Reply to: One thought that came into my head was the tv show 13 Reasons

Reply to: One thought that came into my head was the tv show 13 Reasons

Reply to:   One thought that came into my head was the tv show 13 Reasons Why. I think that a lot of people were wanting to watch the show and were excited to see how it would turn out. Then there was a lot of talk about how it could be harmful and increase suicides by glorifying the suicide of the teenager. The ways that this similar situation relates to the suicide of a popular celebrity is the impact the way suicide is seen. When a popular celebrity commits suicide, it hits their fans hard. It can raise suicide rates in society because the fans may relate their lives to the celebrity and try to follow their footsteps nans the way they live their lives. They might even try to follow the suicide act if their mental health is already declining before the death. Also, since suicidal thoughts can be common from people who feel they do not fit in or are not a part of their society or group (Comer & Comer, 2021).  The potential impact on teens and adolescents is focused on them because they are easily manipulated, or easily molded into following people or taking certain advice from people they look up to.

Reply to: A couple eating disorders are anorexia and binge-eating Anorexia is the eating

Reply to: A couple eating disorders are anorexia and binge-eating Anorexia is the eating

Reply to:   A couple eating disorders are anorexia and binge-eating. Anorexia is the eating disorder of being extremely thin and extreme weight loss (Comer & Comer, 2021). Diets can start this disorder to form while traumatic events could cause the disorder to show, and the treatments would be cognitive behavior therapy since certain life events can trigger the disorder.  Binge-eating is frequent times of binge eating and the person does not have control over their eating habits (Comer & Comer, 2021). The treatment for binge eating would be cognitive therapy as well. I think that these types of therapies are the best treatments because there are underlying reasons behind these disorders. Since therapy and treatment centers are proven to help, these methods are the best to try to decrease the chances of the person being treated and then dealing with the disorder again to the extent (Bergh et al, 2013). They are not random, and they do not just happen, therefore these therapy methods could help to treat not only the disorder but the underlying reasons behind the disorder too.

Reply to:  Accurate and professional media coverage can have an impact on the suicide influence

Reply to:  Accurate and professional media coverage can have an impact on the suicide influence

Reply to:  Accurate and professional media coverage can have an impact on the suicide influence of a popular cultural figure or celebrity within the population (Park, et al., 2016)). If a media outlet reports the death of a celebrity but fails to offer effective resources to cope with such a loss, then this can have the repercussion of increasing suicide incidents because followers may not know how to cope with the loss and may trigger emotions they have already been dealing with. Furthermore, if the person has had a deep following of the celebrity as well as a connection then the contribution to suicide increases. Leading factors that can arouse the thought of suicide in adolescents are the popularity and personality of the celebrity, as well as the not well-matured brain that is easily allured into following what others do. This is especially the case when someone is lonely and sees a celebrity as their only friend and hero.

Reply to:  I remember when Kurt Cobain committed suicide at such a young age and

Reply to:  I remember when Kurt Cobain committed suicide at such a young age and

Reply to:  I remember when Kurt Cobain committed suicide at such a young age and the shock it was (I’m dating myself). I didn’t hear about a rise in suicides, but I did when Robin Williams did which was so sad. Another shock was Kate Spade because her battle with depression was not talked about from what I knew anyway. When my kids were in high school the Netflix show 13 Reasons Why came out along with a school notice warning to parents in what it was about so I forbid them to even click on it. This came out after a well-known student who was having identity issues and committed suicide. She was well loved by all students, so nobody had a clue. Unfortunately, there is a rise in suicide rates within one month after a famous person takes their life (Myung et al., 2015). People who are vulnerable regarding this anyway may find it as acceptable since it is in the media so consequently do so themselves (Myung et al., 2015).

Read the three chapters below in the book by Travis and Aronson (2008).It might

Read the three chapters below in the book by Travis and Aronson (2008).It might

Read the three chapters below in the book by Travis and Aronson (2008).  It might be helpful to read over the Festinger and Carlsmith (1959) article that is used in your article review prior to reading the chapters (Aronson was Festinger’s student and much of the work is based on ideas in the classic article). Please discuss these chapters with these specific questions in mind: Tavris, C., & Aronson, E. (2008). Mistakes were made (but not by me): Why we justify foolish beliefs, bad decisions, and hurtful acts. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Chapter 4: Good intentions, bad science: The closed-loop of clinical judgment Chapter 5: Law and disorder Chapter 6: Love’s assassin: Self-justification in marriage Describe how self-justification affects science?  Apply these ideas to how you are going to conduct science in your dissertation or master’s thesis. You can also describe how these ideas generalize or recent reports where self-justification in science may have been seen. Describe how self-justification affects the law?  Take these ideas and generalize them to other areas. Describe how self-justification affects relationships?  Without going into too much personal information, how can this information help people make better (or worse) relationships?  FestingerandCarlsmithCognitiveConsequencesofForcedCompliance_ADA.pdfMistakesweremadeCH4_ADA.pdfMistakesweremadeCH5.pdfMistakesweremadeCH6.pdf

Read the following 3 articles and synthesize Combine the ideas of all three sources into

Read the following 3 articles and synthesize Combine the ideas of all three sources into

Read the following 3 articles and synthesize (Combine the ideas of all three sources into one overall point – DO NOT SUMMARIZE)  them into 1 and half page word document. Also, write a well elaborated question from each reading. Keep in mind the following points when working on this task: *Questions must be original, thought and not easily found in the articles. *Follow APA Rules *Use proper citations *Use  PAST TENSE when discussing the articles  (Research already took place) *DO NOT USE the following words: Me, you, I, we. *Refer to the articles by their AUTHORS (year of publication)  *DO NOT USE the article name or words first, second, or third. *DO NOT SUMMARIZE!!! ***MUST FOLLOW ATTACHED SAMPLESampleARAssignment4.docxClarketal.2015.pdfSartoratoetal.2017.pdfAresti-BartolomeGarcia-Zapirain2014L.pdf

Read the NASW Code of Ethics in its entirety, including Preamble, Purpose of the NASW

Read the NASW Code of Ethics in its entirety, including Preamble, Purpose of the NASW

Read the NASW Code of Ethics in its entirety, including Preamble, Purpose of the NASW Code of Ethics, Ethical Principles, and Ethical Standards.   Standard 4 as Professionals  Describe professional ethics and the purpose of the NASW code of ethics in your own words. Explain the section of the code that you were assigned. Describe the standards within that section in your own words. Provide a specific example of how a social worker would apply these ethical standards in their practice.

Read over the following articles and describe how automaticity plays a role in our life.

Read over the following articles and describe how automaticity plays a role in our life.

Read over the following articles and describe how automaticity plays a role in our life. Specifically, answer: How can we take the work of Bargh, Chen, and Burrows (1996) and apply it to other areas?  That is, what other applications and examples can you give that would use similar principles (e.g., priming people to eat better foods, act in more prosocial ways, etc.). What can you take from Williams and Bargh (2008)?  How does this study extend to other areas? Bargh, J. A., Chen, M., & Burrows, L. (1996). Automaticity of social behavior: Direct effects of trait construct and stereotype activation on action. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71(2), 230-244. Bargh, John A., & Williams, E. L. (2006). The automaticity of social life. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15(1), 1-4. doi:10.1111/j.0963-7214.2006.00395.x Williams, L. E., & Bargh, J. A. (2008). Experiencing physical warmth promotes interpersonal warmth. Science, 322(5901), 606-607. doi:10.1126/science.1162548.

Read over the following articles and describe how a different cultural context might play a

Read over the following articles and describe how a different cultural context might play a

Read over the following articles and describe how a different cultural context might play a role in attribution (we will discuss this topic much more in the coming weeks).  Write a 3-page paper (minimum) describing the results and extensions from these studies. Choi, I., & Nisbett, R. E. (1998). Situational salience and cultural differences in the correspondence bias and actor-observer bias. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24, 949-960. Choi, I., & Nisbett, R. E. (1998). Situational salience and cultural differences in the correspondence bias and actor-observer bias. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24, 949-960. – Alternative Formats Norenzayan, A. & Nisbett, R. E. (2000). Culture and cognition. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 9,132-135. ChoiNisbett1998_ADA.pdfNorenzayanNisbett2000_ADA.pdf

Questions to consider after watching this video on which you will be asked to post: 

Questions to consider after watching this video on which you will be asked to post: 

Questions to consider after watching this video on which you will be asked to post:  Why is Van Gogh considered the true forerunner, though not the theoretican, of the ‘spiritual’ in art? Since Van Gogh was the first modern painter to convey his own tormented, inner life without the traditional concern for faithfully representing external reality, how would you  (1) characterize his career (2) describe in your own words and concepts the ‘spiritual’ dimensions of his unique artistic output?     2.  How in your impression does Kandinsky, as the major figure of ‘expressionism,’ develop the style and approach of Van Gogh?  He does he diverge, or differ?  3.  What is abstractionism, broadly speaking?  How is it related to ‘the spiritual in art’, so far as you understand the term? (NOTE: you will have opportunities to deepen your understanding of what this question means as the course continues, so we are just looking for your initial impressions, thoughts, and insights at this point).