Record any broad or specific goals that you have for your practicum experience. Think about

Record any broad or specific goals that you have for your practicum experience. Think about

Record any broad or specific goals that you have for your practicum experience. Think about the following questions: What specific skills do you hope to obtain or develop? What contributions do you hope to make to the clinical site? What contacts or networks do you hope to establish? How do you want to be different at the end of this clinical rotation? Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted, and cited in current APA style with support from at least 3 academic sources.

Realtors rely on detailed property appraisals”conducted using appraisal tools”to assign market values to houses and

Realtors rely on detailed property appraisals”conducted using appraisal tools”to assign market values to houses and

Realtors rely on detailed property appraisals”conducted using appraisal tools”to assign market values to houses and other properties. These values are then presented to buyers and sellers to set prices and initiate offers. Research appraisal is not that different. The critical appraisal process utilizes formal appraisal tools to assess the results of research to determine value to the context at hand. Evidence-based practitioners often present these findings to make the case for specific courses of action. In this Assignment, you will use an appraisal tool to conduct a critical appraisal of published research. You will then present the results of your efforts. To Prepare: Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in Module 2 and the four systematic reviews (or other filtered high- level evidence) you selected in Module 3. Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in Module 2 and analyzed in Module 3. Review and download the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template provided in the Resources. The Assignment (Evidence-Based Project) Part 3A: Critical Appraisal of Research Conduct a critical appraisal of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected by completing the Evaluation Table within the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template. Choose a total of four peer- reviewed articles that you selected related to your clinical topic of interest in Module 2 and Module 3. Note: You can choose any combination of articles from Modules 2 and 3 for your Critical Appraisal. For example, you may choose two unfiltered research articles from Module 2 and two filtered research articles (systematic reviews) from Module 3 or one article from Module 2 and three articles from Module 3. You can choose any combination of articles from the prior Module Assignments as long as both modules and types of studies are represented. Part 3B: Critical Appraisal of Research Based on your appraisal, in a 1-2-page critical appraisal, suggest a best practice that emerges from the research you reviewed. Briefly explain the best practice, justifying your proposal with APA citations of the research.

read the case, and then respond to the questions asked in the text about that

read the case, and then respond to the questions asked in the text about that

read the case, and then respond to the questions asked in the text about that particular case. Students should make sure to pay particular attention to moral principles and theories in order to support their responses, making clear and correct use of the various theories and principles we have discussed in class so far. Students are encouraged to deal with each question individually, to ensure that they have fully answered the questions following the case.  Case1.jpgCasequestion.jpgCase.jpg

Read the future of nursing 2020-2030 (The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a path to

Read the future of nursing 2020-2030 (The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a path to

Read the future of nursing 2020-2030 (The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity 1. In what ways does nurses’ social covenant with society impact leadership and diversity? 2. How does the Future of Nursing (FON) report enhance nurses’ capacity to address diversity, equity and inclusion.  3. What is the role of ethics in the Future of Nursing report and our social contract with society? 4. How do these documents relate to the advanced practice nurse?

Read the scenario. You are at the local health center, distributing information about the community

Read the scenario. You are at the local health center, distributing information about the community

Read the scenario. You are at the local health center, distributing information about the community efforts to promote an active walking plan. The center is crowded, and several clients are requesting information. You are providing written instructions and a brochure to a client. This client has requested information about participating in a community program that is directed toward improving physical activity by promoting a family walking program. At the end of the walking program, the family that has achieved the most steps in the walking program will receive a year’s membership to a local fitness center. Several of the participants are asking questions. You notice that the client has not read the brochure or instructions. When you ask if the client’s family would participate in the free fitness center membership if they win, the client responds with a question. ‘A free family membership at the fitness center is the prize?’ You appraise the situation and realize that the client might not be able to read the brochure. Step 2 Post a response to the discussion board by Wednesday at 11:59 pm Mountain Time Answer the following questions in your initial response: Describe two techniques used in your practice that you would use with the client to facilitate learning. Describe the steps you would take in creating a supportive learning environment or sharing information to support this client. Describe how you would informally assess the reading level of this client.

Question 1: Monumental Architecture and Sculpture The cultures we studied this week produced architecture and

Question 1: Monumental Architecture and Sculpture The cultures we studied this week produced architecture and

Question 1: Monumental Architecture and Sculpture The cultures we studied this week produced architecture and monumental sculpture, in addition to smaller works of art. Locate three examples of architecture or monumental sculpture from three different cultures listed here: India, China, Japan, Korea, or the Pacific Cultures. First, completely identify each structure or sculpture you would like to discuss by listing its name, date, and location. In a minimum of 3 well-developed paragraphs address the following questions: Who created each work of architecture or sculpture? Who commissioned its creation? What historical events or social or cultural influences affected the creation of each work? How do the visual characteristics of each work contribute to or enhance its message or meaning? How do the reasons these works were created compare with those of a more modern example of monumental art work, such as Mount Rushmore, the 9/11 Memorial, etc.? Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific details about each work of architecture or monumental sculpture. Question 2: The Function of Art Objects Some of the art objects created by the cultures surveyed this week, whether African masks, Japanese tea bowls, or Micronesian navigational charts, served functional roles in their society. Locate three such objects, one each from the following: Asia, Africa, or the Pacific Cultures. First, completely identify each object you would like to discuss by listing its name, date, and location. In a minimum of 2 well-developed paragraphs discuss: What was the function of each object at the time of its creation? What historical events or social or cultural influences affected the creation of each work? How do the visual characteristics of each object contribute to or enhance our understanding of its meaning? Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific details about each work. Respond to both questions as thoroughly as possible, making sure to use information from the readings and the lectures. All responses should be in complete sentence form, using proper spelling and grammar.

Question 1: Nursing Diagnosis on Schizophrenia in African American. Mainly focus on disturbed thought processes

Question 1: Nursing Diagnosis on Schizophrenia in African American. Mainly focus on disturbed thought processes

Question 1: Nursing Diagnosis on Schizophrenia in African American. Mainly focus on disturbed thought processes And Planning how to address these issues. Nursing diagnosis written in correct format related to health issue/circumstance and appropriate effective intervention. Format: (Problem or situation) + related to + (cause) +as evidenced by + (subjective or objective data).  Example: High syphilis rates in XCommunity related to unsafe sexual practices as evidenced by lack of condom use. – -

Psychiatric notes are a way to reflect on your practicum experiences and connect the experiences

Psychiatric notes are a way to reflect on your practicum experiences and connect the experiences

Psychiatric notes are a way to reflect on your practicum experiences and connect the experiences to the learning you gain from your weekly Learning Resources. Focused SOAP notes, such as the ones required in this practicum course, are often used in clinical settings to document patient care.  For this Assignment, you will document information about a patient that you examined during the last 4 weeks, using the Focused SOAP Note Template provided. You will then use this note to develop and record a case presentation for this patient.   PatientDocumentationfor2ndPresentation.docxNRNPPRAC6665and6675FocusedSOAPNoteExemplar1.docxNRNPPRAC66656675FocusedSOAPNoteTemplate.docPRAC_6665_Week7_Assignment2_RubricDetails.htmlFocusedSOAPNoteandPatientCasePresentationDirectionsandInstruction.docx

Psychotic disorders and schizophrenia are some of the most complicated and challenging diagnoses in the

Psychotic disorders and schizophrenia are some of the most complicated and challenging diagnoses in the

Psychotic disorders and schizophrenia are some of the most complicated and challenging diagnoses in the DSM. The symptoms of psychotic disorders may appear quite vivid in some patients; with others, symptoms may be barely observable. Additionally, symptoms may overlap among disorders. For example, specific symptoms, such as neurocognitive impairments, social problems, and illusions may exist in patients with schizophrenia but are also contributing symptoms for other psychotic disorders. For this Assignment, you will analyze a case study related to schizophrenia, another psychotic disorder, or a medication-induced movement disorder.casestudyweek7assignment2.docxtemperatewk7.docx

Purpose of Assignment This assignment will address the current issues in pediatric healthcare related to

Purpose of Assignment This assignment will address the current issues in pediatric healthcare related to

Purpose of Assignment This assignment will address the current issues in pediatric healthcare related to safety. Growth and development is an important factor that should be considered along with safety in many areas of pediatric health alterations. Many times the health alterations experienced by children can be prevented if safety education is provided. Competency Prioritize nursing interventions when caring for pediatric clients with health disorders. Instructions This discussion will focus on the importance of teaching a chosen safety concern in the pediatric population. You will present your response in the discussion addressing the following questions: (discussion should be 300 words). Initial Post: Determine the age and developmental stage and how that impacts the child related to the safety concern. Describe why you believe the safety education you chose will benefit the pediatric population. Who do you believe is the target age range for this specific educational teaching? Describe at least three nursing diagnoses related to the incident you are providing teaching to prevent. Support your choices with rationales citing 1-2 scholarly sources. Response Posts: Respond to two classmates’ posts with a different safety education than you chose and add additional rationale for why this type of education is beneficial. Cite 1-2 scholarly sources to support each response.