You Are An Analyst For A Federal Agency. Congress Has Ordered Your Agency To Come

You Are An Analyst For A Federal Agency. Congress Has Ordered Your Agency To Come

You are an analyst for a federal agency. Congress has ordered your agency to come up with policy options to find a cure for birth defects. You recognize that (a) birth defects have many causes, (b) some can be treated, (c) some can also be prevented, but (d) not all of them can be “cured.” You analyze this issue using the core functions of public health and the problem-solving process outlined under Core Functions of Public Health. 

Based on the information about spina bifida in this chapter, you decide it should be the focus for policymaking on birth defects. You decide to propose four options to Congress: more research on treatment of spina bifida, more health education for women about folic acid, more promotion of birth control to reduce the proportion of unplanned pregnancies in the country, and new regulations to increase the amount of folic acid in grain products. You may also see other options, so be sure to discuss them! 

1. For each option, what would you need to know to determine effectiveness? Cost-effectiveness? 

2. What are the tradeoffs in each course of action?
3. Who would support this option, who would be opposed, and does it matter?
4. Is there a single best option? Why? 


    What Kind Of Group Does Tom Discuss That Can Determine Your Success Or Failure? He

    What Kind Of Group Does Tom Discuss That Can Determine Your Success Or Failure? He


    What kind of group does Tom discuss that can determine your success or failure?
    He also discusses "you will become the combined average of people you hang around most."
    How many people does he suggest hanging around and what are the three areas you and your
    "people" will experience together?
    Do you think you can identify your “people” that you spend most of your time with?


      When Evaluating A Patient With Heart Failure, How Do You Determine The Optimal Pharmacological Regimen

      When Evaluating A Patient With Heart Failure, How Do You Determine The Optimal Pharmacological Regimen

      When evaluating a patient with heart failure, how do you determine the optimal pharmacological regimen for their management? Considerations may include the patient's New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), and any specific comorbidities.


        Utilizing The Narrative Below Discuss Historical Trauma From The Perspective Of Providing Care For Na

        Utilizing The Narrative Below Discuss Historical Trauma From The Perspective Of Providing Care For Na

        Utilizing the narrative below discuss historical trauma from the perspective of providing care for NA children in foster care.


        An Indian agent arrives at the home of a Native couple who have a 6-year-old female Native child named Velma. According to law, Velma must attend an “Indian” boarding school, which is 25 miles from their home. Velma is forcibly removed from her home and family, flailing and crying for her parents, who are both visibly upset. She is transported to a government “Indian” boarding school. Upon her arrival, Velma is told to remove her clothing. She is “deloused” and clothed in an ill-fitting dress and hard leather lace-up shoes. Velma is then taken to have her hair cropped short and is then brought to a dormitory with many other girls of various ages and tribes. Velma is told that if she needs anything, she must ask for it in English, which is a language she doesn’t speak or understand.

        The mornings are spent with housekeeping duties and the afternoons with classwork and learning homemaking skills. The nights are filled with sadness, and the sounds of Velma’s sadness mix with those of others in her dormitory. One night Velma flees the school and makes her way home. The next afternoon the Indian agent arrives with law enforcement and Velma is returned to the “Indian” boarding school. This process is repeated several times until Velma finally accepts her fate. With the exception of a visit during the holidays, she doesn’t see her parents or home for the next 8 years.

        When Velma finally “graduates” from the boarding school, she is a stranger in her own home and community, fitting in neither with her Native family nor with the White community.


        Please note the grading rubric. The submission should be minimally 2 pages not counting the cover page and references.




        DUE DATE FEBRUARY 4, 2024


          Watch The Case Scenario And Write A Reflection That Addresses The Following Questions: 1. What

          Watch The Case Scenario And Write A Reflection That Addresses The Following Questions: 1. What

           Watch the case scenario and write a reflection that addresses the following questions:

          1. What does the term "understaffing" or "short-staffing" mean?

          2. What is the ICU nurse–patient ratio in the state (Texas) you live in?

          3. List three or more issues identified in the case study video.

          4. Describe at least two strategies the nurses can implement to address the understaffing on the unit.

          5. What is your experience witnessing short-staffing during your clinical or work experience? If you do not have this experience, add what organizations, such as the ANA and the NLN, are doing to address understaffing or short-staffing.

           # Include the following headings:

          *Understaffing/ICU Nurse–Patient Ratio

          *Issues Related to Understaffing

          *Strategies to Address Understaffing

          *Student Experience

          Helpful resource:


          Use This Case Study To Create One, Complete Nursing Diagnosis. The Nursing Diagnosis Should Be

          Use This Case Study To Create One, Complete Nursing Diagnosis. The Nursing Diagnosis Should Be


          Use this case study to create one, complete nursing diagnosis. The nursing diagnosis should be one of the top three nursing diagnoses for this patient. A priority nursing diagonsis is one that applicable to the major presenting problem(s).

          Case study:

          An 80-year-old White male was admitted s/p L hemiarthroplasty yesterday after a fall. No other acute injuries were treated. Patient is married and his wife and daughter are at the bedside. Patient has a history of type 2 diabetes but does not require medication normally, though he is currently on a sliding scale of insulin since surgery. He had an Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy secondary to adenocarcinoma of the esophagus and stomach 9 months ago. He also had gamma knife radiation for a left temporal mass (7 months ago) which was found coincidentally when diagnosed with a CVA.

          He has a port-a-cath in his right upper chest which is not accessed. He has a left-hand peripheral IV of normal saline at 100 cc/hour and the pump that is alarming (which is what brought you into the room). His IV site is swollen and red.

          He is alert and oriented Xs 3. HOB must be at 30 degrees at all times. Patient is 6 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 168 pounds. Skin is extremely fragile and tears easily. He currently has a reddened area over his coccyx, though skin is intact. Patient must not drink fluids within 30 minutes of meals, must eat a small, high-protein meal every 2 to 3 hours, and must rest at least 20 minutes after eating; otherwise he experiences dumping syndrome.

          Vitals: BP 150/68 (supine); P 70; R 24; O2 at 97% on room air. Breath sounds diminished in lower lobes bilaterally. Bowel sounds are decreased in all quadrants. Left hip dressing is dry and intact. Client states his pain is a 6 out of 10; he was last medicated 4 hours ago and has asked to have pain medicine and nausea medicine at the next opportunity. Pedal pulses are present bilaterally, no swelling. Blood work indicates Hgb of 8.1.

          When physical therapy (PT) attended earlier, patient stood at bedside with walker and assistance, but quickly became nauseous and weak and was unable to transfer to the chair. Client lives with wife of 60 years. There are two steps into the residence, and patient was independent with all ADLs prior to the fall. He is currently resting; a soft meal was brought in, but patient has refused to eat or drink since he fell 2 days ago.

          The following list contains common NANDA approved nursing diagnosis examples. You can use these to help get ideas on how to develop your nursing care plan. If you have access to current care plan books, you are welcome to refer to these as well for nursing diagnoses and interventions. Whatever you decide to use, be sure to include a reference for it.

          · Activity Intolerance

          · Acute Pain

          · Anxiety

          · Chronic Pain

          · Constipation

          · Decreased Cardiac Output

          · Deficient Fluid Volume

          · Deficient Knowledge

          · Diarrhea

          · Excess Fluid Volume

          · Fatigue

          · Fear

          · Grieving

          · Hopelessness

          · Hyperthermia

          · Hypothermia

          · Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements

          · Impaired Gas Exchange

          · Impaired Tissue (Skin) Integrity

          · Impaired Urinary Elimination

          · Ineffective Airway Clearance

          · Ineffective Breathing Pattern

          · Ineffective Tissue Perfusion

          · Risk for Falls

          · Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity

          · Risk for Infection

          · Risk for Injury

          · Risk for Unstable Blood Glucose Level

          Additional examples of care plans can be found here:

          The concept map can be any shape or color, but must include the criteria listed in the rubric and be reasonable to read. In the past, students have chosen to use powerpoint, draw on a paper and upload, or for the tech savvy used various apps to design their concept map of the careplan they have chosen. Check the course schedule to see due dates for assignments.

          Make sure to use the following criteria,

          -Chief Complaint, 

          Describe the primary concern that caused the patient to seek healthcare.

          Past medical history

          Include as much as you are able to determine

          -Priority Nursing Dx

          The nursing diagnosis cannot be a medical diagnosis. It must also be the address the most concerning patient problem (what is most dangerous to the person's health at the moment and needs to be resolved as soon as possible).

          Related to

          Contributing factors influencing the change in health status. No medical diagnoses can be used unless they are addressed as secondary. (see example below).

          Risk for Decreased Cardiac Output related to reduced preload secondary to myocardial infarction as evidence by patient reporting angina, decreased venous and arterial oxygen saturation, hypotension (80/56).

          -Defining Characteristics

          Give two examples of objective data that supports your nursing diagnosis. Give one example of subjective data that supports your nursing diagnosis.

          -Short term goal

          Include a short term goal related to your patient AND priority nursing dx that is S.M.A.R.T. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound

          -Long Term Goal

          Include a long term goal related to your patient AND priority nursing dx that is S.M.A.R.T.


          Include 8 interventions you can use to meet the short term and long term goals.
          One must be a medication and one must be something non-pharmacological. Only one intervention can be an assessment or continue to assess.

          -Evaluation- follow up physical assessment

          Normally in the evaluation phase, you would include any new assessment findings for each intervention that was chosen. In this case, you can create your own findings to demonstrate what you would expect to find after the interventions have been implemented.

          -Evaluation of goals- short term

          Determine if the short term goal was met, partially met, or not met. Indicate why you have chosen your answer.

          -Evaluation of goals: long term goal

          Determine if the long term goal was met, partially met, or not met. Indicate why you have chosen your answer.

          Must include reference in APA 7th edition format.


            Using At Least 4 Current (Within The Past 5 Years), Relevant, Peer-Reviewed Resources, Create A

            Using At Least 4 Current (Within The Past 5 Years), Relevant, Peer-Reviewed Resources, Create A


            Using at least 4 current (within the past 5 years), relevant, peer-reviewed resources, create a literature review that does the following:

            • Describes the project's topic, resources reviewed, and conclusions of each article.
            • Summarizes the principal findings of the research and their relevance to the project's proposed outcomes.


            Using The Chamberlain University Library, Search For A Recent (Published Within The Last Five Years)

            Using The Chamberlain University Library, Search For A Recent (Published Within The Last Five Years)

             Using the Chamberlain University library, search for a recent (published within the last five years) evidence- based article from a scholarly journal that addresses.  



            Using The Criteria Presented In Discussion 2 (Attached), Critique The Theory Of Self-Efficacy Using The

            Using The Criteria Presented In Discussion 2 (Attached), Critique The Theory Of Self-Efficacy Using The

            Using the criteria presented in Discussion 2 (attached), critique the theory of Self-Efficacy using the internal and external criticism evaluation process.

            Please include 400 words in your initial post with two scholarly articles


            Using The Format Build A Soamp Note With Scholarly References No Older Than 5 Years 

            Using The Format Build A Soamp Note With Scholarly References No Older Than 5 Years 

             using the format build a soaMp note with scholarly references no older than 5 years 

            for an Adult with Acute Otitis Media