Andrea a 10-year-old girl of Asian and African-American descent has had difficulty getting along with

Andrea a 10-year-old girl of Asian and African-American descent has had difficulty getting along with

Andrea, a 10-year-old girl of Asian and African-American descent, has had difficulty getting along with her younger sister Beth, who is 7. They constantly fight over toys, TV programs, technology devices, and their mother’s attention. Usually, Andrea picks the fights. Andrea’s teacher is beginning to notice similar behaviors in the classroom. She is irritable, picking fights with classmates, and uncooperative with the teacher’s requests. This past week she was sent to the principal’s office for verbal aggression with another student in the hallway. The principal has asked you (the professional school counselor in Andrea’s school) to see this student, and you have gathered some basic information from both the mother and the teacher. How would you apply a solutionfocused brief counseling approach to this case? How would you apply rational-emotive behavioral techniques to this case? Include specific theoretical techniques you would use for each. Which approach (SFBC or REBT) do you prefer and why? What are some cultural considerations in your work with Andrea? Describe a completely different counseling approach you would use including play therapy, expressive therapy or other similar approaches. What specific activity or strategy would you use and why? What are some examples of peer programs you might want to involve Andrea in? How can you advocate for Andrea in the school and home environments? What community resources might be available for Andrea and her family? Under what circumstances might a referral be appropriate? Cite applicable ASCA Ethical Standards (ASCA, 2016)

ANOVA and Repeated Measures ANOVA Designs Use the University Online Resources to find two peer-reviewed

ANOVA and Repeated Measures ANOVA Designs Use the University Online Resources to find two peer-reviewed

ANOVA and Repeated Measures ANOVA Designs Use the University Online Resources to find two peer-reviewed articles in which the authors used ANOVA designs and two peer-reviewed articles in which the authors used repeated measures ANOVA designs. Summarize each article and evaluate whether the design used was logical. Explain your reasoning. Do you think that the design influenced the statistical significance observed? Why or why not? Could this influence the validity of the work? Submission Details Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format. repeatedmeasuresANOVAdesigns1.pdfANOVAdesigns1.pdfrepeatedmeasuresANOVAdesigns2.pdfANOVAdesigns2.pdf

After reviewing the three links below, discuss your thoughts on each article as related to the facts

After reviewing the three links below, discuss your thoughts on each article as related to the facts

After reviewing the three links below, discuss your thoughts on each article as related to the facts presented. Share with your classmates what fact shocked you most from one of the articles. Be specific in your response with reference to the articles presented.  ‘Son Men Don’t Get Raped’ ‘When Men Are ‘ ‘What It’s Like To Be a Male Survivor of Sexual Assault’

After studying the module content and suggested resources, write an explaining the following:

After studying the module content and suggested resources, write an explaining the following:

After studying the module content and suggested resources, write an explaining the following: Argue about the historical justification of Social Work intervention in crises.  Support your answer using the material studied.   Your text should be at least 500 words.  Include:  Introduction   Development of the topic  Arguments for and against  Conclusion   Contentweek1.docx

addressing two possible research ideas within the selected area of interest Evaluate both ideas in

addressing two possible research ideas within the selected area of interest Evaluate both ideas in

addressing two possible research ideas within the selected area of interest. Evaluate both ideas in the Learning Team response. Include the following information for each research idea: A research question  How the project is testable and the likelihood of success the quality of prior studies in this selected area

Adolescence is a period of life in which one is subjected to concerns surrounding self-esteem

Adolescence is a period of life in which one is subjected to concerns surrounding self-esteem

Adolescence is a period of life in which one is subjected to concerns surrounding self-esteem and impression management. Utilizing the following categories, select four to provide personal examples of how your personal views and style of expression were shaped by others (parents, peers, teachers, community, etc.).  impression management social tuning social comparisons mindsets intrinsic/extrinsic motivation causal theories In 750-1,000 words:  Provide a personal example of how your personal views were shaped by others for each of the four categories selected. Provide a personal example of how your style of expression (physically, verbally, and in writing) were shaped by others for each of the four categories selected.

A Start by Reading the Atlantic Article: Even Black Preschool Teachers Are Biased Link HERE https://wwwtheatlanticcom/education/archive/2016/09/the-high-standard-set-by-black-teachers-for-black-students/501989/

A Start by Reading the Atlantic Article: Even Black Preschool Teachers Are Biased Link HERE https://wwwtheatlanticcom/education/archive/2016/09/the-high-standard-set-by-black-teachers-for-black-students/501989/

A) Start by Reading the Atlantic Article: Even Black Preschool Teachers Are Biased (Link HERE) ( B) Address the following questions in your response: a) In your own words, what is implicit bias?  How can implicit bias be driving differences in teacher expectations? b) Overview the design of one of the studies (make sure to mention the IV and the DV)?  Where was deception in the study and why was it necessary? c) In your own words, what were the results of the study you overviewed? d) What can we do with the results of research in this area? e) Discuss your reactions, use of research on this area of educational psychology and/or thoughts on the research topic. 250 Words in APA Format

A summary of the developmental crises your adolescent client is facingDescribe the

A summary of the developmental crises your adolescent client is facingDescribe the

A summary of the developmental crises your adolescent client is facing. Describe the risk-taking behavior(s) in which the adolescent is involved, and at least one protective factor that might be influencing his or her level of functioning. Explain the impact of these behaviors on the adolescent and his or her family. Justify your response with references to this week’s Learning Resources and 12 peer-reviewed articles from the past 5 years.

A client facing the decision of whether or not to have an abortion is likely

A client facing the decision of whether or not to have an abortion is likely

A client facing the decision of whether or not to have an abortion is likely to consider a wide range of factors before making the final decision. This often is the case for clients regardless of whether they view themselves as generally for or against abortion (or somewhere in between), as the decision is different when considering how it applies to one’s own life. The types of factors that can influence a client’s decisions include (but are not limited to) physical health considerations, educational background, cultural values, and predictions about short- and long-term consequences of abortion. The Assignment (2- to 3-page paper): Explain potential factors that might influence whether or not a client decides to have an abortion. Include short- and long-term considerations that might impact this decision. Explain why certain factors might have a stronger impact on a client’s decision regarding abortion depending on the client’s background (e.g., age, gender, religion, socioeconomic status). Notes:  Please make sure the posted assignment is Zero Percent Plagiarism.  Running heads are not to be on the paper. Make sure paper is in APA 7 formatting.  Make sure paragraphs are indented and aligned to the left.  Please provide a reference page and references throughout the paper. Please use the following references for this assignment:  References  American Counseling Association. (2014). ACA code of ethics. Retrieved from Frankel, M., Rachlin, H., & Yip-Bannicq, M. (2012). How nondirective therapy directs: The power of empathy in the context of unconditional positive regard. Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, 11(3), 205214. Langston, A. M., Rosario, L., & Westhoff, C. L. (2010). Structured contraceptive counseling: A randomized controlled trial. Patient Education & Counseling, 81(3), 362367. Beja, V., & Leal, (2010). Abortion counselling according to healthcare providers: A qualitative study in the Lisbon metropolitan area, Portugal. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care: The Official Journal of the European Society of Contraception, 15(5), 326335. Coyle, C. T., Coleman, P. K., & Rue, V. M. (2010). Inadequate preabortion counseling and decision conflict as predictors of subsequent relationship difficulties and psychological stress in men and women. Traumatology, 16(1), 1630. Joffe, C. (2013). The politicization of abortion and the evolution of abortion counseling. American Journal of Public Health, 103(1), 5765.

4 pg expositoryDue Sunday April 10th Please follow the rubric to provide the

4 pg expositoryDue Sunday April 10th Please follow the rubric to provide the

4 pg (expository)  Due Sunday April 10th   Please follow the rubric to provide the best quality work  Introduction and conclusion is mandatory  APA format 7th edition Provide correct citations and references Plagiarism free, turn it I’m report, A+ work, timely manner  Reference pg (3 peer reviewed references minimum)ScreenShot2022-04-05at11.57.00AM.pngScreenShot2022-04-05at11.20.36AM.pngScreenShot2022-04-05at11.23.57AM.pngScreenShot2022-04-05at11.24.08AM.pngScreenShot2022-04-05at11.24.26AM.pngScreenShot2022-04-05at11.24.36AM.png