Listen this episode of the Planet Money podcast Summer School 2: Markets and Pickles You can find

Listen this episode of the Planet Money podcast Summer School 2: Markets and Pickles You can find

Listen this episode of the Planet Money podcast, Summer School 2: Markets and Pickles. You can find it on your phone and listen while you fold laundry (it’s 31 minutes). Respond each of the following prompts. Total response should be 100-200 words  (due 4/11) Explain how the food banks improved efficiency by creating a market system to allocate food. 2. Each food bank was given money (shares) based on need and number of clients served. How does that differ from how a real market works, and what effect does that have on distribution/allocation? Which method do you think is better?    3. One main topic of the podcast is whether market forces are the best way to allocate scarce resources. A major debate going on these days is how much market forces should be used in allocating resources in education (for example should all schools be private) and health care (other wealthy nations have national health care, not the largely private system we use the US). Choose one of these areas (education or health care) and briefly explain why you think markets should or should not be used.

Kurzgesagt looks to the future considering questions and concerns related to mind uploading technology  According to

Kurzgesagt looks to the future considering questions and concerns related to mind uploading technology  According to

Kurzgesagt looks to the future, considering questions and concerns related to mind uploading technology.  According to the video, for example, what are the three assumptions foundational to mind uploading technology?   Kurzgesagt also imagines what life might be like for a digitally uploaded individual.  What stood out to you about their description?  What was your reaction to the video overall?  Please cite specific examples. Marinotti and Lubin argues that the TV show Upload serves as an exaggerated mirror through which we can engage in conscious psychological exploration and social criticism of the legal norms currently taken for granted. What are the three areas they are most concerned with in regards to how current law may may clash with mind-uploading technology? Which one did you find the most problematic? How would you go about resolving the issue?

It is a good idea to always begin with an outline of the information you

It is a good idea to always begin with an outline of the information you

It is a good idea to always begin with an outline of the information you eventually want to turn into a full document. Writing the narrative of a grant or contract is no different. A draft outline is a tool that can help you organize your thoughts and develop a narrative that is fully descriptive of what you want to write about. Using the weekly readings, the South University online library resources, and the Internet, research how to write a draft outline. Then, address the following: Prepare a draft outline that highlights what your proposal narrative might look like for your chosen public health FOA. As this is an outline, use bullet points to identify the areas your proposal narrative will address. Be sure to include a title page, an abstract, and a reference page.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is most commonly known for treating the discomfort associated with menopause. However, more

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is most commonly known for treating the discomfort associated with menopause. However, more

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is most commonly known for treating the discomfort associated with menopause. However, more broadly, HRT is any form of hormone therapy that involves a patient receiving hormones to supplement or replace naturally occurring hormones in the body. For this discussion post, research different forms of HRT and choose one type to focus on.  Initial post: In your original post, describe a patient who may benefit from HRT. Explain the risks and benefits to using HRT in the scenario you chose. Be sure to include information on safety.

For this assignment you have the choice to write either a paper OR create a

For this assignment you have the choice to write either a paper OR create a

For this assignment, you have the choice to write either a paper OR create a PowerPoint Presentation. The focus of this project will be on the Exclusionary Rule which is discussed in your Chapter 4 of your textbook.   Your paper or PowerPoint will need to contain these five (5) topics: Define the Exclusionary Rule Identify the purpose of the Exclusionary Rule Explain the role of the judiciary in forming the Exclusionary Rule – in other words, it is a judge-made rule to protect our 4th Amendment rights (list which one of the rights in this Amendment) Explain briefly how the Exclusionary Rule developed in the Federal and State Courts (the historical development of the Rule) and especially mention the very important case of Mapp v. Ohio. List the two kinds of evidence that the Exclusionary Rule excludes (hint:  look at pages 97-98 in your textbook and tell me specifically what is primary evidence and secondary evidence that is excluded by the Exclusionary Rule) PAPER OPTION: If you are writing a paper – you will need at the bare minimum seven (7) paragraphs: Introduction paragraph Definition of Exclusionary Rule Purpose of Exclusionary Rule Role of judiciary in forming Exclusionary Rule Historical development with mention of Mapp v. Ohio Exclusion of two kinds of evidence Conclusion paragraph

Events of Instruction Presentation Assignment (this assignment is a 2 part assignment) Part 1:(Is already

Events of Instruction Presentation Assignment (this assignment is a 2 part assignment) Part 1:(Is already

Events of Instruction Presentation Assignment (this assignment is a 2 part assignment) Part 1:(Is already completed, Attaching power point as well(for part 1). Please use that power point to make the edits and create word document for part 2) 1. Select a presentation you previously completed – it can be any type of presentation where you  presented, taught a lesson, conducted instruction. 2.  Add speaker notes to the presentation exactly how you presented it or as a close to it as you  remember, lesson plan or instructional plan you created for that presentation.  4.  Submit the Powerpoint with speaker notes and the Presentation Review Assessment. Part 2: 1. After learning about how different ages learn, review your presentation where you presented,  taught a lesson, conducted instruction presentation (the one you previously submitted and re-work  your presentation to how you would present it now.  You must choose and identify the learning  style that your new presentation will model.  Write a 2-4 page events of instruction paper, single spaced, 12 point Arial font on how you used the  domains of learning, 5 pillars of learning and the cycle of learning to improve each Event of  Instruction.SportsNutritionProjectBalletDancer1.pptx

During the past few weeks you have had the opportunity to develop a plan for

During the past few weeks you have had the opportunity to develop a plan for

During the past few weeks, you have had the opportunity to develop a plan for success as a student here at GCU and beyond graduation. Use the attached document titled Reflection to complete the assignment.UNV-103-T7-Reflection-Online.docx

Critical thinking involves self-reflection You are not the same person who began this course 7

Critical thinking involves self-reflection You are not the same person who began this course 7

Critical thinking involves self-reflection. You are not the same person who began this course 7 weeks ago; you have learned and grown during this course. Please reflect on the following: What things have worked best for you as a student in this course? What things did not go as well as you had hoped? What can you do differently in your next course to ensure your educational success? Please provide specific examples.

Answer ALL questions FULLY in your text entry Word Document or PowerPoint project presentationFor

Answer ALL questions FULLY in your text entry Word Document or PowerPoint project presentationFor

Answer ALL questions FULLY in your text entry, Word Document or PowerPoint project presentation.  For example:  Is the roadblock to check license and registration valid?  You would answer this as:  The roadblock to check license and registration is valid because … Recap and state information that is contained in the scenario so I can understand what happened.  2. Choice as to how to upload your response: Online Entry Options: Text Entry (type directly in the box) or Document Upload (Word Document File Upload) PowerPoint presentation File Upload For this assignment, if you are writing a written response, please answer the following questions below the scenario in 2-4 paragraphs. Your paragraphs need to be long enough to express your idea or ideas and long enough to thoroughly explain the topic you are writing about – so in other words — NOT a ONE sentence paragraph! If you are creating a PowerPoint – you will need at the bare minimum ten (10) slides. The License and Registration Checkpoint – Chapter 8 You can refer to Chapter 8 – Motor Vehicle Stops:  Searches and Inventories to assist you with this assignment. Durham, North Carolina, police set up a roadblock on Elliott Road, a major road that runs through town and close by the Duke University campus.  Their intention is to stop every vehicle that passes through this roadblock and ask the driver to produce his or her driver’s license and vehicle registration.  State law requires drivers to carry these documents with them any time they are operating a motor vehicle.  The officers also hope to determine if any of the drivers may be transporting drugs, as there have been a number of arrests for drug use and sale in the area, particularly on the Duke University campus. After stopping and verifying the driver’s license and registration, the police ask the drivers if they can search their vehicles.  Those drivers who give consent have their vehicles searched; those who do not give consent are detained roadside while a narcotics detection dog sniffs the detained vehicle; the sniff is usually done within five minutes. Is the roadblock to check license and registration valid?  What Supreme Court case can you find that deals with this and what was their decision? Is the search of a vehicle, with the driver’s consent valid? Explain why or why not. Is the use of the dog to sniff the detained vehicle valid? Why or why not?  What Supreme Court case can you find that deals with this (in particular with roadblocks) and what was their decision?  If drivers are detained for usually only five minutes, what does the Supreme Court say about this? What if the detention is longer say 20 minutes?  What does the Supreme Court say about that?

After reviewing and studying this module’s content, answer the following 5 questions. Be sure to

After reviewing and studying this module’s content, answer the following 5 questions. Be sure to

After reviewing and studying this module’s content, answer the following 5 questions. Be sure to complete all lab activities and attend/watch all live lectures before completing this assignment. All of your answers should be written in your own words, using full sentences, correct terminology, and proper spelling and grammar.   Explain the anatomical concepts associated with the endocrine system. Summarize this module’s key points in 5-6 sentences.   Explain the physiological concepts associated with the endocrine system. Summarize this module’s key points in 5-6 sentences.   How will you apply the concepts you have learned about the endocrine system in real life and in your future career?  Which topic within this module has been the most valuable to your learning experience and why?  Which topic(s) within this module did you struggle to understand and why?