What Is Military Colonialism In The Marshall Islands And Hawaiê»I? Why And How Does U.S.

What Is Military Colonialism In The Marshall Islands And Hawaiê»I? Why And How Does U.S.

What is “military colonialism” in the Marshall Islands and Hawaiʻi? Why and how does U.S. military power depend on mechanisms of culture, the symbolic, and the creative use of language?

Due Monday 3pm. 300-word response. Remember to focus on certain quotes and key concepts. Please do not submit in white-colored font.


This is for a discussion pls  One page Discuss how the practice

This is for a discussion pls  One page Discuss how the practice

This is for a discussion pls.  One page. Discuss how the practice of democracy leads to antagonism, factions and how political antagonism results in pressure against democracy.  Explain the different antagonists to democracy, how they are formed and what results occur to accommodate them.

Please see the attached pdf essay War Powers Actjpg Download War Powers Actjpg also posted

Please see the attached pdf essay War Powers Actjpg Download War Powers Actjpg also posted

Please see the attached pdf ess.ay War Powers Act.jpg Download War Powers Act.jpg (also posted above), The President versus the World: How Presidents Seized Control of the War Power.  This page addresses the 1973 War Powers Act and how it has evolved over the past 40 years.  Essentially, the conclusion drawn in that ess.ay is that the War Powers Act is essentially ineffective and, for all intents and purposes, powerless to stop Presidents from unilateral military control and deployment of troops into combat.  If this is so, after having read that page as well as the preceding page, answer the following questions: If no judicial court of authority, namely the United States Supreme Court, has stricken the 1973 War Powers Act and declared it null and void constitutionally, how is it that the authors of the text book are able to conclude Congress has few, if any, war powers remaining?  How can this be?  The law is the law, is it not?  (Specifically, explain the political phenomenon that has occurred here and has similarly occurred in other legal and constitutional matters allowing the law to be ignored.)  Attempting to think as objectively as possible and placing your political partisan beliefs aside (looking at presidents as just that, presidents, as opposed to Democratic or Republican presidents) what does the increase in presidential unilateral military power do to the United States as a nation, for better or worse?  (There is no correct answer, yet think through the checks and balances consequences.)

Over the last 20 years the United States as a nation has witnessed and waged

Over the last 20 years the United States as a nation has witnessed and waged

Over the last 20 years the United States as a nation has witnessed and waged war against various forms of what scholars have dubbed public health crisis. Through various administrations, state officials, and first responders the United States has answered the call through various policy initiatives, state mandates and public health declarations.  The fundamental aim of this discussion is for you to compare & contrast the political left (Biden) and the political right (Trump) in their response to COVID 19. This should be no more than 2 pages. Standard APA format is required. You should discuss the following:  Mask Mandates  Stimulus Checks  Schools (To Open or not To Open)  Economic, Political & Public Health differences

Given the current state of American politics is it possible that Britain Francs or Germany

Given the current state of American politics is it possible that Britain Francs or Germany

Given the current state of American politics, is it possible that Britain, Francs, or Germany may have an institution that could improve the American system. It could be the UK’s fusion of power, or France’s national referendum, or Germany’s Supreme Court model. I’m a response of 400 words, make a case for swapping out what we have in favor of their institution. Explain how their institution works, how it benefits them and how do you think it could improve us.’

Go to the IAT website Links to an external site Alternately you can search for the

Go to the IAT website Links to an external site Alternately you can search for the

Go to the IAT website (Links to an external site.). Alternately, you can search for the Implicit Association Test using your search engine. Find the box on the left labeled Project Implicit Social Attitudes. You may want to proceed as a guest user rather than registering, so click GO! in the lower panel of the box, next to the U.S. English window. Read the information and disclaimer in the next window. Then, click I wish to proceed. Take the following tests: Race IAT; Age IAT; Gender- Career IAT; Disability IAT; Religion IAT; and Sexuality IAT. Learn more about the IAT by clicking the Education button on the top of the window after you finish the tests and then clicking About the IAT. Browse the rest of the site and, especially, read the Frequently Asked Questions. Once you have completed the steps above, you can start draft Questions   What is an implicit attitude? How does implicit prejudice differ from affective prejudice, stereotypes, social distance, and modern racism? Hint: visit the Frequently Asked Questions (Links to an external site.) page of Project Implicit Social Attitudes for definitions of some of these concepts and other useful information.  If the test shows you have a preference for one group over another, does this mean that you are prejudiced against the less preferred group? Do you feel that the test accurately reflects your feelings and ideas? Why or why not? (Remember that your implicit attitudes can be quite different from your explicit or conscious attitudes.) Based on what we have read so far in this course, how can implicit attitudes affect a diverse workplace? Provide at least 2 examples, citing any two of the readings we have reviewed so far in the course. Should public administrators be trained to deal with implicit attitudes in the workplace? Why, why not? Were you personally surprised by the results of any of the tests (you do not have to disclose your results)? If the IAT shows that you have a group preference you would rather not have, what are some things you could do to change these preferences? Any other reflection you want to share? Reference:   Zurbrugg & Miner (2016). Gender, sexual orientation, and workplace incivility: Who is most targeted and who is most harmed? Bishu & Headly (2020). Equal employment opportunity: Women bureaucrats in male-dominated professions. Hayes et al. (1995). Staffing for persons with disabilities: What is fair and what is job-related?  Mishra (1995). The ADA helps but not much.

Gallagher Laver and Mair Assignment: Answer ONE 1 of the following questions in your post:

Gallagher Laver and Mair Assignment: Answer ONE 1 of the following questions in your post:

Gallagher Laver and Mair Assignment: Answer ONE (1) of the following questions in your post: Question : What is corporatism? How does corporatism relate to what you know about interest groups in the United States in a reputational sense? What can we learn from European countries that display corporatist trends? Question 2: What are the effects of pluralism? Why might groups concerned with the environment, women’s issues, or other concerns have an easier time being heard in a pluralist system? What other issue advocates (if any) might become prominent in Europe in coming years? Why? Question 3: What are policy networks?  Why are they salient at the level of the European Union?  How might the revolution in Information Technology change them? Standards: The same standards (3-4 paragraph posts, attention to grammar, critical analysis rather than recitation of materials) apply to your main post this week

Chapter 14 in Gallagher Laver and Mair Assignment: Answer ONE 1 of the following questions

Chapter 14 in Gallagher Laver and Mair Assignment: Answer ONE 1 of the following questions

Chapter 14 in Gallagher Laver and Mair Assignment: Answer ONE (1) of the following questions in your post: Question : The news recently has discussed the fact that several European countries have launched austerity programs. Given your insights from Gallagher, Laver, and Mair, what has public reaction to these programs been like in a comparative perspective? Question 2: What is privatization? What are the impacts in a European context? Do you think that these policies were/are wise? Question 3: How has the relationship between the economy and European governments changed in the past 20+ years?  Has Eastern Europe become more like the western part of the Continent? The same standards (3-4 paragraph posts, attention to grammar, critical analysis rather than recitation of materials)

In 200 words, sum up the main thesis and arguments of two readings on

In 200 words, sum up the main thesis and arguments of two readings on

1) In 200 words, sum up the main thesis and arguments of two readings on ‘The Aftermath of Dictatorships: Varieties of Transitions’. 2) In 200 words, make and support one point.ODonnellandSchmitter.pdfdiv-class-title-neopatrimonial-regimes-and-political-transitions-in-africa-div.pdf