data modeling


I have limited time of 2 hours I can’t give you the acutal question till I open the file. but this is the simillar TO THE PDF I uploaded. Please read the other required pdf of the codes that you should use and the codes that you shouldn’t use. The description of business requirements for the data modeling will be given in the quiz interface as a written response problem. The models may be drawn in LucidChart and placed in a Word document. or you may draw them by hand on a piece of paper and submit a clear photograph of the drawing.

Coding Mistakes that Cause Students to Fail
I want every student to do well in the course and learn the course material so
that you are all prepared to assume a position as a database professional. I
have exacting standards. There are certain things that you can and cannot do,
and the penalties for some violations are severe.

I want every student to do well in the course. Here are some easily avoided
pitfalls that cause students to do poorly on the graded coding assignments
during the 2nd half of the course. You will be reminded of these throughout
the coding material, but the most common are compiled here for your

• Do Not Use a Cartesian Product in your code.

• Do Not Use any Function, Keyword, or Technique not covered in the
instructional videos or Zoom lectures.

o A list of allowed keywords, functions, and techniques for use in
SELECT queries is included in Module 5.

o A list of NOT ALLOWED keywords, functions, and techniques that
are not allowed in any code we write for the entire semester is also
provided in Module 5.

• SQL Commands Must Execute without Syntax Errors.

• TSQL Programs Must Compile.

Violations of any of these will result in NO CREDIT for any problem, question,
or code that contains the violation.