Ethnocentrism leads to prejudice and is the belief that one’s own race, nation, or culture

Ethnocentrism leads to prejudice and is the belief that one’s own race, nation, or culture

Ethnocentrism leads to prejudice and is the belief that one’s own race, nation, or culture is superior to all others. In contrast, examine how cultural relativism, (the judging of a culture by the standards of others) can affect society by influencing prejudice and discrimination. RESOURCES Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.  WEEKLY RESOURCES BY DAY 3 Post 200-250 words providing examples of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism in your immediate environment and your experiences, addressing the following: How does ethnocentrism lead to prejudice and discrimination? Provide an example from your personal life or your observation of the world around you. Identify the aspects of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism in your example. How can ethnocentrism be avoided to create a culturally sensitive environment?

Evaluation Plan Project: Evaluation Methodology The why who when what and how of HIT and

Evaluation Plan Project: Evaluation Methodology The why who when what and how of HIT and

Evaluation Plan Project: Evaluation Methodology The why, who, when, what, and how of HIT and informatics systems are the threads that are woven throughout the evaluation plan. They help formulate viewpoints and guide goals. Answers to these questions help ensure the positive effects of health information technology and systems on outcomes. For this work, reflect on viewpoints and the answers to key questions about Health Information Technology Evaluation related to Interoperability. Then, describe the evaluation methodology plan to be used to evaluate the situation in a case study (need to develop a case study). Work requirement: In a 3-page describe the evaluation methodology plan to be used to evaluate interoperability in Health Information Technology (HIT).  Be sure to address the following: Specify which research design, information sources, and data collection methods to use. Identify the types of analyses to perform on the gathered data. Provide a list of the stakeholders in your selected case study. Justify your selections. Write a paragraph describing the key components of your evaluation”the who, what, when, where, and how of your evaluation. Explain how you would measure success in your evaluation. Be specific. Explain how you would summarize your results. Be specific.Rubric.pdf

Eduardo Galeano’s Upside Down: Primer for a Looking-Glass World is a rant, tirade, and tantrum made up

Eduardo Galeano’s Upside Down: Primer for a Looking-Glass World is a rant, tirade, and tantrum made up

Eduardo Galeano’s Upside Down: Primer for a Looking-Glass World is a rant, tirade, and tantrum made up almost entirely of accusations, which can come across overbearing, but do we perhaps need overbearing right about now in this age of gross social injustice? This upside down world is one in which crime and sin are rewarded and virtue and humility are exploited and victimized. A looking-glass reverses an image rather than turning it upside-down which is the more accurate metaphor for injustice? In what ways does Galeano exploit this image? Olive Senior’s Gardening in the Tropics uses the garden as a metaphor for searching in the past and discussing how all dead things ultimately decay and transform into food for something else. How does Senior use this motif to discuss cultural politics in the Caribbean? Gardening takes place somewhere in between civilization and wilderness why does this poet seem so interested in this particular site?

EJ is a 28-year-old female. She is being admitted for Gastric Bypass Surgery. She is

EJ is a 28-year-old female. She is being admitted for Gastric Bypass Surgery. She is

EJ is a 28-year-old female. She is being admitted for Gastric Bypass Surgery. She is 5’6” and 265 pounds. She has a history of Diabetes and hypertension, she is not on medications at the time. What client education topics are important to reinforce for this client? How will this client’s diet be advanced? What complications can occur after this surgery? What is Dumping Syndrome and what are some interventions to help prevent its development?

Emergency PreparednessFirst review the pdf file StartTriage & the StartTriage Algorithm to learn how

Emergency PreparednessFirst review the pdf file StartTriage & the StartTriage Algorithm to learn how

Emergency Preparedness  First, review the pdf file StartTriage & the StartTriage Algorithm to learn how first responders complete a rapid triage assessment in a mass-casualty event. NOTE; the two document startTriage and startTriage algorithm is uploaded down below. Then you answer these 4 questions Complete the following on a separate word document.  Identify each level of triaged patient in a mass casualty event (4) and then give an example of each. You may use the StartTriage resources to create your patient scenarios. KEEP IT SIMPLE! 2. Identify the 3 most likely disaster events that could impact your household 3. Create an evacuation plan for the members of your household for these disasters. When would you evacuate? When would you shelter in place? Where would you go? How would you get there? What if not all members of the household were at home when the time came to evacuate? What would be the communication protocol in this situation? 4. Make a list of the items that you would place in a 3-day disaster kit for your household. Use the CDC or Red Cross website to find recommendations for items to include. Are there any special items not suggested by the CDC or Red Cross that you would include for yourself or another family member? Why?STARTAlgorithm.docxStartTriage.pdfEmergencyPreparednessAssignment.docx

DQ 5 Community as a Client Using  your own community as a frame of reference

DQ 5 Community as a Client Using  your own community as a frame of reference

DQ 5 Community as a Client Using  your own community as a frame of reference, develop examples  illustrating the concepts of: community, community client, community  health and partnership for health. Discuss community cohesion, available  resources and motivation to fix identified problems in your community.  You may also use information from your community assessment to answer  these questions.

DQ Awareness of magnetic healing is gaining credibility in the United States and is being

DQ Awareness of magnetic healing is gaining credibility in the United States and is being

DQ      Awareness of magnetic healing is gaining credibility in the United States and is being applied by increasing numbers of conventional as well as alternative health care practitioners as an adjunct therapy Fontaine, 2019).  How would you increase awareness in you patients on magnetic healing and teach them the benefits of this type of therapy?    DQ2      How did animal-assisted therapy become prominent in healthcare? How is it used in physical and cognitive therapy?  DQ3       Consider the hurricane Andrew or Katrina, then put yourself in the role of the Local Emergency Management Agency Coordinator and answer the following questions. What helpful or positive role can the local media play in helping to resolve the crisis? How does one facilitate that to happen? 2. What kind of training, education, and experience do you believe should be required to be an effective and competent manager of a crisis such as the scenario one described above? 3. Given a natural disaster such as is contained in this scenario, how do you go about coordinating and communicating an effective response?    DQ4      Expand on the background and concepts of Ayurvedic medicine and how it is tied to health and illness. DQ5     Here are a lot of individuals that have addictions, whether they are drinking alcohol, eating chocolate, gambling on blackjack, buying plaid sport coats, overspending on credit cards, or reading the sports page at breakfast. Anything that we start out wanting and not necessarily needing but end up either psychologically or physically craving may be considered addicting. Such addictive behaviors may be as simple as not being able to pass the candy bar machine to attending every place with them. What would be some of the the difficulties they will face in forgoing their addiction for a day.?

DQ Marta ‹Shamans view health and illness from a different perspective compared to the conventional medical perception: shamanic views associate

DQ Marta ‹Shamans view health and illness from a different perspective compared to the conventional medical perception: shamanic views associate

DQ Marta   ‹Shamans view health and illness from a different perspective compared to the conventional medical perception: shamanic views associate energetic loss and spiritual connection or disconnection with certain types of diseases (Lawson, 2016). For example, illnesses such as anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders are spiritually connectedand require spiritual intervention rather than conventional medicinal treatments. Further, similar signs and symptoms are not caused by the same energetic loss, and therefore, each requires a different spiritual approach. ‹Shamans approach the healing process through prayers because they believe diseases are caused by various etiological factors, including malevolent agents and evil spirits. Hence, rituals performed by special persons are the remedies for most ailments, although they might include herbalists to prescribe traditional medicines. Additionally, the shamanic view involves prevention measures such as burnt incense to keep away evil spirits, black magic, and other disease-causing agents (Penkala-Gawęcka, 2017). Similar to the conventional medication processes, the shamanic approach recognizes a specialized person, a healer who performs the rituals by invoking the ancestral spirits and prescribing herbal medicine, while the prevention measures are carried out by everyone, especially the parents and elders, to protect their children and families.  ‹Nurses interact with various patients whose perspective toward life and the afterlife varies. In most cases, terminally ill patients or patients with life-threatening conditions ask questions about the meaning of life and the nature of spirituality (Goldstein, 2019). Nurses with shamanic perspectives easily and deeply engage the patients in religious philosophies and spirituality. Indeed, the shamanic approach to health and illness adds to holistic nursing practices.  DQ2 Yirlem  Natural disasters cause negative consequences on communities and states as they wreak havoc and cause loss of lives and property. Tornadoes are common examples of disasters that have resulted in devastating effects on communities. The catastrophes, also, result in situations of competing needs and claims from the affected societies. Distributive justice ensures the distribution of benefits and equal allocation of burdens in situations of scarce resources.             In 2021, a series of tornadoes ripped across six states killing hundreds of individuals. The states of Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, Illinois, and Arkansas were greatly affected by the disaster. Most casualties were reported in Kentucky, with at least 74 people dead, which was recorded ad the worst event in the state’s history (Cohen, 2021). Most homes were reduced to nothing resulting in displacements of most families. The impact affected life and livelihoods causing pressure on nearby accommodations as people moved to find shelter.           The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was tasked with implementing initiatives that reduce barriers to accessing and delivering equitable outcomes for all survivors. The government agency commits to serving all individuals regardless of differences in their backgrounds and existing language barriers (FEMA, 2021). The ethical principle of justice, distributive justice, aims to offer relief assistance in all situations to all affected societies (James and Gilliland, 2016). Personnel who have experience working with Hispanic and Latino communities were assigned to reduce the potential ethnic barriers.

DQ Discuss the shamanic worldview of health and illness and how it pertains to the practice

DQ Discuss the shamanic worldview of health and illness and how it pertains to the practice

DQ Discuss the shamanic worldview of health and illness and how it pertains to the practice of nursing.     DQ2  Pick a contemporary natural disaster with which everyone is familiar. The natural disaster selected for discussion should be one that affected a cross-section of society. Discuss how the concept of distributive justice was applied in that situation. Look and review a variety of contrasting perspectives based upon differences in socioeconomic status, gender, race & ethnicity, disability, age, proximity of victims to important places in the vicinity, and other demographic factors.

Discussion: How should nurses assure policy change for advanced practice registered nurses? What role does

Discussion: How should nurses assure policy change for advanced practice registered nurses? What role does

Discussion: How should nurses assure policy change for advanced practice registered nurses? What role does the Affordable Care Act (ACA) play in addressing workforce shortages in rural communities? Requirements: – Formatted and cited in current APA 7  – The discussion must address the topic – Rationale must be provided – Use at least 600 words (no included 1st page or references in the 600 words) – Use 3 academic sources. Not older than 5 years – Not Websites are allowed. – Plagiarism is NOT allowed