Evaluate Educational, Intelligence, Career, And Personality Psychological Assessments By Answering The Following Questions: 

Evaluate Educational, Intelligence, Career, And Personality Psychological Assessments By Answering The Following Questions: 


  • Evaluate educational, intelligence, career, and personality psychological assessments by answering the following questions: 
  • How do you define intelligence? Can it be measured? Explain your answer. If you believe intelligence cannot be measured, what would you say about the tests that are published to accomplish this purpose? 
  • What are the similarities and differences between achievement and intelligence? How are the two assessed? Which assessment method do you prefer? Why? 
  • In most cases, intelligence and achievement tests are used to diagnose learning disabilities and determine the need for accommodation in an academic or employment setting. If psychological tests were not used, how might one determine if someone requires accommodation? How would we answer this referral question without psychological tests? 


    Description And Purpose Getting The Word Out About Eating Disorders Is Essential For Getting Individuals

    Description And Purpose Getting The Word Out About Eating Disorders Is Essential For Getting Individuals


    Description and Purpose

    Getting the word out about eating disorders is essential for getting individuals the help they need. In this project, you are responsible for raising awareness about a particular eating disorder and highlighting its medical complications. To do this, you will apply what you’ve studied in Lessons 1 and 2 and use digital media to communicate your message. You will appropriately use sources outside our textbook and course materials in order to create an informative and compelling presentation that provides support resources for those with the eating disorder in question.

    Areas to address

    • Description of the eating disorder and population(s) it affects
    • Medical consequences
    • Support resources
    • References section to cite your sources


    Tools you can use include: 

    • Adobe Creative Cloud tools (Adobe Express [previously Spark] is recommended),
    • Google Slides

    Regardless of the tool you use, the message, information, and citations are key. Consult the attached performance indicators to guide you in your work.

    Steps for Completion

    1. Choose an eating disorder to focus on and begin to research it. Start with course materials (lectures, readings – you might especially consult Taylor, K.M. (2008). Going Hungry: Writers on Desire, Self-Denial, and Overcoming Anorexia).
    2. Also locate at least three peer-reviewed sources outside of our course materials. Start with the Library. 
    3. Draft your campaign before jumping into any tool. Think about your intended audience (e.g., K-12 or college students? Athletes?) and be sure your message and medium are tailored to that group.
    4. Gather scholarly resources from the Library Website
    5. Gather copyright-friendly visual resources
      1. Unsplash
      2. Pixabay
      3. Creative Commons
    6. Choose your tool and set up organized sections for all areas to be addressed
    7. Keep your message clear and on-target so it’s easy for your audience to get information quickly.
      1. Your presentation text will follow APA citation format, with in-text citations and references.
      2. The resource page intended for those with the chosen ED should include citations of books, articles, and contact information for treatment facilities, etc. that deal specifically with the ED

     Design a campaign (to be used, for example, on TV, Newspapers, Magazines, Billboards, etc.) to
    raise awareness of the medical complications of a specific eating disorder (ED) and develop a
    presentation that consists of 12 slides (Including a title page slide, a reference slide, and a
    resource slide). The slides should contain information (text) and images (e.g., photos, color in
    fonts, use of animation effects, variation of font size, etc.) from independent sources (other than
    the course). Reference page should be in APA format and presentation should include in-text
    citations. Resource page should include books, articles, treatment facilities, etc. that deal
    specifically with the ED you have chosen for your campaign. It is a page of resources for those
    who might be dealing with this ED. The assignment is worth 50 points 


      Creativity Sternberg Defines Creativity As A Drive Resulting In The Production Of Something Both Original

      Creativity Sternberg Defines Creativity As A Drive Resulting In The Production Of Something Both Original



      Sternberg defines creativity as a drive resulting in the production of something “both original and worthwhile” (Walden University, LLC, 2007). He suggests that creative people demonstrate non-conforming attitudes toward commonly held societal conventions that hamper their creative pursuits, as well as demonstrating a consistent drive to attend to their creative interests. Creative individuals also show a willingness to take risks as well as criticism in the interest of improving their creative work.

      For this Discussion, consider the arguments made in the video in this week’s Learning Resources. Think about ways that you have addressed problems, in particular the level of creativity you may have brought to solutions. Consider whether individuals can increase their own levels of creativity.

      Walden University, LLC. (Executive Producer). (2007). Creativity. Baltimore, MD: Author.

      Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
      Click the weekly resources link to access the resources

      Post an example either of a creative solution you developed to address a problem in your life or a creative improvement upon a solution that lacked innovative qualities. Consider the notion of whether creativity can be enhanced. Post an argument for or against this assertion and explain why. Support your argument with reference to the Learning Resources.

      Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.




        D Like You To Begin Researching Schools And Community Providers Servicing Youths In The Community

        D Like You To Begin Researching Schools And Community Providers Servicing Youths In The Community


        d like you to begin researching schools and community providers servicing youths in the Community Board 2 area. Our clinic, Center for Young Adults, serves youths ages 11-24 who have an SA and MH dx – and in efforts to grow our presence here in the community, we need to know who's here and create an outreach plan. Your map is beneficial. this will be in staten island newyork 

        Create an Excel document and group your findings. This list can also serve as a part two project where you can create a resource list that our clinicians can use when looking for other providers to refer clients.


          Constructivist Perspectives Share A Number Of Common Elements. They Include Complex Learning Environments And Authentic

          Constructivist Perspectives Share A Number Of Common Elements. They Include Complex Learning Environments And Authentic

           Constructivist perspectives share a number of common elements. They include complex learning environments and authentic tasks, involve social negotiation and multiple representations of content, and include student ownership of learning. Discuss ways each of these constructivist elements might be used for assignments in an undergraduate psychology class. Provide specific original examples of the a Complete the following readings from your textbook, Educational Psychology:

          • Chapter 10: Constructivism and Interactive Learning
          • Chapter 11: Social Cognitive Views of Learning and Motivationpplications and discuss why these represent application of constructivism. 


            Begin With A Title Slide Including An Original Name For Your Seminar. Make

            Begin With A Title Slide Including An Original Name For Your Seminar. Make


            • Begin with a title slide including an original name for your seminar.
            • Make sure to comment on all aspects of the slide including visual presentation, audio presentation, content, and rational/approach/activity.
            • Provide constructive feedback to at least two of your peers addressing each of the aspects above.


              Building Strength In Documentation Skills Is A Key To Success As A Clinician. Briefly Describe

              Building Strength In Documentation Skills Is A Key To Success As A Clinician. Briefly Describe

               Building strength in documentation skills is a key to success as a clinician. Briefly describe the assessment instruments, treatment planning procedures, and the format of progress notes. What challenges have you faced in writing progress notes, treatment plans, and conducting intake assessments? 


                Assessment Description Prepare A Resume That Describes Your Work And Educational Experience,

                Assessment Description Prepare A Resume That Describes Your Work And Educational Experience,

                 Assessment Description

                1. Prepare a resume that describes your work and educational experience, in addition to any extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and professional aspirations.
                2. Include a cover letter expressing your interest in the site. Make sure you have a specific name to direct the cover letter to.
                3. APA style is not required; however, solid writing skill is expected.
                4. Keep your resume and update as needed. Many states can require this information, so if you keep it up to date, you will not have to recreate it.


                  Answer The Following Question: As A Human Service Professional, Explain What Community Intervention, Prevention Planning,

                  Answer The Following Question: As A Human Service Professional, Explain What Community Intervention, Prevention Planning,

                  Answer the following question:

                  As a Human Service Professional, explain what community intervention, prevention planning, and advocacy you would perform pertaining to Alexia's situation. Be specific using information from this case study to support your responses. 


                    Answer The Following Questions, Providing Detailed Explanations And Specific Examples With Each Response. At Least 7

                    Answer The Following Questions, Providing Detailed Explanations And Specific Examples With Each Response. At Least 7

                    Answer the following questions, providing detailed explanations and specific examples with each response. At least 7 sentences per number. 

                    1. What should you do if some members of an audiences don’t know the meaning of a term you are using, but other members of the audience do?
                    2. Why is it important to relate a speech to the listeners’ self-interests?
                    3. How could each of the following topics be presented in a way that would satisfy a listeners’ attitude of “What’s in it for me?                        a)Security surveillance of employees b) Solar energy c) Homeless people