Chasing the Scream discusses the work of John Marks a physician who prescribed heroin to

Chasing the Scream discusses the work of John Marks a physician who prescribed heroin to

Chasing the Scream discusses the work of John Marks, a physician who prescribed heroin to those struggling with heroin addiction in England. He is quoted as saying that many of the harms of drugs are to do with the laws around them, not the drugs themselves. (Hari, 2015, p. 210) Explain if you agree or disagree. Response Parameters Initial posts should be 250 words in length Using APA format, please cite and reference the text and include at least one peer-reviewed article to support your post References Hari, J. (2015).  Chasing the scream: The first and last days of the war on drugs. Bloomsbury.

Chasing the Scream tells the story of Hannah a woman who experienced marked trauma in

Chasing the Scream tells the story of Hannah a woman who experienced marked trauma in

Chasing the Scream tells the story of Hannah, a woman who experienced marked trauma in her life. Hannah stayed at the Portland Hotel Society, which provides safe housing for individuals struggling with substance misuse. The book states, To the prohibitionists, Hannah is a failure, because she continued using drugs. To the Portland Hotel Society, she was a success, because she knew she was loved.’ (Hari, 2015, p. 167) What is your perspective on Hannah? References Hari, J. (2015). Chasing the scream: The first and last days of the war on drugs. Bloomsbury.  Response Parameters Initial posts should be 250 words in length Using APA format, please cite and reference the text and include at least one peer-reviewed article to support your post

Between- or Within-Subject Design Create a Method section for a study looking at performance in

Between- or Within-Subject Design Create a Method section for a study looking at performance in

Between- or Within-Subject Design Create a Method section for a study looking at performance in agility school for a dog taught by a professional trainer versus its owner in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document. Explain why the design you used is appropriate for this study. Submission Details: Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format.

Based on: ‘ How emotions effect decision-making’ Create an annotated bibliography of 5 sources that

Based on: ‘ How emotions effect decision-making’ Create an annotated bibliography of 5 sources that

Based on: ‘ How emotions effect decision-making’ Create an annotated bibliography of 5 sources that you will use for a future project. 3 of the 5 sources must be from a peer reviewed journal. See an example attachedBibliographyTemplate.pdf

Assignment: In no less than 300 words:- Share your reflection on at least THREE

Assignment: In no less than 300 words:- Share your reflection on at least THREE

Assignment: In no less than 300 words:  – Share your reflection on at least THREE different concepts your learned this week related to social psychology.  Be sure to cover information from the class lecture and from this week’s readings (Module 12). Professor’s Lecture: – – Course Textbook: * Under ‘Social Psychology’ (Module 12)

Assessment TraitsRequires LopeswriteAssessment Description Select three of the 10 references from your Reference List assignment

Assessment TraitsRequires LopeswriteAssessment Description Select three of the 10 references from your Reference List assignment

Assessment TraitsRequires LopeswriteAssessment Description Select three of the 10 references from your Reference List assignment. Create an annotated bibliography for each of the three references.  Each annotation must have 150-200 words, making a total of 450-600 words for the entire assignment. Each annotation should have the following elements: APA style reference of the article being annotated A paraphrased summary of the article (See note on paraphrasing below.) An assessment of why it is a scholarly reference A reflection on how it is applicable to your research Note: Go to the Student Success Center and search key words ‘Preparing Annotated Bibliographies’ for help with this assignment. Follow these steps for all three references you chose. Note on Paraphrasing: Paraphrasing the ideas of others is a requirement in academic writing and graduate study. Paraphrasing is using your own words to restate ideas or information from a source material. As you write each annotation use the following paraphrasing guidelines. There are three main steps to paraphrasing: Identify the original idea(s) in the article. Identify general points regarding the idea(s). Summarize the general points of the article in your own words (paraphrase). Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance. AttachmentsUNV-502.R.Paraphrasing Chart.dotx

Assessment Description As a mental health worker it is essential to understand the family systems:

Assessment Description As a mental health worker it is essential to understand the family systems:

Assessment Description As a mental health worker, it is essential to understand the family systems: Individuals and their roles and boundaries. This assignments will help you understand how to analyze a family system. Access and complete the Family Dynamics and Systems Worksheet 3. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.  AttachmentsMHW-512.R.T3Worksheet3ScoringGuide.docx MHW-512.T3.FamilySystemsWorkshee MHW-512.T3.FamilySystemsWorksheet3.docxMHW-512.R.T3Worksheet3ScoringGuide.docx

As her New Year’s resolution Julie decided it was finally time she got in shape

As her New Year’s resolution Julie decided it was finally time she got in shape

As her New Year’s resolution, Julie decided it was finally time she got in shape. Years ago, she ran regularly, but more recently, work and family have dominated her time. Julie still thought running was her best option; she lived in Florida with its year-round good weather, and the only financial investment was a good pair of running shoes and the right clothes. Having finally made this decision, Julie was very excited. She bought new shoes, running shorts, and performance tops, making her commitment to running even stronger. She designed a realistic running regimen she was certain she could follow. Day 1 came and, dressed in her new gear, Julie started down her street; the plan was to run to the nearby park about one mile away. She did not want to push it on the first day; after all, it had been years since she had run. When she had run a little less than a block, she was gasping for air, forcing her to stop. Her lungs were on fire, she was dizzy and nauseous. What Julie failed to consider was her pack-a-day cigarette smoking habit that seemed to throw a wrench in her plan. Conflicted, Julie knew something had to change. She fancied herself a runner who liked smoking cigarettes; unfortunately, running and smoking were incompatible. Would her desire for cigarettes convince her that getting in shape was not all that important? Or, would her desire to get in shape convince her that smoking was counterproductive to her goals?  ___________________________________________________________________________ a description of the theory of attitude change that best explains Julie’s dilemma. Per the theory, explain whether Julie would be more likely to change her attitude or her behavior. Please explain why.

article on Anxiety disorder The article is to be 5 pages double-spaced and written in

article on Anxiety disorder The article is to be 5 pages double-spaced and written in

article on Anxiety disorder. The article is to be 5 pages, double-spaced, and written in 12 point Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins. Please include references from reading, scholarly works in related fields journal articles, etc.). When citing references, please use appropriate in-text documentation and reference list/bibliography (APA Style). Thanks !

Answer one of the discussion questions below in your post. Post should be at least 250 words. 

Answer one of the discussion questions below in your post. Post should be at least 250 words. 

Answer one of the discussion questions below in your post. Post should be at least 250 words.  Integrate your views with those of the textbook and the optional articles or other sources you find; use APA-style citations.  Ch 7: Higher-Order Cognitive Functions in Adulthood Executive Functioning and Term Limits.  What is executive functioning and how does it fare in adulthood?  Given its importance in complex decision-making and problem-solving, do you think there should be term limits for individuals in key decision-making roles such as political, religious, or business leaders? Should there be mandatory intelligence testing of these individuals every few years as a condition of staying in the role? Why or why not? Using the key concepts from this chapter, explain your view. Adult Learners at Work. Imagine that you are designing a program for adults over 40 for learning about a new system or process at your current or future place of employment.  Based on the research about how adults learn best, describe three specific instructional practices that you would build into your training program.  Provide enough detail and context so that other readers can envision what you will do, and why. Ch 8: Personality in Adulthood You Choose! Identify a question that occurred to you while you were completing this week’s readings on the psychodynamic, trait, social cognitive, and cognitive perspectives on adult personality development. Write your Discussion Question in italics, then answer it. Reply to two others’ Discussion Questions and posts, as well. Midlife Crisis.  Analyze the research evidence for and against midlife crisis. Are your own observations of midlife adults consistent with the research? Why or why not?