In what ways do the typical attributions of people from collectivistic cultures differ from those

In what ways do the typical attributions of people from collectivistic cultures differ from those

In what ways do the typical attributions of people from collectivistic cultures differ from those of people from individualistic cultures? Why do these differences exist? Provide empirical evidence supporting your explanations.

In this assignment you consider how leaders can engage in a strategic planning process with

In this assignment you consider how leaders can engage in a strategic planning process with

In this assignment, you consider how leaders can engage in a strategic planning process with stakeholders to develop a plan to guide the organization’s evolution and development for the long-term. Since strategic planning should engage persons who will be affected by an organization’s decisions (e.g., staff, administration, board members, members of the community), it is important to include key stakeholders in the planning process so that it reflects their perspectives and interests. For this Assignment, think about how you would begin the strategic planning process for a human services organization. Consider the human services organizations for which you have worked either in your fieldwork or as an employee. Based on what you know about a particular organization, what steps might you take to establish a plan for the organization’s long-term development? Assignment (24 pages in APA format): Describe the first three steps you would take to begin the strategic planning process for a human services organization. Be sure to include the key stakeholders”who should be involved in each step and why they need to be included in the process. In addition, include steps you would take to establish stakeholder support and confidence. Notes:  Please make sure the posted assignment is Zero Percent Plagiarism.  Running heads are not to be on the paper. Make sure paper is in APA 7 formatting.  Make sure paragraphs are indented and aligned to the left.  Please provide a reference page and references throughout the paper. Please use the following references for this assignment:  References  Lauffer, A. (2011). Understanding your social agency (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Sage. Chapter 10, Agency Structure and Change (pp. 324352) Northouse, P. G. (2021). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Sage. Chapter 7, Creating a Vision (pp. 161-208) Chapter 8, Establishing a Constructive Climate (pp. 182-208) Chapter 10, Listening to Out-Group Members (pp. 252-275) Finley, D. S., Rogers, G., Napier, M., & Wyatt, J. (2011). From needs-based segmentation to program realignment: Transformation of YWCA of Calgary. Administration in Social Work, 35(3), 299323. Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014b). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing [Vital Source e-reader]. Social Work Supervision, Leadership, and Administration: The Southeast Planning Group (pp. 8586)

In this assignment you will examine a crisis from your choosing by applying the ABC

In this assignment you will examine a crisis from your choosing by applying the ABC

In this assignment you will examine a crisis from your choosing by applying the ABC model. In one page, use one concept from each step in the ABC model to analyze your crisis.   Formulate how an intervention could have occured according to the ABC model.  (If there was no intervention in your crisis, write how it could have happened, according to the model.) Note:  You do not need to discuss every aspect of the ABC model.  You only need to use one concept from each step in the model.  A, then B, then C. Feel free to discuss your opinions.  Do you think the ABC model was or would have been helpful?  Why or why not? Cite the textbook.   A Guide to Crisis Intervention Kristi Kanel 6th edition Use APA format for in text citations and reference list.ABCModel.docx

In this classmate response option you will get to explore more specifically the research how

In this classmate response option you will get to explore more specifically the research how

In this classmate response option, you will get to explore more specifically the research how tricky memory can be which is related to the psychology of law.  I would like for us to first overview of concept of false memories and some of the classic research on the concept: Video to watch.  250 Words in APA Format. DISCUSSION RESPONSE For the assignment you are first required to watch the following video (2 part video) on Ronald Cotton.  Ronald Cotton was exonerated in 1995, after spending over 10 years in prison for crimes he did not commit. His convictions were based largely on flawed eyewitness identification procedures used by police at the time. If you would like to read more about the sexual assault case before watching the video is a link.  Below are the links to the videos:  Testimony part 1: Testimony part 2:   After reading the text material related to memory construction and watching the video about Ronald Cotton please address these questions: Discuss at least three errors that occurred in the investigation of Ronald Cotton investigation, related to eyewitness testimony and the topic of memory, which lead to his conviction? How did reinforcement play a role in her memory construction? 2. Based on the video, what are some of the ways that investigators could reduce error related to memory and improve the reliability of eyewitness testimony? 3. Please discuss either what you found most interesting about the story of Ronald Cotton or one study overviewed in the text related to memory construction (misinformation and imagination effects/Children’s eyewitness recall) that you found interesting? If you are interested in the topic of false memories, I wanted to share this podcast: The Night That Lasted A Lifetime (  This week on Hidden Brain, we go back four decades to uncover the harm that arises when flawed ideas from psychology are used to determine that a teenager should spend the rest of his life behind bars.

In this module you explore the importance of goal setting as an essential attribute of

In this module you explore the importance of goal setting as an essential attribute of

In this module, you explore the importance of goal setting as an essential attribute of leadership. Effective leaders are skilled communicators, negotiators, and strategists who apply authentic approaches to achieve their social impact goals. Through their inspiration and motivation, leaders are social change agents who can allocate and optimize their resources in ways that promote collaboration, teamwork, and goal attainment. First, title your post ‘Leadership and Goal Setting.’ For your initial post, you will define and reflect on the factors that promote leadership and goal setting. Your post should address the following: In your own words, define leadership and describe its relevance to social change agency. What aspects of your personality or lived experience inspire the leader in you? As a leader of a team working to achieve a goal in your workplace, group, or community, describe how you would promote communication, collaboration, and motivation. Describe which aspect of emotional intelligence you believe best supports your ability to be an effective leader and why. Describe how leadership and goal setting connect to one of the following programmatic themes: Self-care Social justice Emotional intelligence Career connections Ethics

In no less than 300 words Imagine your 17-year old sister is

In no less than 300 words Imagine your 17-year old sister is

In no less than 300 words, Imagine your 17-year old sister is about to start her first semester of college. She’s always been one to do it all, but can become easily stressed. What advice would you give her about ways to manage her stress, prevent stress, and cope with stress? Use specific theories and examples from your reading. Do you know people who are happy in one way but not in others? People who are high in life satisfaction, for example, but low in enjoying life or high in negative feelings? What should they do to increase their happiness across all three types of subjective well-being? Professor’s Lecture: Additional Resources:

In no less than 300 words: What caught your attention this week

In no less than 300 words: What caught your attention this week

In no less than 300 words: What caught your attention this week and why?  Summarize three concepts/ideas you learned about psychological disorders and their treatment.  Here are the Professor’s Lectures:

In one page choose one aspect from each stage in the ABC model and apply

In one page choose one aspect from each stage in the ABC model and apply

In one page, choose one aspect from each stage in the ABC model, and apply each to a client in crisis who has PTSD.  In other words, how could application of aspects of the ABC crisis model be catered specifically to PTSD? Cite the text book with APA style formatting.ABCModel.docx

In a half page discuss which aspect of Van der Kolk’s Chapter 13 you most

In a half page discuss which aspect of Van der Kolk’s Chapter 13 you most

In a half page, discuss which aspect of Van der Kolk’s Chapter 13 you most identified with personally, and why.  Also, discuss how it could be helpful for someone in a PTSD crisis. Cite Van der Kolk using APA formatting.BodykeepsChapter13.pdf

In many cases advertisers sell particular ideas or images along with the product being advertised

In many cases advertisers sell particular ideas or images along with the product being advertised

In many cases, advertisers sell particular ideas or images along with the product being advertised. Car advertisements, for instance, may emphasize the status of a particular vehicle, the adventurous or thrilling aspects of driving the car, or the many advanced safety features designed to keep the driver and passengers safe. Others may focus on economy, fuel efficiency, environmental aspects, or reliability. Each of these ideas is intended to make the product being sold more attractive to a particular set of potential customers. This message is intended to become a part of the product’s image and the reason that people buy the product in question. Choose two of the advertisements from this included collection. For each write 1-2 paragraphs that: Identify what message the company is trying to deliver. Give at least two specific reasons for each advertisement why you believe this is the message. Determine whether or not the message is effective and why. Use APA formatting throughout. Formal English grammar and punctuation count as well.