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CHEM-1111-M51 General Chemistry 1 Lab


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Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach, 8th edition.

ISBN-13: 9780134715032

PSYCHOLOGY HOMEWORK HELP(All Topics/ Essays Assignment Help)

PSYCHOLOGY HOMEWORK HELP(All Topics/ Essays Assignment Help)

The science of psychology benefits society and enhances our lives. Psychologists examine the relationships between brain function and behavior, and the environment and behavior, applying what they learn to illuminate our understanding and improve the world around us. The top essays and discussions on Psychology include;

Developmental Psychology:

  1. Nature vs. nurture: How do genes and environment interact to shape development?
  2. Attachment theory: How early childhood attachments impact future relationships.
  3. Adolescence and the search for identity: Challenges and opportunities of teenage years.
  4. Moral development: How children learn right from wrong.
  5. Cognitive development: Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories on how children learn.

Social Psychology:

  1. Conformity and obedience: Why do people follow the crowd?
  2. Social perception: How we form impressions of others.
  3. Prejudice and discrimination: Understanding and addressing bias.
  4. Groups and social influence: Power dynamics and decision-making in groups.
  5. Attribution theory: How we explain the behavior of others.

Cognitive Psychology:

  1. Memory and forgetting: Different types of memory and how they work.
  2. Attention and perception: How we focus on information and interpret the world.
  3. Language and thought: The relationship between language and cognition.
  4. Problem-solving and decision-making: Cognitive biases and mental shortcuts.
  5. Consciousness and the self: The nature of awareness and identity.

Personality Psychology:

  1. The Big Five personality traits: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.
  2. Trait theories vs. situational factors: What shapes personality more?
  3. Motivation and achievement: Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
  4. Self-esteem and self-concept: How we view ourselves and how it affects our lives.
  5. Defense mechanisms: Unconscious strategies to cope with anxiety.

Clinical Psychology:

  1. Anxiety disorders: Generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and phobias.
  2. Mood disorders: Depression and bipolar disorder.
  3. Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders: Loss of touch with reality.
  4. Personality disorders: Cluster B disorders like borderline and narcissistic personality.
  5. Eating disorders: Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder.

Abnormal Psychology_brain teaser:

  1. The nature of mental illness: Biological, psychological, and social factors.
  2. Psychological assessment and diagnosis: How mental disorders are identified.
  3. Psychotherapy and treatment options: Different approaches to treatment.
  4. Stigma and mental health: Reducing negative perceptions of mental illness.
  5. The role of culture in mental health: How cultural background influences experiences.

Interesting discussion Topics:

  1. The psychology of love and attachment: What makes relationships work?
  2. The psychology of happiness: What contributes to well-being and flourishing?
  3. The psychology of stress and coping: Managing stress and building resilience.
  4. The psychology of sleep: Why sleep is essential for physical and mental health.
  5. The psychology of aging: Cognitive changes and psycho-social challenges.

Emerging TOP Essay in psychology:

  1. Neuroscience and mental health: Understanding the brain basis of behavior.
  2. Positive psychology: Focusing on strengths and potential for growth.
  3. Cultural psychology: Exploring how culture shapes thought and behavior.
  4. Health psychology: The mind-body connection and promoting health behaviors.
  5. Evolutionary psychology: Understanding human behavior through an evolutionary lens.



    We’ll write everything from scratch

NRS 410V Grand Canyon Mucor Pathological Progression and Treatments Paper

NRS 410V Grand Canyon Mucor Pathological Progression and Treatments Paper

describe the pathological progression of the infection in to pneumonia and at least two medical/ nursing intervention that will be helpful in treating the patient.Examine the laboratory blood test result and arterial blood gases provided in discussion question what laboratory values are considered abnormal?Explain each abnormality and the probable causes from a pathophysiology perspective.What medications and medical treatments are likely to be prescribed by the attending physician on the case. List at least three medications and three treatments. Provide rationale of the medication and treatment.

SCI256 University of Phoenix Pollution in Texas Paper

SCI256 University of Phoenix Pollution in Texas Paper

There is a concern in your community regarding the environment. You’ve been tasked to research and present the concerns to your local or state government.

Perform an internet search to identify an instance of environmental pollution in your state.

Create a 5-to 8-slide PowerPoint® presentation or a 350-to 525-word proposal.

  • Identify the effects of this pollution on human health and the environment.
  • Explain the causes of this pollution.
  • Recommend ways to prevent/clean up this type of environmental pollution.
  • Include appropriate images.

Use at least 2 outside references.

Format your presentation and references consistent with APA guidelines.

  • For Local Campus students, these are oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations.
  • For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes similar to what you would present orally.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

SCI256 University of Phoenix Environmental Pollution Presentation

SCI256 University of Phoenix Environmental Pollution Presentation

Perform an analysis of an environmental issue.

Prepare a 5- to 8-slide PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes. If you first discuss options with your faculty member, you are also welcome to use a tool such as “Voice Thread” to add audio to your presentation.

Include the following:

  • A description of an environmental issue including the cause of the issue and its effects on the environment and people.
  • An explanation of how economics and personal lifestyle choice are involved in this issue.
  • An explanation of how individuals, communities, and/or governments are working to address the environmental issue.
  • Your opinion as to whether the issue is being adequately addressed and suggestions of ways it could be better addressed.

Include at least 2 outside resources for your presentation.

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

  • For Local Campus students, these are 10- to 15-minute oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations.
  • For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

SCI256 University of Phoenix Community Sustainability Proposal Paper

SCI256 University of Phoenix Community Sustainability Proposal Paper

Local government leaders have asked you to provide information and recommendations for increasing sustainability in the community.

Perform an initial search to learn about green initiatives for Houston, Tx.

Create a 5- to 8-slide PowerPoint® presentation or Write a 350- to 525-word proposal to your local government.

Include the following:

  • A summary of green initiatives for a city in your area.
  • Recommendations to your local government for creating a greener, more sustainable and livable community.
  • The proposal should include recommendations both for actions by the local government and by individual homeowners.
  • Explain how implementing these recommendations would promote sustainability and improve like for residents.

Include appropriate images.

Include a list of the sources you use.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

  • For Local Campus students, these are oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations.
  • For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes similar to what you would present orally.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

POL310 Ashford Policy Challenges Presented by Environmental Problems Paper

POL310 Ashford Policy Challenges Presented by Environmental Problems Paper

We have studied a diverse group of environmental issues during our course. Many of these issues can be directly linked to a variety of environmental challenges/problems. In addition, many of these issues affect various direct/indirect environmental values that are important to all people. The process to create policies that effectively and efficiently address these environmental issues is complex and difficult. In your Final Paper, you will be tasked to discuss, analyze, and evaluate one of the following environmental issues and then recommend a policy to address the issue. Select an environmental issue that interests you from the list below:

  • Loss of biodiversity
  • Energy
  • Solid and hazardous waste
  • Public land use
  • Climate change
  • International environmental policy

Please note that air quality and water issues are not topics for the Final Paper because you wrote a short paper during Week Two, which focuses on one of those two policy areas.

For this assignment, you will complete the following sections:

  1. Introduction (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.: Introduce the thesis (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.and provide a brief overview of the main points.
  2. Explain why and how three environmental challenges/problems are associated with this issue.
  3. Explain why and how direct and/or indirect environmental values are impacted by this issue.
  4. Recommend a policy that will effectively and efficiently address the three environmental challenges/problems associated with your issue.
  5. Evaluate the social, political, economic, and environmental pros/cons of implementing your policy.
  6. Conclusion (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.: Conclude your paper with a brief review your main points and overall argument/thesis.

Important: Parts 2 to 5 need be written as body paragraphs, with all of the parts necessary for a complete body paragraph (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

The paper must be 10 to 12 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. You must use at least four credible sourcesView in a new window (at least two of which must be found in the Ashford University Library) other than the textbook to support your claims. Cite your sources in-text (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and on the reference page (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. For additional information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course.

Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:

  1. Must be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use at least six scholarly resources, including a minimum of four from the Ashford University Library.
  7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Columbia Southern Unit VIII Risk Management and Safety Research Paper

Columbia Southern Unit VIII Risk Management and Safety Research Paper

Unit VIII Research PaperRisk Management Safety Research PaperUsing the recommended readings, your textbook, and additional research, construct an essay that addresses how youwould approach the implementation of a risk management strategy based on recommendations found in Strategy for aNational EMS Culture of Safety, your paper should:? Be a minimum of four pages and follow APA guidelines? Incorporate the recommended four tier approach from the Institute of Medicine? Include strategies for addressing:o operational risk,o clinical or patient risk,o personnel risk, ando legal or regulatory risk