1-What are considered the basic human emotions and how do they motivate human behavior? For

1-What are considered the basic human emotions and how do they motivate human behavior? For

1-What are considered the basic human emotions and how do they motivate human behavior? For this assignment: Create a SIX -slide PowerPoint presentation. Detail the basic human emotions and how they motivate human behavior. Provide personal examples of how your behavior is motivated in different situations by the basic emotions. Use the SPEAKER Notes section for each slide to fully explain your answers. This assignment should be in current APA Style with both a title slide and a reference list that includes all of the sources used. At least one scholarly source must be included and cited correctly. DUE DATE MARCH 11, NO PLAGIO MORE THAN 10 % 6 SLIDES

12- Hellenic-Greek & Nipponese Samurai philosophers & rulers promoted _____________________________ among the ranks of the

12- Hellenic-Greek & Nipponese Samurai philosophers & rulers promoted _____________________________ among the ranks of the

12- Hellenic-Greek (& Nipponese Samurai) philosophers & rulers promoted _____________________________ among the ranks of the military.  13- Palladas: Marriage gives a man only 2 happy days, the day he takes his bride to _____________________________   & the day he lays her in her _____________________________. 14- Propertius: I wish that all my enemies would fall in love with _________________   & that all my friends would fall in love with __________________.  15- Suetonius: Julius Ceasar was every woman’s ________________ & every man’s ___________________.  16- Genghis Khan: greatest happiness is to ________________ your enemies & to rape their ________________ & ____________________.  17- The Talmud: To save 1 life is tantamount to saving the whole _____________________________.  18- Jewish kings had to copy & carry a copy of the Torah to remind themselves that there is a ________________________ of kings.  19- The 3 Qualifications for Membership in the Yisraelite Sanhedrin: a- ____________________________________________________________________________________________ b- ____________________________________________________________________________________________ c- ____________________________________________________________________________________________  20- The 11th Commandment of Judaism: Thou shalt go to ____________________________.  21- Rambam/Maimonides: _____________________ or _____________________ any Jewish city that doesn’t have schools for children.  22- Jewish men are obligated to mate with their wives; to do otherwise is a ground for ____________________.  23- Denis Prager: The Jewish-inspired boundaries/limitations on sexual activity (that is, monogamous heterosexual marriage) made the development/advancement of ______________________________ civilization possible.  24- Leviticus-Vaykhra 19:16b: Do not stand by your neighbor’s __________________. In other words, don’t stand still & allow someone else to ______________________. In more words, you must actively do _____________________.  25- Leviticus-Vaykhra 19:18: The Greatest Commandment: Love your ________________ as you _____________ yourself.  26- Thomas Huxley: The Bible is the Magna Carta of the _____________________ & ________________________.  27- The single, greatest Jewish contribution to the world: Ethical _____________________________.  28- This consists of 1 __________________ & 1 Standard of __________________________ for everyone, instead of Polytheism in which different, competing deities often demand contradictory things from the same believer.  29- God’s expectation for the Chosen People: the responsibility to _____________________ the world (tikkun olam). 30- God calls the Chosen People to be: a ______________________ to the nations (Yeshayahu-Isaiah 42:6b; 49:6b).

Elaine Goodwin is a 38-year-old G5 P5 LC 6?presenting to your

Elaine Goodwin is a 38-year-old G5 P5 LC 6?presenting to your

  Elaine Goodwin is a 38-year-old G5 P5 LC 6?presenting to your clinic today to discuss contraceptive options.??She states that she is not interested in having more children?but her new partner has never fathered a child.?Her medical history is?remarkable for exercise-induced asthma, migraines, and IBS.?Her surgical history?is remarkable only for tonsils as a child. Her social history is negative for?alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs.? She has no known drug allergies and takes only vitamin C.?Hospitalizations were only for childbirth.?Family history?reveals that her maternal grandmother is alive with dementia, while her maternal grandfather is alive with COPD. Her paternal grandparents are both deceased?due to an automobile accident. Her mother is alive with osteopenia and fibromyalgia, and her dad is alive with a history of skin cancer (basal cell).?Elaine has one older sister with no medical problems and one younger brother with no reported medical problems.? Height 5′ 7?Weight?148?(BMI 23.1),?BP 118/72 P?68? HEENT:? wnl? Neck: supple without adenopathy? Lungs/CV: wnl? Breast: soft, fibrocystic changes bilaterally,?without masses, dimpling or discharge? Abd: soft, +BS, no tenderness? VVBSU: wnl, except?1st degree cystocele? Cervix: firm, smooth, parous, without CMT? Uterus: RV, mobile,?non-tender,?approximately 10 cm,? Adnexa: without masses or tenderness? QUESTION: What other information do you need?? MORE QUESTIONS: What has she used in the?past?? Why did she stop a?method?? How many partners in past 12?months?? What are her current cycles like?? When was her last gyn exam?and what were the results of?the?tests??? Are her migraines with or without auras?? What method has she considered.?

Purpose of Assignment This assignment will address the current issues in

Purpose of Assignment This assignment will address the current issues in

  Purpose of Assignment This assignment will address the current issues in pediatric healthcare related to safety. Growth and development is an important factor that should be considered along with safety in many areas of pediatric health alterations. Many times the health alterations experienced by children can be prevented if safety education is provided. Competency Prioritize nursing interventions when caring for pediatric clients with health disorders. Instructions This discussion will focus on the importance of teaching a chosen safety concern in the pediatric population. You will present your response in the discussion addressing the following questions: (discussion should be 300 words). Initial Post: Determine the age and developmental stage and how that impacts the child related to the safety concern. Describe why you believe the safety education you chose will benefit the pediatric population. Who do you believe is the target age range for this specific educational teaching? Describe at least three nursing diagnoses related to the incident you are providing teaching to prevent. Support your choices with rationales citing 1-2 scholarly sources. Response Posts: Respond to two classmates’ posts with a different safety education than you chose and add additional rationale for why this type of education is beneficial. Cite 1-2 scholarly sources to support each response.

 Identify Nursing leaders you admire. List why and then relate those

 Identify Nursing leaders you admire. List why and then relate those

   Identify Nursing leaders you admire. List why and then relate those reasons to the RL attributes in this chapter.  Do they fit into one or more of the relationship-based theories?  Do their behaviors influence followers? How?

Community Health Nursing Exploration PowerPoint with Speaker Notes (20%) Community Health Nursing (CHN)

Community Health Nursing Exploration PowerPoint with Speaker Notes (20%) Community Health Nursing (CHN)

¦ Community Health Nursing Exploration PowerPoint with Speaker Notes (20%) Community Health Nursing (CHN) embodies prevention and encompasses many different nursing roles. Develop a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes that summarizes CHN vs. Public Health Nursing (PHN), note the difference between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, and compare/ contrast the seven roles of Community Health Nurses by:  *Listening to the Podcast from Chapters 1 – 3, Reading Chapters 1-5 in your textbook, and by *Reading the information entitled Prevention: Picture of America at:  https://www.cdc.gov/pictureofamerica/index.html and reviewing two of the most commonly used prevention models at the website below: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/resource/25552/Prevention%20Models%20-%20FINAL.pdf  All submissions must be completed in APA format, 7th edition required.  This is an individual assignment. CommunityandPublicHealthNur-CherieRector.pdf

Write a clinical question using the PICO format. The acronym stands for population studied

Write a clinical question using the PICO format. The acronym stands for population studied

1. Write a clinical question using the PICO format. The acronym stands for population studied (P), intervention (I), comparison (C), and outcome (O). These are the key components of a well-focused question. TOPIC FOR PICOT QUESTION:   MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION USE PICOT QUESTION FORMAT REFERENCES 2-3 NO OLDER THAN 5 YEARS NO PLAGIO MORE THAN 10 % PLEASE SEE TH EXAMPLE PROVIDED, USE IT AS A TEMPLATE FOR THIS ONE 1 PAGE EXAMPLEOFPICOTQUESTION.docx

Must be in APA format 1,000 words in length  2. The report must

Must be in APA format 1,000 words in length  2. The report must

1. Must be in APA format 1,000 words in length    2. The report must follow the criteria on the Community Experience Rubric and also include personal reflection and a brief summary of what was learned during the community experience. In addition, include discussions of how the nurse could serve as a positive role model and discuss the nursing process within the community setting.  # Follow the Rubric below which includes; *Name, address, and purpose of the organization Provides the name and address of the   organization.   Details a clear description of the purpose of the organization. * Population served a. Type of patients served b. Type of health care concerns Shows an excellent understanding of the population served at this organization. * Professional services Identifies professional services available in this setting * Geographical/environmental issues    a.  Facility b.  Physical layout c. Accessibility d. Transportation   issues  Details a complete analysis of geographical and environmental issues of the organization.  * Social issues of the population Insightfully details and discusses social issues of the population. * Organization’s internal and external means of communication Discusses in detail the ways the organization communicates internally and with the community. * Activities during the community experience Discusses with detail the activities experienced during the community experience. * Programs or changes to better serve the community Analyzes what program changes might better serve the community. CommunityExperienceProjectInstructionsRubric.docx

Post: Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different

Post: Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different

1. Post: Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different ages using Gordon’s functional health patterns. Describe and apply the components of Gordon’s functional health patterns as it applies to toddlers.  400 words.   Reply to at least two other student posts with a reflection of their response.   Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for your work.    2. Response to others see attachmentResponse1Lisbet.docx

What study design was used? (200 words minimum) 2. How did the study design limit the

What study design was used? (200 words minimum) 2. How did the study design limit the

1. What study design was used? (200 words minimum) 2. How did the study design limit the findings of the article? (100 words minimum) 3. Could a better study design be selected? Why or Why not? (200 words minimum) 4. What other design that can selected that is effective? (200 words minimum) Please see attached file. Thank youColoncancerobservationalstudy.pdf