Social norms are unique to different cultures The extents to which individuals endorse and apply

Social norms are unique to different cultures The extents to which individuals endorse and apply

Social norms are unique to different cultures. The extents to which individuals endorse and apply their social understanding in their daily lives vary in different cultures. Individuals’ adherence to these social beliefs guides their living. One of the unique characteristics of American culture is adaption of a multitude of cuisines. Whenever you go to a mall, you find food outlets serving cuisines from around the world ranging from pizzas and pastas to sweet and sour chicken and burgers and fries. Even regional foods from various parts of the country, such as Cajun chicken and sourdough bread, are available. Explain why various regions of the United States have different social norms. Often, television situation comedies depict family life in a generalized, even stereotypical way. Compare and contrast the social norms depicted in television programs with the same social norms where you live. Explain the reason why or why not the U.S. eclectic dining habits demonstrate the diverse nature of U.S. culture. Justify your answers with appropriate reasoning and research from your text and course readings.  initial posts need to include BOTH in text citations and references formatted per APA rules. You can only use peer reviewed and scholarly sources to support your work. Your posts should also be a minimum of 200- 250 words for your primary posts and at least 75- 100 words for your peer responses. Be sure to post to 2 peerstudent1response4.docx

Social Psychology Studies Use the Internet to find five psychology studies being conducted at places

Social Psychology Studies Use the Internet to find five psychology studies being conducted at places

Social Psychology Studies Use the Internet to find five psychology studies being conducted at places in other parts of the world. Read the study information. For each of the five studies, provide the following: Name of the institution conducting the study Where the institution is located Objectives of the study and if there is any monetary compensation for participation Create a report in a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document, including the answers to the following questions: Which studies were the most interesting? Why? Which study would you not want to participate in? Why? Submission Details: Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format.

So far we have discussed the ways that scientific findings can complement Scripture check our

So far we have discussed the ways that scientific findings can complement Scripture check our

So far, we have discussed the ways that scientific findings can complement Scripture, check our interpretation of Scripture, and provide reliable frameworks for understanding much of the world around us. However, some argue that science has limitations, particularly in the areas of ethics and morality. For example, science can tell us how atom bombs are made, but it cannot tell us whether atom bombs should be made. Meanwhile, there are others who argue that science can answer moral questions. For example, neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris argues that science should be an authority on moral issues because it can tell us about the conditions that promote human well-being. Please watch Dr. Harris’ (2010) TED talk (or read the attached transcript) on this topic. How does Dr. Harris operationally define morality? Discuss any problems you see with this definition. Dr. Harris’ provides several examples of situations where, in his opinion, science provides a better roadmap for morality than does religion. Do you think that his examples are valid? Why or why not? How can science be a valuable tool in guiding our ethical and moral decision-making? Even if we accept Dr. Harris’ arguments, what questions or limitations remain? LINK FOR VIDEO:

Select a topic to research For your research you must use Google Scholar the GCU

Select a topic to research For your research you must use Google Scholar the GCU

Select a topic to research. For your research, you must use Google Scholar, the GCU Library, or another reputable site. Use Lecture 2 for a description of what is considered a scholarly article. Use APA formatting style for references. Create a title page and a reference list with 10 references from the last 5 years. While permalinks are not part of an APA citation, they do make the information easier to find in the future. At the end of the document, provide the permalinks for all sources (unless one is unavailable). For more information on how to locate the persistent links, review ‘Persistent Links’ in the topic materials.  Include the following types of references: Book Journal articles Website Dissertation/thesis from a database Streaming video Book chapter Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. AttachmentsTopic 2 Reference List Assignment Scoring Guide.docx

See attachment ->Vignette Reading prompt >My test results that I chose as diagnose the

See attachment ->Vignette Reading prompt >My test results that I chose as diagnose the

See attachment –  >Vignette Reading prompt >My test results that I chose as diagnose (the 0 doesn’t mean my answers were incorrect) We had to choose our own diagnose for the Vignette reading prompt. There was no right or wrong answer. >Discussion prompt *****250 words minimum***** **original writing  **No plagiarizing **Due tomorrow Sunday 04/03/2022 **Please don’t accept if you’r unable to complete on time.Vignette.pngDiscussiontopic.pngMytestscores.png

See attachment 500 words Due Friday 04/01/2022 PST USA Original writing No plagiarizing Please don’t

See attachment 500 words Due Friday 04/01/2022 PST USA Original writing No plagiarizing Please don’t

See attachment 500 words Due Friday 04/01/2022 PST USA Original writing No plagiarizing Please don’t accept if your not able to deliver with 24 hours article link Under the section ‘The Age of Enlightenment’, please read the article entitled, ‘The Enlightenment’. TheEnlightment.png

Scenario Design and Analysis For this assignment you will identify the main concepts and terms

Scenario Design and Analysis For this assignment you will identify the main concepts and terms

Scenario Design and Analysis For this assignment, you will identify the main concepts and terms learned in this week’s online lectures and textbook readings and create a fictional scenario (may not be related to actual individuals). You will use the following guidelines while writing your scenario: Background: You need to describe the demographics of individuals involved in the scenario such as their age, gender, occupation, education, relationships, and family history. The scenario story: You need to describe a scenario using third person in which cultural differences challenge a group’s ability to accomplish a specific project. Analysis of the scenario: You need to utilize the information learned from the online lectures and text readings to analyze the scenario. Be specific in your analysis using supporting evidence from outside sources when needed. Recommendations: You need to end the scenario with your recommendations or suggestions you would have implemented in such a situation to assist in changing the behavior of the individuals involved in the case study. GenderandSocialNorms.html.zipRolePerceptions.html.zipCulturalTraditionsandDiversity.html.zipSUO_PSY3010CulturalIdentity.pdf

schizophrenia Explain psychological concepts in the patient’s presentation using professional terminology

schizophrenia Explain psychological concepts in the patient’s presentation using professional terminology

schizophrenia   Explain psychological concepts in the patient’s presentation using professional terminology. Identify symptoms and behaviors exhibited by the patient in the chosen case study. Match the identified symptoms to potential disorders in the DSM-5 diagnostic manual. Propose a diagnosis based on the patient’s symptoms and the criteria listed for the disorder(s) in the DSM-5 diagnostic manual. Analyze and explain how the patient meets criteria for the disorder(s) according to the patient’s symptoms and the criteria outlined in the DSM-5 diagnostic manual. Justify the use of the chosen DSM-5 diagnostic manual (i.e., What evidence supports the validity of this manual? What are limitations of this manual?). Summarize general views of the diagnosis from at least three theoretical orientations (g., cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, biological, sociocultural, evolutionary, psychoanalytic, integrative, etc.). NOTE: Be clear that you are writing about theoretical orientations and using the theoretical orientations to explain the diagnosis. Do not use the theoretical orientations to discuss any therapy or treatment approaches. Your application of the theoretical orientations should answer the question: What causes this diagnosis? For example, Based on the cognitive perspective, what causes this diagnosis? Based on the humanisitic perspective, what causes this diagnosis? Etc. In addition, you may include a historical perspective on the diagnosis, but this is not required. Also note that here you are summarizing views of the overall diagnosis, not specific individual symptoms. Include a discussion on comorbidity if the diagnosis includes more than one disorder. Evaluate symptoms within the context of an appropriate theoretical orientation for this diagnosis (e.g., cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, biological, sociocultural, evolutionary, psychoanalytic, integrative, etc.).  NOTE: Here you are evaluating specific symptoms, not the overall diagnosis. Use at least two peer-reviewed articles to assess the validity of this diagnosis, and describe which demographics are at a higher risk of developing the disorder or receiving the diagnosis based on age, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. Provide a brief evaluation of the scientific merit of these peer-reviewed sources in the validity assessment. Summarize the risk factors (i.e., biological, psychological, environmental, and/or social) for the diagnosi If one of the categories is not relevant, address this within the summary. Compare evidence-based and non-evidence-based treatment options for the diagnosi Evaluate well-established treatments for the diagnosis, and describe the likelihood of success or possible outcomes for each treatment.

review Reid’s article and share 2-3 things you learned that you didn’t know before.

review Reid’s article and share 2-3 things you learned that you didn’t know before.

review Reid’s article and share 2-3 things you learned that you didn’t know before.  Reid, J. A. (2011). Crime and personality: Personality theory and criminality examined. Inquiries Journal/Student Pulse, (3(01).

Reply to: Cognitive-behavioral factors depression psychodynamic factors biological family environment and even gender/ethical differences are

Reply to: Cognitive-behavioral factors depression psychodynamic factors biological family environment and even gender/ethical differences are

Reply to:   Cognitive-behavioral factors, depression, psychodynamic factors, biological, family environment, and even gender/ethical differences are some of the possible causes of eating disorders. Looking at things from a cognitive behavioral perspective, a person may see that the only thing they can control is what they consume and how often (Comer & Comer, 2021). This is something that could ultimately lead to unhealthy eating styles like anorexia or bulimia nervosa. There are a few different approaches in terms of treatment that include nutritional rehabilitation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, medications such as antidepressants, and other psychotherapy options such as family therapy. The family therapy would really benefit a person if family were their main support system or the reason why the disorder formed. Cognitive behavioral therapy is something that can be geared towards eating disorders and aims to find the room of the problem. This would also show new ways of coping with certain situations in healthier ways. (Comer & Comer, 2021).