Write a book review of Douglas Rushkoff Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus and be sure

Write a book review of Douglas Rushkoff Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus and be sure

Write a book review of Douglas Rushkoff, Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus, and be sure to evaluate his concrete recommendations for how we could reprogram our economic operating system. Does the example of Fairphone demonstrate how a better way of doing business is possible?   What concrete ethical steps would be the best ways to shrink the inequality gap between rich and poor? (Please discuss this point with reference to the visual illustration, Wealth shown to scale:

We are going to ask ourselves the following questions: what is art  what is spirituality

We are going to ask ourselves the following questions: what is art  what is spirituality

We are going to ask ourselves the following questions: what is art?  what is spirituality?  what is creativity?  what is the connection between these several  terms?   We are also going to cover the following topics: * Modern art as disciplining the mind, sight, and discourse.    *  Creativity and spirituality? What is it? How are they related? Why study it? What do we mean by thought, and how is it connected with both the aesthetic and the unquantifiable, but real dimension of experience we term ‘spirituality’?  * Philosophical, religious, and artistic theories.   2. what is your impression of modern art?  do you like it?  do you have discomforts with it?  Explain. Why would such a famous museum as the Museum in Modern Art in New York devote itself completely to modern art?  what is the importance of modern art?  how does modern art enable us to understand the world better, and ourselves?

Using your course materials and the internet research a speech that you feel is particularly

Using your course materials and the internet research a speech that you feel is particularly

Using your course materials and the internet, research a speech that you feel is particularly effective, then analyze each speaker’s style and language strategies. Who was the speaker, and what was that speaker’s main topic? What CORE style(s) does the speaker use in his or her speech? Cite the choice of word phrases and other clues from the speech to justify your answer. What you believe is the speech’s specific purpose? What strategies did the speaker use to achieve the specific purpose of the speech? Do you believe the speaker was successful in achieving the specific purpose of the speech? How does style and word choice in this speech impact the effectiveness of the message? How can you incorporate some of these techniques into your own speeches?

This week in addition to completing the project you are reading/watching Rosseau Bentham Mill and

This week in addition to completing the project you are reading/watching Rosseau Bentham Mill and

This week, in addition to completing the project, you are reading/watching Rosseau, Bentham, Mill, and Singer. Because philosophy is always relevant to any time period in history, this is true of our current time. Much of the debate surrounding Covid-19 is what we owe one another. As an individual in America, how much of my own individual freedoms do I give up in order to protect others? What do I want others to give up to protect me? Answer/address the following:  Explain Rosseau’s Social Contract Theory. If you need to look outside of your textbook readings for this week, tell what source you read in order to understand the theory. 2. How does this theory apply to Covid-19 lockdowns, masks, and vaccines?  3. Do you think it would be helpful if more people understood the philosophical foundation of the Social Contract Theory? Could we have more rational discussions about the balance between freedom and protection? 4. Since Covid-19 became such a huge part of our lives, have your views changed of certain people in your life? Do you have relationships that are strained because of a difference of opinion about how much freedom we should give up in order to have government protections? Link to textbook https://www.oercommons.org/courses/words-of-wisdom-intro-to-philosophy Directions: You should create an initial post of at least 400 words. For 25 pts, did you: show analysis of the given questions or issue? include pertinent information from text or outside reading? write with unity and coherence? include a personal voice and personal insight about the issue at hand? answer all questions asked?  meet your word count?

Theories In Diversity PDF ATTACHED 3 sources Read Diversity in organizations: where are we

Theories In Diversity PDF ATTACHED 3 sources Read Diversity in organizations: where are we

Theories In Diversity (PDF ATTACHED) 3 sources Read Diversity in organizations: where are we and where are we going?’  (2009) and note the number of theories that have been used for studying race/ethnicity as a central variable of interest. To which do you identify or least identify? In at least critiquing your chosen theory, using a minimum of 3 sources in addition to the required article.  Include a brief background on the historical development of the theory and discuss advantages and disadvantages of implementing this particular theory in the workplace. In at least 1200 words—critiquing your chosen theory, using a minimum of three sources in addition to the required article. Include a brief background on the historical development of the theory and discuss advantages and disadvantages of implementing this particular theory in the workplace.Week1PDF.pdf

The Creating a Sound Argument Workshop Should be 1 to 2

The Creating a Sound Argument Workshop Should be 1 to 2

The Creating a Sound Argument Workshop , Should be 1 to 2 pages in length. Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of workshop in bold font Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page. Student’s name Name of institution (University of Arizona Global Campus) Course name and number Instructor’s name Due date 0A9A8442-120F-4C69-8BDB-29FC378AC5B1.png616643A5-8F46-4B74-8F4F-8BC5F2F78345.pngA0B9122A-F606-40CE-A74F-9BFB1E5FA78B.png0F470A52-AFF5-497A-8DB5-C386F65BF988.png6D33453B-AD43-4A61-9739-D81CF75D3ECD.png

The Declaration of Independence Links to an external site Please read the Declaration of Independence After

The Declaration of Independence Links to an external site Please read the Declaration of Independence After

The Declaration of Independence (Links to an external site.). Please read the Declaration of Independence. After careful reflection, please answer the following questions: In the Declaration of Independence, what do you think is meant by ˜unalienable’ rights? Where do they come from? How are they justified? Please make sure to be specific and carefully explain your reasoning. Now consider moral decision-making. How exactly does the framework of ˜unalienable’ rights (natural rights) establish morality? What would be an example of a behavior that these rights would establish as morally wrong? Please make sure to be specific and carefully explain your reasoning. Your response to each question should be about 300 – 400 words in length, but please feel free to be as detailed as you wish.

Review the section in ‘What Is Culture’ that discusses the concept of ‘cultural relativism’ particularly

Review the section in ‘What Is Culture’ that discusses the concept of ‘cultural relativism’ particularly

Review the section in ‘What Is Culture?’ that discusses the concept of ‘cultural relativism,’ particularly the claim that the concept is a ‘double-edged sword,’ in light of the social constructivist view of social problems that you’ve learned in this unit. Together, these concepts suggest that identifying and criticizing social problems will not only differ from society to society but that attempting to intervene in the affairs of a society other than one’s own raises serious moral difficulties. Considering these difficulties, do you think it is justifiable for one society to judge another? If so, why? If not, why not? Your answer must be written in the form of at least two (2) full paragraphs, and you must respond to the answers of at least two (2) of your classmates. You will be graded on how well you considered and answered the question regarding what you have learned in the course so far. Your instructor will also consider whether your responses to other students were a substantial contribution to the discussion.MaryahReedCulture2022.pdf

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 3,

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 3,

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 3, 4 Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) Initial Post Instructions Select a work of art from any of the chapters in our textbook, and write a response that analyzes the art through the lens of a descriptive critic, an interpretive critic, and an evaluative critic. What different things would these critics have to say? Use the following guidelines: Descriptive Critic: Address at least 3 different elements of art and/or principles of design. Interpretive Critic: This will require research so that you can understand the subject, meaning, and intent of the work. Evaluative Critic: Use the standards of perfection, insight, and inexhaustibility (as described in the text).

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapters 3,

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapters 3,

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapters 3, 4 Lesson Minimum of 2 scholarly sources (in addition to the textbook) Instructions Review the following ethical dilemmas: John Doe has decided to clone himself. He is sterile. He cannot find anyone to marry him. He wishes to have children. He knows that he will not be able to love a child that is adopted or not connected directly to him biologically. He will be making use of a new procedure that involves taking his skin cells to produce a twin. The twin starts out as an embryo and grows into a child. The child in this case will have the same genetic information as John Doe. John Doe and his child will be twins. Jane Doe is eighteen. For as long as she can remember she has been sexually attracted to other females. Her parents belong to a religion that has a religious text stating that God forbids one to be a lesbian. This religion goes on further to say that lesbians will be punished in the afterlife. Jane Doe is debating whether she should tell her parents about her sexual attraction. She has not yet decided if she should come out to her parents and live as a lesbian now that she is a legal adult. Joe and Mary are a couple. Before becoming sterile, they had a child. This child died of a rare disease. Joe and Mary miss their child terribly. They have heard that there is a new IVF procedure that can ensure that they can have another child. However, their religion forbids using IVF. Use the resources assigned for this week and additional research, Select two of the situations above and then address 2 of the following: What is the relation between ethics and religion? Formulate and investigate the relation. For each case, determine the ethical path of conduct. Then, determine what paths of conduct would be unethical For each case, what would an emotivism say to appraise what you determine is the ethical form of conduct? For each case, would a natural law ethicist agree with what you say is the ethical form of conduct? Why or why not? Articulate, explain, and evaluate in each case an approach that makes use of divine command ethics. Requirements Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page) 1-inch margins Double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font Title page References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)