You Will Select One Character From Your Book And Create A’ Locker ‘ For That

You Will Select One Character From Your Book And Create A’ Locker ‘ For That

You will select one character from your book and create a" locker " for that character that accurately reflects their personality and character traits .Then you will write a paragraph explaining the significance of the items selected. 


    Part 1 Watch The Following Budweiser Superbowl Commercials At: Commercial 1Links To An External Site.,

    Part 1 Watch The Following Budweiser Superbowl Commercials At: Commercial 1Links To An External Site.,

    PART 1

    Watch the following Budweiser Superbowl commercials at: Commercial 1Links to an external site., Commercial 2Links to an external site., and Commercial 3Links to an external site.

    Based on what you have learned so far from chapters 1 and 2 of the book, discuss how various IMC tools can be used by companies such as Budweiser to build and maintain relationships with their customers in the case of Superbowl commercials over years.

    • Your blog entry should be no less than 250 words and no more than 300 words.
    • Make sure you spell check your work for grammatical errors and typos.

    commercial 1:

    commercial 2:

    commercial 3:

    book pdf is attached below 

    PART 2

    • Watch the following SuperBowl 2022 ( commercials from YouTube. Tell us which commercial is your favorite among all listed here.
    • Apply what you have learned from chapter 5 & 6 (e.g., advertising appeal, source attributes, communication elements, target audience) to justify your answer.
    • Your response should be no more than 5 lines.
    • Make sure you provide a thoughtful response to the questions and that you check for typos and grammar mistakes.


      Evaluate The Current Update Of The ‘Affordable Care Act’ And Its Impact On Healthcare.

      Evaluate The Current Update Of The ‘Affordable Care Act’ And Its Impact On Healthcare.

      Evaluate the current update of the "Affordable Care Act" and its impact on Healthcare.

      E-health; ACO  (Accountable Care Organization); Medical Home; E-Prescribing


      Your first task will be to identify a subject that you could conceivably write about

      Your first task will be to identify a subject that you could conceivably write about

      Your first task will be to identify a subject that you could conceivably write about in your graduate studies. For example, you may be working on a Masters in Information Technology, and you have an interest in virtual identities.  (I am pursuing my degree is Masters Of Business Administration With A Concentration of Entrepreneurship) – Tatyanna Your next step will be to identify 3 resources on the subject using the CTU Library and the Internet. Use this template to complete the remaining steps of this assignment.  For each article, you should identify which criteria it meets or does not meet. Try to find 1 article that fits each of the following (3 total):  1 resource should be a high-quality resource that meets all of the criteria.  1 resource should be a solid-quality resource that meets some of the criteria and could still be useful for your research.  1 resource should be a poor resource that meets few of the criteria and should not be included in your research.  Next, write 12 sentences discussing the quality of the article. Then, write a short paragraph explaining the subject matter you identified. The paragraph should include the following:  An overview of the topic.  What you learned from your resources.  Why subject is interesting to you and/or your reader.  Finally, write a properly-formatted APA reference for each resource. Upload your assignment to the Submissions area of this assignment. Review the Individual Project tutorial, if needed.

      When you have looked through the pdf Download pdffrom the Michigan Department of Education choose one or two

      When you have looked through the pdf Download pdffrom the Michigan Department of Education choose one or two

      When you have looked through the pdf Download pdffrom the Michigan Department of Education, choose one or two ideas to share with your peers in the discussion area. Talk about why you chose it, how you might use it, and how you might assess it in your class. Download pdffrom the Michigan Department of Education, choose one or two ideas to share with your peers in the discussion area. Talk about why you chose it, how you might use it, and how you might assess it in your class.

      This will be a Special Occasion Speech/Tribute Speech on an individual you know personally. You

      This will be a Special Occasion Speech/Tribute Speech on an individual you know personally. You

      This will be a Special Occasion Speech/Tribute Speech on an individual you know personally. You MAY NOT choose a celebrity, sports figure, or any other famous person.  A Tribute Speech is a type of commemorative speech that recognizes, celebrates and praises an individual. You might make a speech honoring a teacher you have had, a special friend or someone you admire–your father, mother, a sister or brother. The person you pay tribute to does not have to be famous, have earned awards or be reported in the media. If you can think of particular values the person has lived out and can think of experiences or stories to illustrate these values, then you can construct a speech of tribute about this person.    The speech should      include: an introduction which includes the       following four elements: Attention       Material, Credibility Material, Reveal Thesis and Preview Main Points. an organized body       with the three main points as described in the Outline assigned for this       speech; a conclusion as       described in the Outline assigned for this speech;  transitions       throughout the speech to enhance message clarity.

      Self-monitoring is an important skill for successful readers and many of the strategies are a

      Self-monitoring is an important skill for successful readers and many of the strategies are a

      Self-monitoring is an important skill for successful readers, and many of the strategies are a good fit with formative assessment, which is an important part of classroom assessment. Go to this website (Links to an external site.) to read more about Exit Slip as a strategy, and then click on the links on the page. Using the Exit Slip strategy, assess your learning of reading strategies so far in this course.

      Revisit the work you did with Marzano’s Six Steps to Vocabulary Instruction Post the steps

      Revisit the work you did with Marzano’s Six Steps to Vocabulary Instruction Post the steps

      Revisit the work you did with Marzano’s Six Steps to Vocabulary Instruction. Post the steps you completed for the effective reading strategy term. Include a discussion of how you would implement steps 5 and 6 in your classroom. Explain your ideas for getting students to discuss the words with each other, and give a brief outline of a vocabulary game you might use to give them practice with the words.

      Provide an example of how a company could make modifications to their business operations to

      Provide an example of how a company could make modifications to their business operations to

      Provide an example of how a company could make modifications to their business operations to incorporate sustainable best practices.  How could these modifications be measured in terms of triple bottom line? Provide an explanation of how triple bottom line and ethics regarding how data is used can Improve the current metrics and benchmarks of a company.  Your initial response should be a minimum of 300 words and include citations and references to at least 2 sources (the sources do not count towards your 300 word requirement).  Your follow up responses should be a minimum of 150 words each and include citations and references to at least 1 source (the sources do not count towards your 150 word requirement). You should not use more than 1 short quote in your initial response, and you should not use any quotes in your follow up responses. You should cite where you find your material, but I am interested in reading your analysis of the topic and the sources that you find rather than direct quotes from your topic. Copying and pasting material from other sources for your discussions is considered plagiarism which is a form of cheating. This link explains the difference between a quote and a citation.  Citations are required, quotes are not and should be used sparingly if at all.,%22%20as%20a%20%22paraphrase.%22

      In a paragraph explain the relationship between visualizing and connecting as reading strategies How are

      In a paragraph explain the relationship between visualizing and connecting as reading strategies How are

      In a paragraph, explain the relationship between visualizing and connecting as reading strategies. How are they similar? How are they different? Give one example of how you might use either strategy or both in your classroom