Post An Explanation Of The Results Of Your Literature Review And The Connection To

Post An Explanation Of The Results Of Your Literature Review And The Connection To

1. Post an explanation of the results of your literature review and the connection to your practice problem. Then, explain your synthesis of evidence on which to base a practice change, and the need for a practice change initiative. Be specific and provide examples.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts. 2.  Reply to this discussion 

To synthesize is to combine independent elements and form a cohesive whole. The literature review should integrate the sources, Identify patterns, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of sources or the field. Compare and contrast methods, approaches, and findings of authors. Evaluate and interpret what is known in your field and what, if anything, is missing (Walden (n.d.). The literature synthesis is intended to provide a detailed analysis and yield conclusions about the current state of science and the knowledge gaps about the topic of interest (Westlake, 2012).

A literature synthesis may be needed to answer a clinical question for implementation in practice (Westlake, 2012). As a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) provider, it is paramount to understand how to synthesize literature to create evidence-based practices and interventions that aim to promote patient safety and health outcomes. Studies have emphasized the importance of translating evidence into practice, improving safety and quality of patient care. Nurses who are integral point-of-care providers are charged with improving healthcare. Therefore, they should embrace the efforts of generating new evidence and translate it into practice effectively (White et al., 2019).

There is a gap between new developments increasing attention to reducing restraints in hospital settings and a lack of evidence-based practice for using restraints. I conducted a literature review of available data on the beneficial and adverse effects of using restraints in hospital settings. Data search was through a systematic search of the comprehensive index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) database and a systematic search of PubMed database, Google Scholar, and websites of healthcare organizations by typing keywords from the subject, Boolean operators “AND and “OR” were also used. A literature search was limited to literature published in English publication between 2019 -2023. Ten articles were selected and read for the review. This was achieved by refining the research question to what factors for reducing restraints in the hospital setting.

Practice problem, Evidence, and Practice

Aggressive and violent behaviors resulting from psychiatric and mental illness can be challenging to manage, resulting in patients being restrained physically or chemically. Researchers have demonstrated a research gap in patient safety and patients’ perceptions of staff competence in managing challenging behavior. Many researchers have raised concerns about the utilization of restrictive practices. Such practices continue to be used in healthcare even without therapeutic support. The application of restraints has been found to have adverse psychological effects on patients, and they are not effective in preventing the harmful situations they were indicated for (de Bruijn et al., 2020).

Preventing aggressive situations and reducing restrictive practices are important global healthcare issues, and it is vital to understand what causes challenging behavior (Tolli et al., 2020). A variety of factors have been proposed to reduce the use of restraint in psychiatric inpatient wards, including improving patient–staff relationships/communication, better staff training, use of clear guidelines, open ward procedures, balancing diagnosis composition, and a range of psychological and psychotherapeutic approaches (Lykke et al., 2020).

At my workplace, on average, there are about five restraints a day related to the aggressive behavior of patients' risk of harm to themselves and others. There are more restraints in the forensic units where patients are not well-medicated as they are sent to the hospital through the judicial system. The other unit with increased restraints is the adolescents' continued care unit. This could be attributed to the developmental milestone where teenagers engage in risky behaviors.


Based on my synthesis, there is excellent but conflicting evidence regarding restraints in hospital settings. Currently, there is no indication of practice change; there is a need for further research and investigation for new evidence. Implementing evidence-based practice in the healthcare system to reduce restraints requires organizational collaboration. The stakeholders need to educate staff on interventions and strategies that are aimed at reducing aggressive behaviors among patients, continue supervision of staff, peer support, debriefing, and develop tools that are aimed at reducing restraints.

3. reply to this discussion 

Teenage mental health is a growing public health concern, and despite the availability of intervention strategies to address it, the number of events has increased.  García-Carrión et al. (2019) assert that adolescence and childhood are crucial times to support mental wellness. This is because at these stages, more than half of mental health issues start. According to recent data, the prevalence of mental health issues among adolescents worldwide is on the rise.  As per the World Health Organization's (WHO) 2016 study, approximately 20% of young people suffer from mental health issues. It is well known that a lack of focused and specialized care contributes to the high rate of mental health issues among teenagers. The high rate of mental health issues in teenagers led to a more thorough analysis of the literature to determine the available therapies and their efficacy, with the following PICO question serving as a guide: In adolescents with untreated mental health (P) does the use of combined and targeted interventions (I) compared to single interventions (C) guarantee optimized treatment outcomes (O)?

A study of the literature was done using ten peer-reviewed, evidence-based research articles in order to provide a solution to the practice question mentioned above.  Overall, the assessment process showed that the application of targeted and combination interventions can improve treatment outcomes for teenage mental health issues.  All of the research that was looked at showed that when several therapies are used in tandem, it can help teenagers who are struggling with mental health issues. In this instance, a combination of therapies such as psychopharmacology, support groups, physical exercise, and psychotherapy are used.  In addressing mental health issues among adolescents, for example, a combination of psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and pharmacological treatments is associated with better outcomes than using just one intervention approach, according to studies conducted by Walter et al. (2020), Walter et al. (2022), and Kara (2022).

The understanding that mental health issues among teenagers frequently offer complicated and multifaceted obstacles that call for a customized yet all-encompassing approach to address is where the literature review results' connection to the practice problem rests. The review's conclusions have demonstrated that treating mental health issues with a single intervention may not have the expected effects. The core cause of the practice problem is the realization that the methods used to address teenage mental health issues now are inadequate to maximize health outcomes.

The evidence synthesized from the examined research emphasizes the need to address the issue of adolescent mental health through a focused and integrated approach.  Given the ineffectiveness of a single intervention, the research suggests that practices need to change.  For example, Teesson et al.'s recent randomized-controlled cluster study (2020) provided compelling evidence in favor of combination intervention to prevent teenage substance addiction, anxiety, and depression.  Psychopharmacologic and psychotherapy therapies seem to be the best options for the acute treatment of moderate-to-severe depressive disorder in children and adolescents, according to a systematic review and network meta-analysis by Zhou et al. (2020). The body of data clearly points to the need for a paradigm shift in the way that teenage mental health issues are treated, as well as the importance of using integrated, specialized, and targeted interventions to maximize results.


    2 Paragraphs  Preparing The Assignment All Students Are Required To Make One Post. You Are

    2 Paragraphs  Preparing The Assignment All Students Are Required To Make One Post. You Are

    2 paragraphs 

    Preparing the Assignment

    All students are required to make one post. You are not required to provide reply posts.

    You can use this time to have a non-structured conversation about the web site exploration links below. Provide one fact or element from the web site exploration that applies to the topics from the first four modules.  Please remember to provide a reference for all sources included in your post.

    Web Site Exploration:


       Completes Reflective Journal A.  50 Word Minimum Reflection.  B.  Summarizes New Information Learned By

       Completes Reflective Journal A.  50 Word Minimum Reflection.  B.  Summarizes New Information Learned By

      1)  Completes reflective journal

      a.  150 word minimum reflection. 

      b.  Summarizes new information learned by completing this assignment. 

      c.  Reflects on how the new knowledge will impact future behavior as a healthcare professional.

      d.  Logical reflective flow which follows standard grammatical rules with minimal (1-2) misspellings and APA where applicable.

      Detailed criteria are listed in the Grading Rubric


      Create A  2-Page Tri-Fold Pamphlet Using Any Type Of Publisher Software You Choose To

      Create A  2-Page Tri-Fold Pamphlet Using Any Type Of Publisher Software You Choose To

      * Create a  2-page tri-fold Pamphlet using any type of publisher software you choose to educate clients on a current patient safety issue.  

      For example:

      * How aging adults can care for themselves at home

      * Medication–polypharmacy and how a patient cannot make a self-medication error,

      * Or other appropriate safety issues like Fall prevention etc.

      Your pamphlet must include the following items: 

      1. At least 5 Tips for preventive care for the patient.

      2. Family/Caregiver information that should be shared with family or caregivers.

      3. Local Resources in the community that might be available for this type of safety concern.

      4. Include at least 3 APA references that are within 5 years old and follow APA format.  

      * Here are more specifics about what to include for each of these items:

      For the 5 Tips:

      Think about preventive care here and what information could be provided to the patient to prevent a safety issue. Perhaps a tip could be to add a shower bar for support. What about rugs or cords that might need to be removed? Think about your safety issue and what could be shared here. 

      Family/Caregiver information: What information could the nurse share with the family or caregiver as part of the pamphlet to provide better support for the patient? What does the family or caregiver need to know? 

      Local Resources:

      **For the local resources, you want to provide resources from your local community. Include the contact information for at least 2 resources, including phone number, full address, and how the resource can benefit your patient. Please avoid online resources as some people may not have access to the Internet. Examples could be a senior center, a public health department, maybe a specific church that is offering a workshop to promote health and wellness, a local community store, etc. Please do not list 911 as a resource. Take some time to research your community and what resources could be available from your community to support your patient. You will need at least 2 local community resources and their contact information. 


      Introduction Of The Nursing Theorist (Select Any Theorist From This Course: Mishel) Classification Of

      Introduction Of The Nursing Theorist (Select Any Theorist From This Course: Mishel) Classification Of

      .       Introduction of the Nursing Theorist (Select any theorist from this course: Mishel)

      • Classification of the theory (Middle Range, Uncertainty in illness theory).

      Elaborate this information in a word document to place on the power point ( I will be doing the PP)., with like bullet points vs full sentences. Is ok to do it in 2/3 slides.

      If you could please introduce separately an explanation of the bullets points in a paragraph, simple and short.


        Discus Online Nursing Rankings in Detail

        Discus Online Nursing Rankings in Detail

        In recent years, the demand for online nursing programs has surged, attracting students eager to pursue a nursing career while benefiting from the flexibility and convenience that online education offers. To help students make informed decisions about the best online nursing programs, various organizations and websites compile and publish annual rankings. These rankings consider several factors, such as accreditation, faculty qualifications, curriculum effectiveness, student support services, and overall reputation. Understanding these rankings is crucial for college students seeking to embark on a successful nursing journey.

        Accreditation plays a vital role in the ranking of online nursing programs. Accreditation ensures that the educational institution meets specific quality standards and that the program adequately prepares students for a nursing career. Accredited programs are recognized and respected by employers, making graduates more marketable in the job market. When reviewing online nursing rankings, students should prioritize programs with accreditation from reputable organizations such as the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) or the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).

        A crucial factor in online nursing rankings is the qualification of the faculty members. The expertise, experience, and professional backgrounds of faculty contribute significantly to the quality of education. Faculty members should possess advanced nursing degrees, real-world clinical experience, and a dedication to student success. Online programs with highly qualified faculty are more likely to provide a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum, ensuring that students receive the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the nursing profession.

        Another essential aspect considered in online nursing rankings is the effectiveness of the curriculum. A well-designed and up-to-date curriculum is vital for a nursing program to prepare students adequately. The curriculum should cover a wide range of nursing concepts, including theory and practical application. It should also provide opportunities for hands-on learning and clinical experiences, even in an online format. High-quality programs offer diverse clinical placements to expose students to various healthcare settings, ensuring a well-rounded education.

        Student support services are crucial for the success of online nursing students. As distance learners, online nursing students require excellent support to overcome challenges unique to online education. Adequate technological support, access to library resources, and 24/7 technical assistance contribute to a positive learning experience. Additionally, programs that offer regular communication and mentoring opportunities with faculty and access to academic support services such as tutoring or writing centers rank higher in online nursing rankings.

        Reputation is another factor that influences online nursing rankings. A program’s reputation reflects the overall perception and standing of the institution and its nursing program within the nursing community. Reputation is built on a combination of factors, including student satisfaction, alumni success, faculty expertise, program outcomes, and industry recognition. High-ranking programs often have a strong reputation in the nursing field, attracting top-tier faculty and consistently producing competent and successful nursing graduates.

        It is important to note that online nursing rankings are not the ultimate determinant of the best program for every individual. Students should carefully review rankings, but also consider their individual needs, goals, and circumstances when selecting an online nursing program. Factors such as cost, location, scheduling flexibility, and specific program offerings should also be assessed. Furthermore, students should research and gather information directly from the programs under consideration to ensure they align with personal preferences and provide the necessary resources and support.

        In conclusion, understanding online nursing rankings is vital for college students looking to embark on a nursing career through an online program. Accreditation, faculty qualifications, curriculum effectiveness, student support services, and reputation are key factors considered in these rankings. However, students must also consider their individual needs and circumstances when selecting an online nursing program, as rankings are not the sole determinant of program quality. By considering a combination of rankings, personal preferences, and program information, students will be well-equipped to choose the program that best suits their nursing career goals.

        Proposed Federal Nursing Home Staffing Standards

        Proposed Federal Nursing Home Staffing Standards

        In recent years, the issue of staffing in nursing homes has gained significant attention due to concerns about the quality of care provided to residents. As a result, there have been calls for the implementation of federal nursing home staffing standards to ensure that adequate levels of care are being provided. This essay will discuss the rationale behind these proposed standards and the potential benefits they could bring to the healthcare industry.

        First and foremost, the proposed federal nursing home staffing standards aim to address the issue of understaffing in nursing homes. Many nursing homes across the country have been found to be severely understaffed, leading to inadequate care for residents. By establishing standardized staffing requirements, these standards would ensure that a sufficient number of skilled and qualified healthcare professionals are available to meet the needs of the residents. This is particularly important considering the complex and often delicate healthcare needs of nursing home residents.

        Furthermore, the implementation of federal nursing home staffing standards would also contribute to improving the quality of care provided. Adequate staffing levels have a direct impact on the quality of care, as overworked and overwhelmed staff may find it challenging to provide individualized attention to each resident. By ensuring that staffing levels are sufficient, these standards would facilitate improved monitoring of residents’ health conditions, timely administration of medications, and better management of chronic illnesses.

        Additionally, implementing federal nursing home staffing standards would also help address the issue of high turnover rates among nursing home staff. Inadequate staffing often leads to burnout among healthcare professionals, resulting in high turnover rates within the industry. This not only disrupts continuity of care but also impacts the overall morale and job satisfaction of the remaining staff members. By mandating minimum staffing levels, the proposed standards would potentially improve job satisfaction, reduce burnout, and attract more qualified professionals to the field, ultimately benefiting residents and the entire healthcare industry.

        Furthermore, the proposed standards would also contribute to creating a safer environment for nursing home residents. Inadequate staffing has been associated with increased rates of adverse events, such as falls and medication errors. By ensuring that there is sufficient staff-to-resident ratios, the likelihood of these adverse events could be significantly reduced. This is crucial in maintaining the safety and well-being of the vulnerable elderly population residing in nursing homes.

        Lastly, implementing federal nursing home staffing standards would also enhance transparency and accountability within the industry. These standards could require nursing homes to regularly report their staffing levels and nurse-to-resident ratios, allowing for greater visibility into the quality of care provided. This information could help families make informed decisions when choosing a nursing home for their loved ones. Moreover, increased transparency would hold nursing homes accountable for meeting these standards and encourage continuous improvement in the quality of care.

        In conclusion, the proposed federal nursing home staffing standards aim to address the pressing issue of understaffing within nursing homes. By establishing standardized staffing requirements, these standards would improve care quality, reduce turnover rates, enhance resident safety, and promote transparency and accountability. Implementing these standards would be a crucial step towards ensuring that nursing home residents receive the high-quality care they require and deserve.

        Your written assignment for this module is a worksheet that describes the following:

        Your written assignment for this module is a worksheet that describes the following:

        Your written assignment for this module is a worksheet that describes the following: The difference between hypothermia and hyperthermia and the impact to the patient? Patient education for client and family in order to avoid extreme temperature variations? NUR2349_Module10_HypothermiaandHyperthermiaWorksheet.docx

        Your Assignment for Week 9 is to provide 1-one Hospital Survey Overview -Assessment & Report

        Your Assignment for Week 9 is to provide 1-one Hospital Survey Overview -Assessment & Report

        Your Assignment for Week 9 is to provide 1-one Hospital Survey Overview -Assessment & Report of Findings.  Be sure to include the name of the Hospital Organization or Entity and Your Name at the top of the Report of Findings. Post the completed Survey and Critique to the Discussion Board. Save and Post the document by the following naming  conventions:       Hospital_Organization_Location-StudentName ‘NTHCS_VA_Dallas-RByars.ppt and NTHCS_VA_Dallas-RByars.doc’ Do this on Texas Health Memorial (Behavioral)  800 W Randal mill road, Arlington, 76012 I have attached example for this assignment Please follow that______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Save and Post the document by the following naming   conventions:     BlankHospitalEntityOverviewWorksheet.docxVAHospitalEntityOverviewExample-1.pdf

        Your friend is on a weight loss diet She consumes 1600 calories/day and to date

        Your friend is on a weight loss diet She consumes 1600 calories/day and to date

        Your friend is on a weight loss diet. She consumes 1600 calories/day and to date has lost 10 pounds (over the past two months). You invite her to your place for a home cooked dinner. She typically consumes 600 calories for dinner. Prepare a 600-calorie healthy meal for her using the calorie from (see the URL below; use the calorie charts on the left side of the page). Also, note that because of a family history of heart disease, your friend is watching her saturated fat intake. After you have prepared a menu for a 600-calorie meal, analyze the meal for numbers of servings of fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, protein foods, and liquid vegetable oils. Is the meal you prepared healthy? Please describe. 2. Now, you and your friend would like to have a very casual dinner at a fast-food restaurant. Choose a fast food restaurant where you would like to eat and select a 600-calorie meal. Please describe if the meal is healthy. Use the URL below to select your food choices.  3.  How appetizing is the meal you created?   What are the two takeaways you gained by completing this activity?