After discussion with your preceptor name one financial aspect one quality aspect and one clinical

After discussion with your preceptor name one financial aspect one quality aspect and one clinical

After discussion with your preceptor, name one financial aspect, one quality aspect, and one clinical aspect that need to be taken into account for developing the evidence-based change proposal. Explain how your proposal will directly and indirectly impact each of the aspects.

A group of nursing students wanted to learn more about the health behaviors of adolescents

A group of nursing students wanted to learn more about the health behaviors of adolescents

A group of nursing students wanted to learn more about the health behaviors of adolescents in their community. They decided to have students at the local high school complete a questionnaire about their health behaviors. After the adolescents completed the questionnaire, the nursing students reviewed the responses and tallied the results. They discovered that over half of the adolescents who completed the questionnaire engaged in risky sexual behaviors. They reviewed the literature, which stated that sexually transmitted infection (STI) rates in this population are on the rise. The nursing students decided to educate the adolescents about safe sexual practices and the prevention of STI transmission. The overall goal of the program was to decrease the number of adolescents engaged in risky sexual behaviors. The nursing students developed the following objectives and teaching strategies for this educational program: To instill adolescents with an intrinsic motivation to become aware of their own risky sexual behavior through class discussions and cooperative learning exercises  To promote safe sexual practices with the adolescents through demonstration of appropriate safe sex practices and inquiry-guided instruction  To develop students’ positive sexual health behaviors through scenario-based case presentations and discussions Review the Healthy People 2030 Leading Health Indicators (LHIs). Identify the LHI that best matches STIs and transmission through risky sexual behaviors. Critique the objectives and teaching strategies used by the student nurses. How do the objectives and teaching strategies address the identified LHI? What action by the nursing students illustrates the planning phase of the health planning model? Refer to Figure 7.2 in Community Health Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation. Which system level is primarily being addressed through the educational program? Refer to Box 7-2 in Community Health Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation. What level of prevention is being applied by the educational program that the nursing students are providing? Refer to your textbook for levels of prevention. Cite specific examples from practice or literature.BOX7.2.docx

A legislative priority of the New York State Nurses Association for 2019 was to safe

A legislative priority of the New York State Nurses Association for 2019 was to safe

A legislative priority of the New York State Nurses Association for 2019 was to safe staffing for quality care act  Base on your text, the above and further readings: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS BY STARTING AN ORIGINAL THREAD: Describe ways that nurses could use their clinical power to convince legislature, organizations and the public to support and acquire safe staffing. Do you believe this would decrease the nursing shortage?  Why or why not? Share an experience where clinical power was used to provide quality care to your patient/client.       Answer each question in a paragraph (so 3 paragraphs in total). For question no.3 you have to add a clinical experience as a ‘nursing student’ .. you can include the registered nurse you were shadowing on a clinical day used to provide quality care to patients. Include at least 2 relevant research/ literature in addition to your textbook.  Make sure to cite the source and date of publication. (including in-text citation)          

A male went to the emergency room for severe mid-epigastric abdominal pain He was diagnosed

A male went to the emergency room for severe mid-epigastric abdominal pain He was diagnosed

A male went to the emergency room for severe mid-epigastric abdominal pain. He was diagnosed with AAA; however, as a precaution, the doctor ordered a CTA scan.  Because of a high potential for misdiagnosis, determining the precise cause of abdominal pain can be time-consuming and challenging. By analyzing case studies of abnormal abdominal findings, nurses can prepare themselves to better diagnose conditions in the abdomen.THEQUESTIONAbdomen.docxTHERUBRICAbdomen.docxRESOURCESForAbdomen.docxTHESAMPLEAbdomen.docx

A nurse colleague uses his personal cell phone to take a photo of a patient’s

A nurse colleague uses his personal cell phone to take a photo of a patient’s

A nurse colleague uses his personal cell phone to take a photo of a patient’s wound and then sends a message with the photo to the primary care provider via a text. Please consider the following in your discussion post: What principles of patient confidentiality might be an issue? Consider legal and ethical. How might this nurse use a communication device to support safe patient practices? What would your organization’s policy on ‘personal communication device use in a patient care setting’ reveal related to this case? (If your organization does not have a written policy, or you are not currently working in an organization, what do you think should be included in such a policy and why?)

A woman has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Her doctor tells her that while

A woman has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Her doctor tells her that while

A woman has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Her doctor tells her that while cancer is a multifactorial disease, she carries the breast cancer susceptibility gene, BRCA1. One of her two identical twin 19-year-old daughters is afraid that she also may have inherited the gene (Chapter 4, Learning Objective 2, 3, 8). What considerations would you give her daughter who is worried about inheriting the cancer gene? What ethical issues are raised when one identical twin wants to know her genetic susceptibility to a disease and other does not? Instructions: Your primary post should be at least 200 words long and should include reference to the textbook or another course resource using APA 7th edition format. Your primary post is due by Wednesday at midnight ET.

A written assignment of 3500 word excluding your reference list and any appendices This will

A written assignment of 3500 word excluding your reference list and any appendices This will

A written assignment of 3500 word (excluding your reference list and any appendices). This will be a critical exploration of Evidence Based Practice and its key components within today’s healthcare arena. It will include the critical appraisal of a piece of evidence of relevance to the student’s practice. The work will utilise appropriate sources from the literature and workplace to meet programme requirements for academic level and referencing. Students should choose one piece of research literature to critically appraise as part of the assignment. Your critique will need to evaluate the method and quality of the research using an appropriate appraisal tool, and the relevance and significance of the findings. The piece of literature/evidence should be found using the search protocol developed as part of your formative assessment. The critique addresses part of the learning – outcome 2 and should be around 1500 words. The rest of the assignment should discuss the development and policy context of Evidence Based Practice. This part of the assignment addresses outcomes 1 and 3.Question.jpegExpectedoutcomefromanswer.jpegGuidetoanswer.jpegManuscript2.PNG

A 16-year-old arrived at a local family planning clinic with pregnancy concerns due to unprotected

A 16-year-old arrived at a local family planning clinic with pregnancy concerns due to unprotected

A 16-year-old arrived at a local family planning clinic with pregnancy concerns due to unprotected intercourse. This encounter occurred two nights prior, and she believes she may be fertile but wants information regarding the ‘morning-after pill’.

A 23-year-old healthy man has been unable to father a child. He and his wife

A 23-year-old healthy man has been unable to father a child. He and his wife

A 23-year-old healthy man has been unable to father a child. He and his wife have a workup for infertility. His wife’s reproductive function is normal. On physical examination both his testes are palpable in the scrotum and the testes and scrotum are normal in size, with no masses palpable. However, the spermatic cord on the left has the feel of a ‘bag of worms’. Laboratory studies show oligospermia. Which of the following conditions is this man most likely to have? Explain your answer.   A Hydrocele B Testicular torsion C Spermatocele D Varicocele E Seminoma The answer is varicocele.     Explain your answer.  250 words and 2 scholarly references

A 44-year-old white Australian man who was not religious was referred to outpatient psychiatric treatment.

A 44-year-old white Australian man who was not religious was referred to outpatient psychiatric treatment.

A 44-year-old white Australian man who was not religious was referred to outpatient psychiatric treatment. He had been playing with an Ouija board for two months when he started to believe that a spirit had entered his body through his rectum and was controlling him. He thought the spirit made him move and speak in a certain way. He sought help from a local church, where he was told it was a psychiatric problem and that he was not really possessed. Two exorcisms at a local church failed to achieve any improvement.