anemia. Would you consider that possibility based on the information provided on the case study?


        Submission Instructions: 

        • APA style writing!!!!
        • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources (within 5 years). Your initial post is worth 8 points.


          Explain The Process And Benefits Of Blood Transfusions, The Importance Of Blood Typing And Cross-Matching,

          Explain The Process And Benefits Of Blood Transfusions, The Importance Of Blood Typing And Cross-Matching,

           Explain the process and benefits of blood transfusions, the importance of blood typing and cross-matching, and how technology can minimize potential risks. Answer in bullet points. Powerpoint format 


            Fill In The Concept Map Linked Below With The Information You Have On Your Most

            Fill In The Concept Map Linked Below With The Information You Have On Your Most


            Fill in the concept map linked below with the information you have on your most recent patient. Then look at opportunities, real or imagined, for collaborative and/or interdisciplinary care. What could you do to make everything and everyone work together for the good of the patient?

            Evaluation may be real or imagined as well. Think "outside" the realm of the clinical picture you're presented. If you believe the suggested improvements to care will benefit the patient, say so! If you are not convinced that the prescribed collaboration will be effective, say that as well.


            Each Student Is Assigned To A Group With An Assigned Topic/Research Problem.  Complete The Following

            Each Student Is Assigned To A Group With An Assigned Topic/Research Problem.  Complete The Following

            • Each student is assigned to a group with an assigned topic/research problem.  Complete the following as it relates to the topic.
            • Choose five (5) research articles identified in the search strategy formulation assignment
            • Of the chosen five articles qualitative and quantitative studies should be represented related to the Evidence-Based Research Group Project Topic. 
            • Use research articles only published within the last 5 years (2017-2022 accepted). Do not use textbooks, opinion articles, commentaries, or case studies. Students may not share articles. 
            • The research article must be referenced strictly with the AMA format using EndNote.
            • How to get EndNote
            • Use the Research Critique Template that reflects specific critique guidelines presented in Polit and Beck (2021) for quantitative or qualitative studies found on pages 102-109 and Chapter 2.
            • Answer each critique question, section by section.
            • Provide specific information from the article in the comment section to appraise each study so that the details may be understood.
            • Do not simply answer “Yes” or “No” to the questions but make critical comments about the research components of each study.
            • In each section of the critique, you are to identify the strengths and weaknesses, presenting your rationale (positive and negative critique comments) about the value of the study.

            Use this Revised Template for Research Critique Assignment.docx


            Endocrine Function: C.B. Is A Significantly Overweight, 48-Year-Old Woman From The Winnebago Indian Tribe Who

            Endocrine Function: C.B. Is A Significantly Overweight, 48-Year-Old Woman From The Winnebago Indian Tribe Who


            Endocrine Function:
            C.B. is a significantly overweight, 48-year-old woman from the Winnebago Indian tribe who had high blood sugar and cholesterol levels three years ago but did not follow up with a clinical diagnostic work-up. She had participated in the state’s annual health screening program and noticed that her fasting blood sugar was 141 and her cholesterol was 225. However, she felt “perfectly fine at the time” and could not afford any more medications. Except for a number of “female infections,” she has felt fine until recently. Today, she presents to the Indian Hospital general practitioner complaining that her left foot has been weak and numb for nearly three weeks and that the foot is difficult to flex. She denies any other weakness or numbness at this time. However, she reports that she has been very thirsty lately and gets up more often at night to urinate. She has attributed these symptoms to the extremely warm weather and drinking more water to keep hydrated. She has gained a total of 65 pounds since her last pregnancy 14 years ago, 15 pounds in the last 6 months alone.

            Case Study Questions

            1. In which race and ethnic groups is DM more prevalent? Based on C.B. clinical manifestations, please compile the signs and symptoms that she is exhibiting that are compatible with the Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 diagnosis.
            2. If C.B. develop a bacterial pneumonia on her right lower lobe, how would you expect her Glycemia values to be? Explain and support your answer.
            3. What would be the best initial therapy non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic to be recommended to C.B?


            Submission Instructions: 

            • APA style writing!!!!
            • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.