One situation that comes to mind would be when my aunt was dating again after

One situation that comes to mind would be when my aunt was dating again after

One situation that comes to mind would be when my aunt was dating again after ending a long-term relationship. This new boyfriend Jorge at first glance did not appear to take anything seriously. Every time I saw him, he was always making jokes, being playful, and was rarely serious. I don’t have anything against being playful or making jokes, but I could not tell how serious he was with my aunt. He kept up this behavior with everyone though which concerned me. I was hoping that he would act differently toward her, but that wasn’t the case for some time. In my eyes, I just thought he was more of a man child that couldn’t take life seriously and treated everything like a game. Which led to me thinking that this relationship might not last very long. Fast forward to four years later he asks for my aunt’s hand in marriage and now has two daughters. Watching them on their wedding day and becoming a father threw me for a loop. It was the first time that I saw him in a more serious light, but also playful with his children. It was a bit mind-boggling for a while to be honest, but it shifted the way I saw him. In this situation, the primary effect would be his constant joking, playful mood, and whenever asked a serious question responding with jokes did not give me high hopes for their relationship. My aunt is a more serious individual and loves this man. I could not read Jorge very well which only added more to the uncertainty of how I viewed him. The fact that Jorge’s behavior did not change much only added more to the fact that my initial impression served to be accurate which added to the belief perseverance of him not taking himself seriously in this relationship (Aronson et al., 2019). __________________________________________________________________________- Describe the strategy you might use to persuade the resistant juror (i.e., the class colleague you are responding to) to set aside her or his preconceptions and consider what you have to say.

Optional: This section includes any general mentorship in the counseling field The artifacts for this

Optional: This section includes any general mentorship in the counseling field The artifacts for this

Optional: This section includes any general mentorship in the counseling field. The artifacts for this section are selected by the student. For example, students could include a Bio of their mentor, a plan for mentorship, and a description of what the process looks like in receiving mentorship. Counselor Dispositions: Professional Identity CACREP Standards: 2.F.1.m. 1 page

New parents often seek advice for tips and advice about raising a new infant There

New parents often seek advice for tips and advice about raising a new infant There

New parents often seek advice for tips and advice about raising a new infant. There are so many conflicting views and perspectives about parenting that new parents receive from family members, healthcare providers, and Internet searches. Using scholarly sources such as your textbook and or journal articles, answer the questions below as if a friend were asking you to provide advice: What is infant sleep training? Is it safe? How do new parents know if their baby needs them, or should they let the baby cry it out? Are there attachment issues new parents should be concerned about when a baby cries for too long? Should parents wake a baby who has been sleeping for more than four hours to feed them? What books, toys, or videos should parents give a baby to give them an intellectual advantage? Are there ways parents can facilitate a higher level of intelligence in a child? Siblings are often very different in temperament. What does that mean? Why does that happen? example.docx

Motor-dexterity tests are often used in psychological studies especially in neuropsychology For this task we

Motor-dexterity tests are often used in psychological studies especially in neuropsychology For this task we

Motor-dexterity tests are often used in psychological studies, especially in neuropsychology. For this task, we are going to test motor-dexterity while looking for signs of frustration. First, take a clean pair of rolled-up socks or some other soft item. Then, have the participants throw it into a hoop you make with your arms. The objective is not to see how well they do the task but to see which hand they use; you are trying to determine dominance. After doing this task, ask the participants which hand they prefer to use when writing. While most will prefer the right, some will prefer the left. If a person says both, ask that individual to write a sentence with both hands, one at a time and the two of you can decide which hand to call dominant. In most cases, people will report they use the right hand more, and they will also unintentionally pick the right hand to throw the object with. If they report left and use the right hand to throw, then record that as mixed, but select the hand they choose as dominant. In the end, you will go with what the participant decides. You are required to record all information on the data sheet. OPEN ATTACHMENTdatasheet.docx

Many parents encourage their teenagers to seek employment because they believe it builds character and

Many parents encourage their teenagers to seek employment because they believe it builds character and

Many parents encourage their teenagers to seek employment because they believe it builds character and helps them to develop skills, manage money, and learn time management. Moreover, they may rely on the additional income it provides. Others, however, argue that teens hold menial jobs, learn few life skills, and spend the money they earn on entertainment rather than contributing to their families or saving for college. Pick a side of the debate and support your view with evidence from the text and/or outside resources. If you are comfortable doing so, you can share your experiences.  Posts topics related to discussion topic, relates outside material to topic, and prompts further discussion. Includes a citation for material other than the text book and meets 350+ word count requirement. APA format

Mark had a history of depression and sought treatment after his second marriage ended. His

Mark had a history of depression and sought treatment after his second marriage ended. His

Mark had a history of depression and sought treatment after his second marriage ended. His depression was controlled by a pattern of interpersonal avoidance. The behavior/activation therapist asked Mark to complete an activity record to help steer the treatment sessions. Read Mark, a 43-year-old male (PDF, 821KB). After reading Mark’s case, explain and describe how the therapist used behavioral therapy to help Mark with his depression.

List your percentile scores for each category as they appear on the site: Open-Mindedness: Conscientiousness:

List your percentile scores for each category as they appear on the site: Open-Mindedness: Conscientiousness:

1.List your percentile scores for each category as they appear on the site: Open-Mindedness: Conscientiousness: Extraversion: Agreeableness: Negative Emotionality 2.The site producing the scores provides a descriptor for each score. Discuss a sentence that particularly stood out to you and why. 3.Utilizing at least one peer-reviewed resource, write a paragraph explaining the benefit of using personality testing in order to determine whether an individual should be employed in a specific job. 4.Utilizing at least one peer-reviewed resource, write a paragraph explaining the limitations of using personality testing in order to determine whether an individual should be employed in a specific job. 5.Imagine a situation where a person suddenly had access to the test results of a boyfriend/girlfriend. Explain why this person may have a strong desire to review the results of their significant other. Discuss what social and ethical problems could arise from seeing their results. 6.Discuss if we should know the personality profiles of our community leaders. Discuss what the public might gain or lose from having those profiles.

Literature Review Part II Final Project: Creating the Literature Review Section This week you will

Literature Review Part II Final Project: Creating the Literature Review Section This week you will

Literature Review Part II Final Project: Creating the Literature Review Section This week, you will develop Part 2 of the Literature Review section. While developing Part 2, use the following guidelines: Find at least two articles on the selected topic (Social Psychology of Self-efficacy)using (EBSCOhost or ProQuest).  Write a short summary (one to two paragraphs) for each article. Write a brief analysis (one to two paragraphs) for each article and relate each analysis to your course and text readings.  Be sure to only use peer reviewed and scholarly sources to support your work. If you have any questions at all, please let me know. i have attached Literature Review Part I SU_PSY3011_W1_Project_soto_m.redue11.docxSU_PSY3011_W2_Project_soto_m.doc.docx

Leaders are often tested in times of crises, whether in terms of an event, such

Leaders are often tested in times of crises, whether in terms of an event, such

Leaders are often tested in times of crises, whether in terms of an event, such as a financial crisis, or within the organization, such as a product recall. Effective leadership skills are always in demand, but especially in times of crisis. Discuss what you think the most effective leadership skill is in a crisis, and why.

Jane a military psychologist wants to examine two types of treatments for depression in a

Jane a military psychologist wants to examine two types of treatments for depression in a

Jane, a military psychologist, wants to examine two types of treatments for depression in a group of military personnel who have suffered the loss of their legs. She has only 20 men to work with. What would be the best research design for the study and why? What are some issues that Jane needs to consider before starting the study? What is a longitudinal study? What are the benefits and challenges associated with a longitudinal study? Using the Online Library find two peer-reviewed articles (one that has used a between study design and one that has used a within study design) Summarize both of these articles. Make sure you discuss the research design specifically. Explain what practice and carryover effects are in the context of the within subjects design study that you found. What steps did the researchers take to reduce these effects? Justify your answers with appropriate reasoning and researchwithinstudydesign.pdfbetweenstudydesign.pdf