Social Science Key Questions

Social Science Key Questions

part 1..

1. Conducting Effective Surveys in Social Science Research
2. Analyzing Data in Social Science Studies
3. Writing Literature Reviews for Social Science Papers
4. Creating Engaging Presentations for Social Science Projects
5. Using Statistical Software in Social Science Analysis

1. 7 Key Theories in Social Science
2. Top 10 Social Science Journals for Publication
3. 5 Common Research Methods in Social Science
4. 8 Influential Figures in Social Science History
5. 6 Important Ethical Considerations in Social Science Research

1. How does social science contribute to understanding human behavior?
2. What are the main challenges faced by social scientists in their research?
3. Why is it important to incorporate interdisciplinary approaches in social science studies?
4. How can social science research be applied to real-world issues?
5. What role does social science play in shaping public policy decisions?

1. Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Social Science
2. The Evolution of Social Science Methodologies
3. The Impact of Globalization on Social Science Disciplines
4. Ethics and Integrity in Social Science Research
5. Understanding Social Science Paradigms and Theories


We’ll write everything from scratch

part 2…

1. Conducting Social Science Research
2. Writing a Social Science Literature Review
3. Analyzing Data in Social Science Studies
4. Creating Surveys for Social Science Research
5. Ethical Considerations in Social Science Studies

1. 10 Key Theories in Social Science
2. 5 Groundbreaking Social Science Experiments
3. Top 7 Social Science Journals to Follow
4. 6 Famous Social Science Researchers
5. 12 Methodologies Used in Social Science Research

1. What Are the Main Branches of Social Science?
2. How Do Social Scientists Define Culture?
3. What Are the Benefits of Interdisciplinary Social Science Research?
4. Why is Ethics Important in Social Science Studies?
5. How Do Social Scientists Interpret Quantitative Data?

1. The Evolution of Social Science
2. Exploring the Impact of Technology on Social Science Research
3. The Role of Social Science in Public Policy
4. Integrating Psychology into Social Science Studies
5. The Future of Social Science Research in a Globalized World


We’ll write everything from scratch


part 3…

1. Understanding Social Science: A Beginner’s Guide
2. Mastering Social Science Research Methods
3. Exploring the Impact of Social Science on Society
4. Applying Social Science Theories in Real-Life Situations
5. Conducting Ethical Research in Social Science Studies

1. 10 Key Concepts in Social Science Explained
2. 5 Influential Social Science Experiments You Should Know
3. Top 7 Social Science Books for a Well-Rounded Education
4. 15 Fascinating Facts About the History of Social Science
5. 10 Prominent Social Scientists and Their Contributions

1. What is the Importance of Social Science in Understanding Human Behavior?
2. How Does Social Science Contribute to Solving Societal Issues?
3. What Are the Different Disciplines within Social Science?
4. How Can Social Science Research Inform Public Policy?
5. What Ethical Considerations Should Researchers Keep in Mind in Social Science Studies?

1. The Evolution of Social Science: From Past to Present
2. Exploring the Interdisciplinary Nature of Social Science
3. The Role of Social Science in Shaping Public Opinion
4. Unraveling the Complexities of Social Science Data Analysis
5. The Future of Social Science: Emerging Trends and Challenges


We’ll write everything from scratch

PSYCHOLOGY HOMEWORK HELP(All Topics/ Essays Assignment Help)

PSYCHOLOGY HOMEWORK HELP(All Topics/ Essays Assignment Help)

The science of psychology benefits society and enhances our lives. Psychologists examine the relationships between brain function and behavior, and the environment and behavior, applying what they learn to illuminate our understanding and improve the world around us. The top essays and discussions on Psychology include;

Developmental Psychology:

  1. Nature vs. nurture: How do genes and environment interact to shape development?
  2. Attachment theory: How early childhood attachments impact future relationships.
  3. Adolescence and the search for identity: Challenges and opportunities of teenage years.
  4. Moral development: How children learn right from wrong.
  5. Cognitive development: Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories on how children learn.

Social Psychology:

  1. Conformity and obedience: Why do people follow the crowd?
  2. Social perception: How we form impressions of others.
  3. Prejudice and discrimination: Understanding and addressing bias.
  4. Groups and social influence: Power dynamics and decision-making in groups.
  5. Attribution theory: How we explain the behavior of others.

Cognitive Psychology:

  1. Memory and forgetting: Different types of memory and how they work.
  2. Attention and perception: How we focus on information and interpret the world.
  3. Language and thought: The relationship between language and cognition.
  4. Problem-solving and decision-making: Cognitive biases and mental shortcuts.
  5. Consciousness and the self: The nature of awareness and identity.

Personality Psychology:

  1. The Big Five personality traits: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.
  2. Trait theories vs. situational factors: What shapes personality more?
  3. Motivation and achievement: Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
  4. Self-esteem and self-concept: How we view ourselves and how it affects our lives.
  5. Defense mechanisms: Unconscious strategies to cope with anxiety.

Clinical Psychology:

  1. Anxiety disorders: Generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and phobias.
  2. Mood disorders: Depression and bipolar disorder.
  3. Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders: Loss of touch with reality.
  4. Personality disorders: Cluster B disorders like borderline and narcissistic personality.
  5. Eating disorders: Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder.

Abnormal Psychology_brain teaser:

  1. The nature of mental illness: Biological, psychological, and social factors.
  2. Psychological assessment and diagnosis: How mental disorders are identified.
  3. Psychotherapy and treatment options: Different approaches to treatment.
  4. Stigma and mental health: Reducing negative perceptions of mental illness.
  5. The role of culture in mental health: How cultural background influences experiences.

Interesting discussion Topics:

  1. The psychology of love and attachment: What makes relationships work?
  2. The psychology of happiness: What contributes to well-being and flourishing?
  3. The psychology of stress and coping: Managing stress and building resilience.
  4. The psychology of sleep: Why sleep is essential for physical and mental health.
  5. The psychology of aging: Cognitive changes and psycho-social challenges.

Emerging TOP Essay in psychology:

  1. Neuroscience and mental health: Understanding the brain basis of behavior.
  2. Positive psychology: Focusing on strengths and potential for growth.
  3. Cultural psychology: Exploring how culture shapes thought and behavior.
  4. Health psychology: The mind-body connection and promoting health behaviors.
  5. Evolutionary psychology: Understanding human behavior through an evolutionary lens.



    We’ll write everything from scratch

You Will Need To Review The Information Provided For Every Source For Each Member Of

You Will Need To Review The Information Provided For Every Source For Each Member Of

 You will need to review the information provided for every source for each member of your group.  Questions to ask (and items on which to provide feedback):

  1. Are there at least 8 sources listed? The minimum requirement for the paper is 8 but it is better to start with a longer list (12-15).
  2. Are the sources at least 8 pages long? Check the pagination to make sure the source is long enough.
  3. Are the sources peer-reviewed journals? Websites (aside from the linked SEP/IEP), magazines, newspapers, etc. are not valid resources for this assignment.
  4. Are the sources recent (published after 2000)?  Older articles tend not to reflect current law, policy, public opinion, etc.
  5. Does the source speak directly to the research topic (does the abstract address the research topic or does it appear that it is addressing something else)?  An abstract might mention a particular keyword once, but it might not be focused on that particular topic (for instance, authors will say things like "We will also see how this applies to issues like X, Y, and Z." which indicates that the article is about something that is loosely related to the research topic but not addressing it directly).
  6. Is the source qualitative research instead of an ethical argument?  For instance, studies or surveys of attitudes/opinions/experiences aren't actually ethical arguments – they are descriptive research instead of prescriptive arguments (they describe the current state of affairs instead of prescribing what we ought to be doing).  Qualitative research and historical analysis will need to be translated into ethical terms – why do these opinions matter?  What is at stake?
  7. Is the source comparing different countries or cultures?  Sometimes this is appropriate and sometimes it is not – if the countries or cultures are similar enough, it might be okay to draw comparisons.  However, legal systems and cultural practices or attitudes can be very different, so it might be hard to draw lessons from one culture to another.
  8. Does the source require additional research (does the abstract mention other authors that the review member would need to look up in order to put this source into context)?  Authors tend to respond to other authors, so you will need to make sure that you have read both or all of the articles involved in that conversation.
  9. Are there any particular sources that look strong (do they look like they would be very useful, so the review member should look at both the keywords and references to find similar sources)?  This is called drilling down on research – it is a useful tactic in finding other articles to clarify issues, strengthen arguments, expose weaknesses, etc.  One source can produce multiple hits that speak directly to the research topic which might not have appeared in the initial search.


Find A Two-Minute Clip On Any Debate Aired On The News In The Last Year.

Find A Two-Minute Clip On Any Debate Aired On The News In The Last Year.

Find a two-minute clip on any debate aired on the news in the last year.

  • Provide a link to the clip and address the following:
  • What is the context of the argument being made?
  • Identify at least two or three rhetorical devices used during this debate and explain their effect on the audience. Do you think the speakers use these intentionally? If so, for what purpose? If not, explain your reasoning.


    Choose An Advertisement On Television, On The Radio, On The Internet, Or In Print. Describe,

    Choose An Advertisement On Television, On The Radio, On The Internet, Or In Print. Describe,

    Choose an advertisement on television, on the radio, on the Internet, or in print.

    Describe, deconstruct, and analyze the advertisement by answering the following items:

    • Where did you find the advertisement ?
    • Briefly describe the scenario depicted in the advertisement.
    • What product is advertised?
    • Who is the audience for this advertisement? How do you know this?
    • Identify the main claim in the advertisement.
    • Is the claim credible? Why or why not? Use class terminology to explain.
    • What might make the claim more credible? What might make it less credible?
    • How does the author use rhetorical strategies to sell this product to its audience?
    • Does the advertisement reveal any cognitive biases? Which ones and how?

    Your analysis must be at least 400 words in length and follow APA Style formatting and citation guidelines as appropriate.


      150 Words Do Animals Deserve The Same Rights As Human Beings? Why Or Why Not?

      150 Words Do Animals Deserve The Same Rights As Human Beings? Why Or Why Not?

      150 words

      Do animals deserve the same rights as human beings? Why or why not?

      2. Imagine a robot so advanced that it looks, eats, breathes, thinks, exercises free will, and has emotions just like a human. Should the robot be considered a human? Why or why not?

      3. Students may prepare their own questions for discussion


        Find An Example From Your Life Illustrating Whether You Agree Or Disagree With The

        Find An Example From Your Life Illustrating Whether You Agree Or Disagree With The

         1. Find an example from your life illustrating whether you agree or disagree with the Sophists: does rhetoric create a truth useful at the moment (kairos)? Use your second and/or third paragraphs to explain whom you side with: Callices, Socrates, Phaedrus, or Gorgias? Be clear, though. In 200-250 words, answer the prompt.  


          Your reflection should be a minimum of 25-3 pages MLA format In a document saved

          Your reflection should be a minimum of 25-3 pages MLA format In a document saved

          Your reflection should be a minimum of 2.5-3 pages (MLA format). In a document saved in Word or PDF, answer or elaborate on the following (you may  use one paragraph for each numbered set of questions: for example, one paragraph for number one, etc.): Overview: In your own words, explain what you learned this week from the textbook readings or from the course assignments (discussion, reading journals, etc.). If someone asked you what you studied this week, what could you tell that person?  2. Project: What did you learn about yourself while completing the project? Are you frustrated with the material or with the topic you chose? Are you proud of yourself for reading real philosophy?  3. Philosopher: Tell whether you like the philosopher you chose for your project topic. Would you be friends with this person? What questions do you wish you could ask him/her? 4. Reflection: Is there anything you read or learned this week that has made you rethink your ideas or views on an issue? Did you have conversations about the material with friends or family members? 5. Clarification: Is there any concept that just does not make sense to you or that needs clarification? Link to textbook and topics for the week 33.Jean-JacquesRousseau 34.Jeremy Bentham 35.John Stuart Mill 56.Peter Singer, ‘Effective Altruism’ from TED Talks

          You are reading Augustine Anselm Aquinas et al this week There is no bigger journey outside

          You are reading Augustine Anselm Aquinas et al this week There is no bigger journey outside

          You are reading Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, et al. this week. There is no bigger journey outside of ourselves than the search for something to believe in. Do some inward contemplation and questioning of what you believe (I won’t tell your grandma!). The purpose of this discussion is to share and not to convert. Be kind to each other and do not try to argue someone out of their beliefs. Diversity of thought and religion is a way to learn from each other.  Answer/address the following:  How has religion influenced your life? Did you grow up in a specific religious tradition? If not, how was religion viewed by your family? 2. What compliments and criticisms do you have of your religion or of the way your family participated in or refrained from religion?  3. How much proof of a deity do you need to believe? Is scientific proof necessary? Is emotional experience enough? Are there those who have tried to argue you into believing what they believe (whether religious or other)? How successful was that?  4. Which of the philosophers that you read for this week most appealed to you? Why?  Directions: You should create an initial post of at least 350 words  Did you? show analysis of the given questions or issue? include pertinent information from text or outside reading? write with unity and coherence? include a personal voice and personal insight about the issue at hand? answer all questions asked?  meet your word count?

          Write a book review of Douglas Rushkoff Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus and be sure

          Write a book review of Douglas Rushkoff Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus and be sure

          Write a book review of Douglas Rushkoff, Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus, and be sure to evaluate his concrete recommendations for how we could reprogram our economic operating system. Does the example of Fairphone demonstrate how a better way of doing business is possible?   What concrete ethical steps would be the best ways to shrink the inequality gap between rich and poor? (Please discuss this point with reference to the visual illustration, Wealth shown to scale: