Hi, I wanted to request a dialogue script to be made for a 2-3 minute

Hi, I wanted to request a dialogue script to be made for a 2-3 minute

Hi, I wanted to request a dialogue script to be made for a 2-3 minute video assignment. The description for the dialogue requirements is below. The class is about marriage-family therapy and the work should be professional.  As you consider and reflect on your work in this course, think about something that has stood out to you or led to reactions in you (e.g., maybe a particular belief system, value, or identity was new to you or caused discomfort to you). And, imagine you just met a new MFT colleague at a conference who is looking to refer a client to you. They ask you, how would you make it comfortable for a client who is¦. (that thing that was new or caused discomfort to you)? Then, create a short dialog and present it in Kaltura. What would you say to this colleague to let them know how you would provide a safe space for this client? What specifically would you address in your work to make sure this client felt safe/accepted/validated/celebrate? Length: 2-3 minutes of recorded video References: None required.

Hannah’s story is a sad story with a lot of heartache and tragedy Hari’s book

Hannah’s story is a sad story with a lot of heartache and tragedy Hari’s book

Hannah’s story is a sad story with a lot of heartache and tragedy. Hari’s book states, To the prohibitionists, Hannah is a failure, because she continued using drugs. To the Portland Hotel Society, she was a success, because she knew she was loved.’ (Hari, 2015, p. 167) Whether or not she is deemed a success would depend on how the word ˜success’ is defined. The 1828 Merriam-Websters dictionary defines success as The favorable or prosperous termination of any thing attempted; a termination which answers the purpose intended. (Merriam-Webster 1828) Obviously, the Portland Hotel Society is not using this term in the most literal sense, but instead, applying the word success to their biggest concern, an individual knowing whether or not they are loved and valued. The Portland Hotel Society, did love and value her, showing her that they did in every possible way they could. After reading her story, I’m not sure she was in any position to really internalize that value herself. While research does show a lower relapse rate among those who have intimate relational ties (Zeng, Chen, 2021), many addicts have people that love them, but the addicts are so wrapped up in their own overwhelming emotions that they can rarely see it. As to the term ˜success’, as defined by Marriam Webster, I’m not sure how that would be measured since sobriety involves a change in mindset, functional life choices, ect. Simply not ˜using’ would not be an accurate measurement since one can be clean and sober and still not be able to hold a job or function as part of society. I don’t think there is a clear line to be agreed upon and drawn between successful and unsuccessful when it comes to sobriety. As far as Hannah’s story, while I am glad that she was taken care of and loved by the Portland Hotel Society, I do not believe her story to be a success because she never had peace or even the slightest understanding of her value as a human being.     References Zeng, X., Lu, M., & Chen, M. (2021). The relationship between family intimacy and relapse tendency among people who use drugs: a moderated mediation model. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 16(1). https://doi-org.portal.lib.fit.edu/10.1186/s13011-021-00386-7 Hari, J. (2015). Chasing the scream: The first and last days of the war on drugs. Bloomsbury.  Success, 1828, Merriam-Webster, n.d., https://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/successRiseModel.pdf

Give an account of the appearance of the Virgin to Juan Diego Why do you

Give an account of the appearance of the Virgin to Juan Diego Why do you

Give an account of the appearance of the Virgin to Juan Diego. Why do you think these events have had (and continue to have) such a profound effect on Christians around the world? 100 words 2. What aspects of Bernadette’s life and experiences does Franz Werfel highlight? Why do you think he was so captivated by her story? 100 words 3. What stands out to you about Huysmans’s description of his visit to Lourdes? Is there anything in this account that surprises or inspires you? 100 words Huysmans.pdfTheStoryofGuadaluperevised.pdfWerfel.pdf

Four pages in which you analyze texts through close reading and demonstrate an understanding of

Four pages in which you analyze texts through close reading and demonstrate an understanding of

Four pages in which you analyze texts through close reading, and demonstrate an understanding of the texts’ historical, social, political, and cultural contexts (when relevant), in order to come up with an original thesis statement and a well-elaborated defense of your argument. The thesis should identify the question to be addressed, explain what is at stake and why it is important, and take a stand on the question. The specific topic is up to you, with the requirement that you focus on a particular aspect of Mary in modernity, have a clear thesis statement, and make a distinct, well organized, and well-demonstrated argument. DynamoandVirginfromTheEducationofHenryAdams.pdfGambero-Scotus.pdfLaurentin135-137.pdfHuysmans.pdfTheStoryofGuadaluperevised.pdfWerfel.pdfJournetOurLadyofSorrows1.pdf

For this assignment you will identify the main concepts and terms learned in this week’s

For this assignment you will identify the main concepts and terms learned in this week’s

For this assignment, you will identify the main concepts and terms learned in this week’s online lectures and textbook readings and create a fictional case study (may not be related to actual individuals). You will use the following guidelines while writing your case study: Background: You need to describe the demographics of individuals involved in the case study such as their age, gender, occupation, education, relationships, and family history. The case story: You need to describe a scenario using third person in which an individual is challenged with a situation causing cognitive dissonance. Analysis of the case: You need to utilize the information learned from the online lectures and text readings to analyze the case study. Be specific in your analysis using supporting evidence from outside sources when needed. Recommendations: You need to end the case study with your recommendations or suggestions you would have implemented in such a situation to assist in changing the behavior of the individual involved in the case study. Submission Details: Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format. ResponseInfluences.html.zipSUO_PSY3010AttitudetowardOthersandhowAttitudesManipulateBehavior.pdfHowBeliefsandAttitudeAffectBehavior.html.zipAttitudeBeliefandSelf-ServingBias.html.zipSUO_PSY3010ExamplesofSelf-ServingBias.pdf

For this discussion you will be working once again with your client family Your client

For this discussion you will be working once again with your client family Your client

For this discussion, you will be working once again with your client family. Your client is a young adult with specific presenting issues. The clients and age are Kelsey (Jeong) — age 26   main discussion post should address all areas of the discussion prompt.  An outline for your post might look like this:   Introduction (no heading) — brief overview of Kelsey Jeong & presenting issues — identification of developmental theory you are using to conceptualize this client. The Theory is Holland — identification of Kelsey Jeong developmental level or stage according to the Holland’s theory Promoting Positive Development — how you will develop rapport and promote engagement in counseling — how the Holland’s theory will help you with this task — approach/goals based on (Holland’s theory) developmental theory and level Summary — why and how developmental theory helps to conceptualize client — why and how developmental theory supports counselor’s efforts to facilitate development References   Resources used should include the Broderick and Blewitt (2020) text and at least 1-2 peer-reviewed articles you found to support your points.     Your main discussion post should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and an ability to apply concepts. All posts should adhere to APA format

First part: Summarize the research study: what is the background hypothesises methods enough detail for

First part: Summarize the research study: what is the background hypothesises methods enough detail for

First part: Summarize the research study: what is the background, hypothesis(es), methods (enough detail for me follow how the study was conducted and main aspects of the methods related to the validity and generalizability of the research), and highlight the author(s) interpretation of the findings.  This should all be in your own words and avoid your personal opinion in this section. Second part: Personal ideas or perceptions, based on your analysis and evaluation of the research methodology and conclusions.  Focus on the main research problem and critique of the methods used in the study in addressing the question or address one or more of the specific ideas/points/findings and describe your opinion.  3-4 pages in APA format not including the cover page and references  Answer the following questions in your analysis: ¢ Do you agree with the conclusions the authors are stating?  Is it free of bias? Does it make a meaningful contribution to our knowledge or to society in some way? ¢ What questions come to mind about the main ideas/points, methodology, research findings, and/or conclusions? ¢ Can you generalize the results to other populations or settings?  How are subgroups addressed (or not), i.e., gender, race, culture, demographics, social or economic groups, etc.? ¢ How can the material relate to the modern world, to the society and to specific groups of individuals? What are your conclusions about the information in the article and the author(s) position?EnvironmelPsychologyEffectsonMentalHealthJobSatisfactionandPersonalWellBeingofNurses.pdf

First, for this class and all others in the program, you should only use professional

First, for this class and all others in the program, you should only use professional

First, for this class and all others in the program, you should only use professional sources. Doing a Google search and citing general websites is not appropriate for graduate-level or professional work. However, most of our clients and their families will use the Google it approach. For this assignment (this one only), I am asking you to act like a client or general consumer by checking out internet sources. For many people with disorders, one of the first lines of treatment they voluntarily pursue is to look for internet resources. Do a search on the internet for one of the impulse control disorders. Review at least 3 of the sources you find. Identify the type of information available, research support, level of professional application (and validity), who the target audience is (professional, family member, individual¦), and the general usefulness of the resource. Be sure to provide a reference list for the sources.

Extra Credit Assignment: Making Connections Project Worth up to 10 points toward final grade”Due Sunday

Extra Credit Assignment: Making Connections Project Worth up to 10 points toward final grade”Due Sunday

Extra Credit Assignment: Making Connections Project Worth up to 10 points toward final grade”Due Sunday, April 24th, 2022 During this semester, we have covered physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development from adolescence through end of life. For this extra credit assignment, you are asked to develop a creative project that demonstrates the connections between development in adolescence and development in at least two other periods of the life span. What the project looks like is up to you”but it should address the following points: How does development (physical, cognitive, social, or emotional) during adolescence informs, shapes, or contributes to how adults develop and function during later periods of life? Provide evidence from the textbook along with examples. What micro, meso, or macro level environmental factors influence development the most during adolescence? Are these environmental factors also important for the development of individuals during later periods of life? In what ways? How does adolescence differ from later periods of life? How would an older adult describe the adolescents of today? Imagine if you had a time machine that you could use to travel back and forth in time. As an adolescent, what would you tell your middle adulthood self? Your late adulthood self? As an individual in late adulthood approaching end of life, what would you tell your early adulthood self? Your adolescent self?  This project is open in its form; however, you are required to obtain written approval from me prior to completing your project. Project proposals should be submitted via Blackboard no later than Sunday, April 17th. Although creativity would be the most important characteristic of this project, here are a few ideas to help you brainstorm: Write your eulogy Interview a person in late adulthood Create a visual timeline spanning from adolescence to end of life Write a brief autobiography as if you are an older age Record a video for your younger self Projects should be submitted on Blackboard by Sunday, April 24th at 11:59pm. Projects submitted after this due date will NOT be accepted.  Grade Breakdown    Assignment   Requirements Percentage   of Grade Points   Awarded   Project addresses   all four bullet points from the project description 40% /40   Project is   creative, unique, and original 20% /20   Project   appropriately integrates course content and demonstrates understanding of   connections, similarities, and differences in development over the life span 40% /40   Total /100

explain how Julie might reconcile her dilemma _________________________________________________________________________________ Cognitive Dissonance Theory would be apropos to

explain how Julie might reconcile her dilemma _________________________________________________________________________________ Cognitive Dissonance Theory would be apropos to

explain how Julie might reconcile her dilemma. _________________________________________________________________________________ Cognitive Dissonance Theory would be apropos to explaining Julie’s dilemma. In cognitive dissonance theory, when your external actions or behavior do not reflect your internal mores and beliefs, it causes dissonance between your internal and external self that leads to discomfort, and we try to eliminate this discomfort by either changing our attitudes, beliefs, or actions (Aronson et al., 2019; Levy et al., 2018; PsychandSound, 2014). According to this theory, Julie is at a crossroads, and she needs to stabilize her internal and external self to lessen or eradicate the dissonance. Aronson et al. (2019) state that Julie will do one of three things to regain stability and mitigate the effects of the dissonance. Julie will either change her behavior; that is, she will stop smoking as she wants to be healthy and has chosen running to achieve this. With this, Julie has changed her behavior and would be able to run as she is no longer a smoker. If Julie stops smoking, the dissonance and discomfort she is experiencing should lessen or disappear because her internal attitude and actions are of one accord.  Julie could also justify her behavior and validate her smoking, noting that smoking is how she relieves stress (Krukowski et al., 2021), and stress to her is more detrimental to health than a few extra pounds. She convinces herself that maybe she should try something else less physical to lose weight. Or Julie could add information to what she already believes to be accurate and justify her continued smoking. She could state that governments worldwide have received over 100 billion dollars in tobacco-related taxes (Collard, 2010); therefore, she is helping these governments by smoking and providing monetary assistance for the governments to facilitate necessary social programs. She can also justify her actions by stating that governments own and are shareholders in tobacco companies; therefore, smoking cannot be that bad if governments are a part of it. With the last two, Julie has cemented her attitude towards smoking as the lesser of two ills or a necessity for commerce and does not change her behavior related to smoking. As Julie has justified her behavior and validated her smoking with new information, the dissonance she is experiencing should cause her less psychological pain (Aronson et al., 2019). Her attitude and behavior towards smoking are no longer conflicting.