Infancy & Childhood: Developmental Milestonesas Social Workers, It Is Important To Understand The Risk Factors

Infancy & Childhood: Developmental Milestonesas Social Workers, It Is Important To Understand The Risk Factors

 Infancy & Childhood: Developmental MilestonesAs social workers, it is important to understand the risk factors that impact infants and children achieving these developmental milestones and know the interventions that are available in our communities.  The Centers for Disease Control has identified specific adverse childhood experiences (ACE) that impact human development (  Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) ( Watch the TED talk of Dr. Nadine Burke Harris:Video Link: Questions

  1. Identify an evidence-based intervention in your community that addresses the risk factors of infancy and childhood development presented by Dr. Harris and the CDC.  Post the website and/or information of the resource.  If there is no resource in your community, post the nearest resource.
  2. Describe the specifics of the intervention and the behavior(s) targeted.  Present the research that supports this intervention.  What are some of the limitations of this intervention?
  3. Discuss the accessibility of this resource to everyone in the community. Does this intervention address the needs of those from every culture?  
  4. What other resource is needed in the community to address the risk factors in infancy and childhood development?


    Instructions – Paraphrase My Paper And Make It Sound Smarter. Keep It In Apa Style. 

    Instructions – Paraphrase My Paper And Make It Sound Smarter. Keep It In Apa Style. 

    Instructions – Paraphrase my paper and make it sound smarter. Keep it in APA style. 

    Body Image: putting adolescent's mental health at risk

    I wish I was taller! If only I had curly hair, I would be pretty. I would be happy if I was skinnier! Why can't I look like her? This are all comments commonly made by adolescents whom are feeling the pressure to have ideal physical features. Body Image is the subjective picture or mental image of one's own body. Body image can be formed by many factors such as the pictures of models that advertisement show on television and magazines; the way that society feels and acts towards certain types of bodies and specific physical features; And the message social media sends. Body image can have an enormous impact, especially on teenagers. Adolescents are going through several cognitive and physical changes such as puberty, and body image can influence that in numerous ways. The psychological effects that body image is causing on teenagers are mostly negative and they can lead to severe consequences on their growth and development.

    The media is the biggest network, everyone is connected to it, more than 50% of the population is surrounded by it, magazines, social media, google, in fewer words, it is everywhere. The media portrays many messages and ideas that teenagers follow as if it was a norm. At this age period, adolescents compare themselves to everything the media shows, and that is when the issue begins. Constantly looking at pictures of models and celebrities lowers your self-steam and one of the consequences of this is unnecessary dieting (Ratcliffe). According to the targeted news service, adolescents are undergoing cosmetic surgery just because they want to look like these celebrities and consider their selves more attractive by fixing their perceived flaws. Models and celebrities are meant to be the most beautiful girls, the ones that show beauty and talent, the ones that mostly people at this age admire. However, that is the problem, the word the media is spreading through social media and advertisement is only provoking body dissatisfaction. This statement is proved by the professor Katherine Presnell when she states:

    Use of media that conveys messages about body ideals is consistently     associated with greater body dissatisfaction, and experimental exposure to images portraying the thin-ideal result in moderate decreases in self-esteem and increases in body dissatisfaction among females

    Therefore, the media is not inspiring, but bringing down these innocent young females and provoking them to make decisions that will have a enormous relevance throughout their lives.

    An essential factor that all teenagers are going through, which it also affects body image is their specific cognitive development and puberty. Adolescents are well aware of what is happening in their bodies, and they may react with joy or horror depending on the social norms of how you are supposed to look. Adolescents process and store information differently. They have egocentrism, and this develops what has been called an imaginary audience, which is defined as the "adolescent's belief that his or her own behavior is primary focus on others' attention and concerns" (Feldman, 372). This characteristic of teenagers makes them feel concerned about every single detail of their selves that is not socially considered beautiful. According to Will Storr, teenagers are constantly feeling anxious about what others think and they always compare each other to those around them. This feeling of discomfort and body dissatisfaction is generated by others around them, in most adolescent's minds there is no such thing as thinking that is normal being different and that everyone goes through puberty at their own pace. Which proves that what it is supposed to be normal since every teenager goes through it, it just contributes to the psychological disturbances that are being formed because of body image.

    Body image has created the fear of fat and the desire to avoid weighting more than what society considers perfect sometimes becomes so strong that they become into a problem. The most common eating disorder that is developed because of this fear, is anorexia nervosa which is defined as, "severe eating disorder in which individuals refuse to eat, while denying that their behavior and appearance are out of the ordinary" (Feldman, 364). Anorexia nervosa is a dangerous eating disorder in which you can get to the point in which you starve yourself to death. Even though some teenagers are aware of this, they keep turning into dieting, such as in taking a lower amount of calories so that they can become thin.

    Body dissatisfaction has been consistently shown to place adolescents at increased risk for the development and maintenance of disordered eating since strategies such as extreme dietary restriction or compensatory measures may be used in an attempt to alter weight and shape. (Presnell)

    It is extremely shocking how teenagers are developing this disorders because of what society perceives as perfection. On top of that, in reference to pediatric annals, the media contributes to self-image and eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. Google consents certain types of websites in which people post pictures of how your body is supposed to look, and unhealthy tips on how to lose weight fast and look like those on the pictures (Williams IV). Something as broad and influential as google should never allow these prominent websites to continue enforcing this message and causing more deaths among young girls and boys. 

    Every crucial decision teenagers make at this age will affect them in a near future. It is extremely important for them to take care of their selves, principally their health. According to the university of Missouri, how teenagers view their body image can have significant impacts on their health. Young men and women find themselves suffering from depression which causes an increase in substances like Tobacco and alcohol. Teenagers abuse of this substances to escape their reality for a few hours and look cooler in front of their peers without acknowledging the terrible impact this is going to have in their lives. Adolescents that start to experiment will more likely become alcoholics in the future. That statement is proved by the author Robert S. Feldman when he quotes in his book that alcohol becomes a habit that cannot be controlled (381). Substance abuse affects their every day routine, starting from lack of sleep, declining grades, absenteeism from school and other activities, increased potential for dropping out of school, and ending at the high rick of accidents that could cause death. Body image is really disturbing the minds of teenagers. It's provoking depression and it also triggers them to look for alternatives to fit in, because if they don't, they feel like everyone is judging them all the time.


      In This Assignment, You Are Required To Read And Critically Review A Recently Published Article

      In This Assignment, You Are Required To Read And Critically Review A Recently Published Article

      In this assignment, you are required to read and critically review a recently published article on multicultural psychology. The purpose is not simply summarize or repeat the contents of the article. Rather, the assignment is intended to review the study's main purposes, methodologies, findings and conclusions in a concise and scholarly manner, and then to discuss your views on the article's strengths, limitations, and implications. Please, you must use the following headings in your article review: (1) Purpose (2) Methods (3) Findings and (4) Implications and impressions.  

      APA Format 

      6-8 page limitation 

      Please include citations and references in APA Format 


        In This Assignment, You Will Have The Opportunity To Explain How To Find Your Purpose

        In This Assignment, You Will Have The Opportunity To Explain How To Find Your Purpose


        In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to explain how to find your purpose by completing the "Finding Your Purpose" document.

        Use topic Resources to support your claims. 

        While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

        This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

        You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

        Reminder: This is a templated document so the LopesWrite score will be higher due to the directions and questions.


        How Would You Make A Judgment Regarding The Utility Of A Published Test? What Factors

        How Would You Make A Judgment Regarding The Utility Of A Published Test? What Factors


        • How would you make a judgment regarding the utility of a published test? What factors would you consider? What resources would you use? 
        • What factors concerning test utility would you consider as you work through the process of test construction? 
        • What are factors that need to be considered early in test construction to ensure that the process proceeds accurately and you end up with a useful test? 
        • Consider that you are constructing a test for test anxiety. What would you include in an assessment of an individual's level of test anxiety? How would you determine which items should be included in the assessment? How would you evaluate the appropriateness of your items and each item's performance in the assessment?


          I Enjoyed Reading Your Post I Like The Part That You Mentioned,’ The Instructor Can

          I Enjoyed Reading Your Post I Like The Part That You Mentioned,’ The Instructor Can

           I enjoyed reading your post I like the part that you mentioned," the instructor can give a research question and expect every student to collect data on a particular group in a specific setting. The information collected is first-hand and will be an additional knowledge to the course" . If the instructor gives the big picture of the assignments and then breaks it down into smaller segments, where does peer to peer education  fit into that equation? 


          How About Instructor Experience? Specifically, How Might Instructor Experience With Virtual Learning Affect Quality Of

          How About Instructor Experience? Specifically, How Might Instructor Experience With Virtual Learning Affect Quality Of

           How about instructor experience? Specifically, how might instructor experience with virtual learning affect quality of learning for students in a virtual environment? 


            Given Insights Gained During The Pandemic, What New Research On Virtual Learning Would Be Especially

            Given Insights Gained During The Pandemic, What New Research On Virtual Learning Would Be Especially

             Given insights gained during the pandemic, what new research on virtual learning would be especially beneficial to educators? Why do you feel that way?   


            For This Assignment , My Week 3 Assignment Is Needed To Create A Plater.

            For This Assignment , My Week 3 Assignment Is Needed To Create A Plater.

            For this assignment , my week 3 assignment is needed to create a plater.

            Wk5 instructions attached

            Poster guidelines link :

            Poster guidelines attached

            Wk3 information for poster attached

            additional info + poster example attached 


            From My Earliest Memories, The Intricate Workings Of The Human Mind Have Captivated Me, Propelling

            From My Earliest Memories, The Intricate Workings Of The Human Mind Have Captivated Me, Propelling

            From my earliest memories, the intricate workings of the human mind have captivated me, propelling me on an academic and professional journey dedicated to unraveling the complexities of human behavior. As a recent graduate holding a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, I am excited to embark on the next chapter of my educational and professional development through a Master's program in Psychology.

            My academic journey has equipped me with a robust foundation in psychology, enabling me to view the world through the lens of a discipline that continually unveils the depth of human experience. Throughout my undergraduate studies, I engaged with coursework that delved into various branches of psychology, from cognitive and developmental psychology to social and clinical psychology. These academic explorations, coupled with hands-on experiences, have deepened my appreciation for the diverse ways in which psychology can contribute positively to individuals and communities.

            The decision to pursue a Master's in Psychology at Florida International University is driven by a profound alignment of my values and aspirations with the ethos of the program. The program's commitment to ethical practices, diversity, equity, and inclusion resonates with my belief in the importance of fostering an inclusive and compassionate approach to the study and application of psychology. Additionally, the emphasis on [specific aspects of the program] excites me, as it aligns seamlessly with my academic and professional goals of further exploring and contributing to the understanding of human behavior.

            Beyond the academic sphere, my commitment to the transformative power of education and support has been shaped by my experiences outside the classroom. Volunteering for organizations focused on career development and job placement services has allowed me to witness firsthand the profound impact that understanding and addressing psychological factors can have on an individual's life. These experiences have fueled my dedication to contributing meaningfully to the betterment of individuals and communities through the application of psychological insights.

            Choosing FIU for my Master's degree is more than an academic decision; it is a return to the community where I initially cultivated my passion for psychology during my undergraduate years. This choice symbolizes not only a continuation of my educational journey but also an opportunity to give back to the community that has played a pivotal role in my academic and personal growth.

            In conclusion, armed with a comprehensive background in psychology and a fervent desire to contribute positively to the understanding of human behavior, I am confident in my readiness to undertake the challenges and opportunities presented this program. I look forward to engaging with the rich academic environment and contributing meaningfully to the field of psychology as I continue my intellectual and personal growth.