100 words each 1)Identify and explain research on effective coping mechanisms for stress. How do

100 words each 1)Identify and explain research on effective coping mechanisms for stress. How do

100 words each 1)Identify and explain research on effective coping mechanisms for stress. How do you believe these would help you in your everyday life? 2)Review and analyze the available research on social anxiety. From the viewpoint of a future practitioner, defend or criticize the current status of social anxiety as a psychological disorder. Defend your response.

 Review the paired samples t test equation below and answer the questions:  1a

 Review the paired samples t test equation below and answer the questions:  1a

1)  Review the paired samples t test equation below and answer the questions:  1a. What is d with the bar over it called and how do you find it? 1b. What is the S (with subnotation of d) called? 1c. What is n? 2)   What is the estimated standard error for a paired sample t test using the following data:  Standard deviation of the difference score = 5 and n=100? 3)  In a paired samples t test, explain the logic of difference scores (why do you need to find them to make conclusions about your research) and why do you compare it to a population mean often designated as zero (µ = 0)?

 Why she made the decision to breastfeed or formula feed2  What challenges [if any]

 Why she made the decision to breastfeed or formula feed2  What challenges [if any]

 Why she made the decision to breastfeed or formula feed?  2.  What challenges [if any] has she faced in feeding her baby? 3.  Has she received any criticism or unwanted advice from people about the feeding method she chose?  4.  What are her feelings about breastfeeding or formula feeding? 5.  How old are you now? How old were you when your child was born? 6.  What was your life like just before you (or the mother of your child) became pregnant? 7.  What did you think being a parent was going to be like? Were you right? 8.  What is your life like now? How has it changed since you have become a parent? 9.  How did your family and friends react to your having a baby? 10.  How has your relationship with the (father/mother) of your child changed from before your baby was born? 1 What has been the best part of being a parent? 12.  What has been the hardest part of being a parent? 13.  What or who has been most helpful to you in your adjustment to parenthood? Why? Personal information and reflections of the interviewer  Who is the person you interviewed, and how do you know them? (You do not need to tell me their name, say, for example, my cousin, high school friend, a neighbor, a family friend, etc.) 2.  What was most surprising to you about the person whom you interviewed? 3.  Do you agree with this person’s current view of infant feeding & parenthood? Why or why not? Explain your answers. 3 pages 12 font double space

Does this study reflect basic or applied research? How do you know? 2.

Does this study reflect basic or applied research? How do you know? 2.

1. Does this study reflect basic or applied research? How do you know? 2. What level(s) of analysis (biological, psychological, environmental) are being employed in this study? Explain and identify the specific details of the study that show this. 3. What were the findings of previous research that led the researchers to do this study? What was the research question that they attempted to answer? What was (were) the researchers’ hypothesis(es)? 4. How was this study conducted? Was it an experiment or a non-experiment? How can you tell? What were the variables under investigation in this study? Identify the dependent and independent variables, if applicable. 5. What were the main findings of this study? How do they relate to the original study hypothesis(es)? 6. How do the researchers explain their results? What are some other possible explanations? What are some strengths of this study? Limitations? 7. What do the authors propose as a possible mechanism to explain their results? 8. What are the possible implications of these results in the real world?