Create an organizational chart for each organizational structure discussed above and describe which one applies

Create an organizational chart for each organizational structure discussed above and describe which one applies

Create an organizational chart for each organizational structure discussed above and describe which one applies to the clinical site or your work environment. Develop simple mission statements that could be supported by each type of structure and present a rationale for their selection of the type of structure.

Create a concept map for one of the topics from the list below:

Create a concept map for one of the topics from the list below:

Create a concept map for one of the topics from the list below:  Sickle Cell Anemia Cystic Fibrosis The content of the concept map must include: pathophysiology definition etiology risk factors (genetic predisposition and environment factors if applicable) causative factors common signs and symptoms for the disease labs & diagnostic tests nursing interventions medical treatment complications of the disease patient & family education 4-6 references using APA 7th ed. format

Create a PowerPoint presentation of no more than 15 slides that reflect your understanding of

Create a PowerPoint presentation of no more than 15 slides that reflect your understanding of

Create a PowerPoint presentation of no more than 15 slides that reflect your understanding of the three macronutrients discussed in this module: Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins. Be creative! Each slide should include information about each macronutrient. Definition of the macronutrient inclusive of its      function and structure Where they are digested and absorbed Types and their purpose Special characteristics and function Clinical applications as they relate to health and      diets Use APA Editorial Format for citations and references used other than the textbook.

Create a presentation on the health care payment systemIdentify an aspect

Create a presentation on the health care payment systemIdentify an aspect

Create a presentation on the health care payment system.  Identify an aspect of the health care payment system. Submission Instructions: Presentation is original work and logically organized. Followed current APA format including citation of references. Power point presentation with 5 slides were clear and easy to read. Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides. Your PowerPoint presentation should be formatted per APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions). Incorporate a minimum of 1 or 2 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style. HealthcarePaymentSystemPresentation1.pptx

Control de microorganismos El tiempo de muerte termal de una suspensión de esporas de

Control de microorganismos El tiempo de muerte termal de una suspensión de esporas de

Control de microorganismos El tiempo de muerte termal de una suspensión de esporas de Bacillus subtilis es 30 minutos en calor seco y menos de 10 minutos en el autoclave. ¿Qué tipo de calor es más efectivo y por qué? (2 puntos) 2. Si la pasteurización no logra una esterilización, ¿Por qué se utiliza para tratar comidas? (2 puntos) 3. ¿Cómo la sal y el azúcar pueden preservar comidas? Nombre alguna comida que se preserve con azúcar y otra que se preserve con sal. (4 puntos) 4. Paree los términos con su definición (10 puntos) _____ Un agente que mata a los organismos.  a. Estático   _____ 2. Droga antimicrobial sintetizada con procedimientos químicos en el laboratorio. b. Esterilización _____ 3. El proceso que destruye todos los organismos vivos y virus. c. cidal _____ 4. Un agente que inhibe el crecimiento de los organismos lo suficiente para que las defensas del cuerpo lo eliminen. d. Antibiótico   _____ 5. Producto metabólico de un microorganismo que inhibe o mata otro microorganismo. e. Agente con un espectro estrecho _____ 6. La eliminación de microorganismos, pero no necesariamente endosporas, de objetos inanimados o superficies.   f. Desinfección   _____ 7. Un agente químico que se usa para inhibir o matar el patógeno sin afectar el huésped. g. antiséptico   _____ 8. Un agente que mata o inhibe el crecimiento de microbios, pero es seguro para el uso en tejidos humanos.   h. Toxicidad selectiva _____ 9. Un agente químico que generalmente trabaja en contra de gram positivas, gram negativas o solo algunas bacterias. Agente con un espectro amplio _____ 10. Un agente químico que generalmente es efectivo en contra de una gran variedad de bacterias gram positiva y gram negativa. j. Droga sintética quimioterapéutica  Tarea3Controldemicroorganismos2.pdf

Course Competencies: Incorporate professional values, attitudes, and expectations regarding ageism when caring

Course Competencies: Incorporate professional values, attitudes, and expectations regarding ageism when caring

Course Competencies: Incorporate professional values, attitudes, and expectations regarding ageism when caring for the older adult. Outline the importance of advocating for older adults in management of their care. Your supervisor provided some valuable feedback in response to your outline! They are excited to see the PowerPoint slideshow you are creating for your topic’s in-service training. Having developed a number of presentations for in-services, your supervisor offered the following advice: ‘When developing a slideshow, it’s important to be mindful of how you layout your content. For an in-service presentation, the slides should present key points, be arranged logically, without extraneous information contributing to a cluttered look. The audience should get a lot of the content from listening to what you say, not just from reading the slides. Using the Speaker Notes feature in PowerPoint is a great way to include relevant details that you want to provide without overloading the slides.’ Your supervisor wants you to work from your outline and prepare a visually appealing PowerPoint slideshow for the in-service presentation. They said it should: Have a title slide. Contain 6-10 content slides pertaining to the important content areas for your presentation topic. Use the Speaker Notes feature in PowerPoint to reduce the amount of text that appears on the slides. (The Speaker Notes will contain the text that will guide what you say while presenting the slides.) Be written using proper spelling/grammar. Cite at least 2 credible references and present the sources in APA format on a References slide. For information about creating PowerPoint presentations or adding Speaker Notes, consult the resources below. Tip:  Writing Guide: PowerPoints PowerPoint FAQ PowerPoint & APA: citing sources and creating reference lists in PPT presentations How do I add Speaker Notes to my PowerPoint presentation slides?

Construct a discussion that identifies how you feel the learning objectives were met supported with

Construct a discussion that identifies how you feel the learning objectives were met supported with

Construct a discussion that identifies how you feel the learning objectives were met supported with examples of course materials and course assignments. For any course objectives, you feel were not met during the course please provide a discussion as to why it was not met. Here are the course learning objectives for your review: MN664-1: Construct a consistent approach to the evaluation and management of mental health disorders and conditions for adult/geriatric clients and clients across the lifespan presenting in the acute and/or primary care setting. MN664-2: Design age-appropriate mental health and physical health maintenance screening plans for adult/geriatric clients and clients across the lifespan for psychiatric mental health disorders. Provide evidence (citations and references) to support your statements and opinions. All references and citations should be in APA format where appropriate.

Content Requirements: Identify the clinical issue that will be the focus of

Content Requirements: Identify the clinical issue that will be the focus of

Content Requirements: Identify the clinical issue that will be the focus of your Quality Improvement project. Provide rationale for the need to change the status quo. Identify best practices from the literature related to the issues.

Comprehensive psychiatric evaluations are a way to reflect on your practicum experiences and connect the

Comprehensive psychiatric evaluations are a way to reflect on your practicum experiences and connect the

Comprehensive psychiatric evaluations are a way to reflect on your practicum experiences and connect the experiences to the learning you gain from your weekly Learning Resources. Comprehensive notes, such as the ones required in this practicum course, are often used in clinical settings to document patient care. week7casepresentation1.docxtemperatewk7.docx

Conduct a comprehensive cultural and spiritual assessment on a patient that you see in your

Conduct a comprehensive cultural and spiritual assessment on a patient that you see in your

Conduct a comprehensive cultural and spiritual assessment on a patient that you see in your clinical experience this week.  If you were are not in clinical this week conduct this assessment on a professional colleague, friend, or family member. Document the assessment in the context of a subjective data set that you will use as your discussion post.  Use one of mnemonics presented in this week’s lecture materials to guide your spiritual assessment.  It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words.