Research Affirmative Action The 1960s has become synonymous with the words activism turbulence violence and resistance

Research Affirmative Action The 1960s has become synonymous with the words activism turbulence violence and resistance

Research Affirmative Action The 1960s has become synonymous with the words activism, turbulence, violence, and resistance. This era was marked by a culture of exclusion for many Americans and the opposition to these exclusions. The Civil Right Act emerged at this time, and has grown into what we now call Affirmative Action. Submit a 1200-1500 wds on affirmative action and the impact it has had on diversity work.The points below can be used as a guide:What is affirmation action policy, as described by scholars, practitioners, and researchers?What are the circumstances, both organized and grass roots, that led to the development of this policy?What is the connection between past and present diversity work? In your opinion, has there been a steady progression in all areas?Is it possible for one to be an advocate for diversity and not support affirmative action policies? Why or why not?Is affirmative action still needed to advance diversity work? In your opinion, what would happen if it was eliminated?

Read the following excerpt from a talk by the famous artist Marcel Duchamp below 2

Read the following excerpt from a talk by the famous artist Marcel Duchamp below 2

Read the following excerpt from a talk by the famous artist Marcel Duchamp below. 2. Discuss with each other the following questions based on this text: a. What do we mean by creativity as well as the creative act? b. How is art related to thought (conscious or semi-conscious intention), and perhaps to spirituality (whatever you understand by that term for right now, we are using to signify what ultimately drives or forms thought)?  What does Duchamp mean by the personal art co-efficient?Duchamparticle.doc

Read the article Medieval Philosophy from the web Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy Explain the sharp

Read the article Medieval Philosophy from the web Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy Explain the sharp

Read the article Medieval Philosophy from the web, Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy. Explain the sharp contrast between the Ancient/Greek philosophy with Medieval Philosophy in general and compare the views and methods used by the Greeks thinkers (Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle) with the Medieval thinkers (Augustine, Anselm, and Aquinas) regarding their view on reality, nature and existence of God, immortality of soul, human nature, etc.  Review the content of Augustine’s Confession, Anselm’s Proslogion, and Aquinas’ Summa Theologica as excerpted in the textbook. What are the positive and negative views which are discovered from both Greek and medieval metaphysics. Which of the two metaphysical sources would modern culture prefer to take as a good standpoint for explaining issues regarding nature of reality, human nature, existence of God, problem of evil, etc.?

Question: With reference to Pike’s article, how could it be said that

Question: With reference to Pike’s article, how could it be said that

Question: With reference to Pike’s article, how could it be said that Divine Omniscience challenges the idea that humans have free will? Answer: Hello class, Congratulations on making it past the halfway point in the class. This weeks content is such a good discussion. I believe that in a normal setting it isn’t spoken about much unless you are in company that you know shares your same ideals so I think it will be fascinating to see everybody’s posts. Nelson Pike had an excellent article on the topic but I am going to talk about where he talks on God’s knowledge of the future. Pike writes ‘The doctrine of God’s knowing everything from eternity is very obscure. One particularly difficult question concerning this doctrine is whether it entails that with respect to everything that was, is, or will be the case, God knew in advance that it would be the case’ (Pike, 1965). This is an age old question that just about every believer has asked I would assume. I know for me I have personally asked many pastors this questions. In times of mourning it seems to be the first thing that pops into my head. I think ‘How could God let this happen’? While I don’t think it has an obvious answer I do believe that there are some things about God that we will never understand. This statement also brings up the point to challenge free will because if God is all knowing and controls each event than man does not have free will even though it may feel like it. This is another tricky situation as I believe I wake up each day and choose to do what I want. However, if this is all planned out ahead of time does that mean I am just following the plan? This article has brought up some excellent thoughts that I can’t wait to go into with you all. Have a great week 5! Terrance Reference Pike, N. (1965). Divine Omniscience and Voluntary Action. The Philosophical Review, 74(1), 27-46.

Question: With reference to Anselm’s Ontological Argument for the existence of

Question: With reference to Anselm’s Ontological Argument for the existence of

Question:   With reference to Anselm’s Ontological Argument for the existence of God, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of his argument. Answer:  Anselm’s argument on God was that God is the being that is greater than anyone can imagine, and that if one thinks of a great being, that being is not God since such a great being can not be thought of, because his existence can not be proven using any logical or scientific means. It in a way falls under the category of Agnostic Theism. In my personal opinion, if there were to be God, I would also think that his existence would be unmatched for our intellectual capacity, to get a grip of. Since he is the omnipotent and omniscient being, he would arrange this world in a way, that in spite of what we try to do, to arrive at the truth of the things, it would still be impossible for us to get a hold of it. This is what possesses the challenge too, probably, that you maintain faith in something that you can not see, or feel, and you entrust it with your morals, ethical beliefs, and in a way with your life, as well.  According to Guanilo’s counter argument, if there were to be a perfect island, greater than none which could be imagined, and it only existed as an idea in mind and in reality would be greater than one which existed only in the mind, then no island that could be imagined would be greater than the greatest island that exists in reality, and since we can not imagine one greater, this would warrant the island’s existence, which would be false. So with this argument, we can see that this kind of reasoning could be applied to anything, and therefore warrant its existence, as long as it is of great value, such that can not even be sought of, and the greatest version would only exist in reality, without us grasping and/or understanding the existence of it. After reading his argument, I could see how Anselm’s ideology could be rejected, or rebutted. It certainly makes Anslem’s ontological argument flawed, invalid and unsound. Therefore, his reasoning could not be used to prove the existence of the almighty.  In conclusion, the existence of God is an unwinnable argument. It is like a never-ending loop hole, that once you go down to, it gets harder to get to the truth. There will always be arguments justifying his existence, and then there will be counter arguments, questioning it. For instance, determinism – the term that suggests that all events, as well as human actions are predetermined, since the god is omniscient and omnipotent, so in that case can we really hold humans accountable for their actions, if they never had the freedom to make decisions in the first place? – Tamuna

Racial profiling is the routine and often unconscious practice by police and other enforcement agents

Racial profiling is the routine and often unconscious practice by police and other enforcement agents

Racial profiling is the routine, and often unconscious, practice by police and other enforcement agents of targeting suspects on the basis of their race or ethnicity, religion, or other traits. For example, data from traffic stops in Missouri in 2007: Blacks were 78% more likely than whites to be searched. Hispanics were 118% more likely than whites to be searched. Submit an example of a situation depicting a case of racial profiling. It can be your own example or an example taken from a book, movie, newspaper, the news, or magazine. Briefly explain why you think the situation you are describing is a case of racial profiling.  200-300 words each. Follow either Chicago, MLA or APA manual of style  Times New Roman 12. Double space

Looking for help with philosophy assignment Part a read six passages determine whether they contain an

Looking for help with philosophy assignment Part a read six passages determine whether they contain an

Looking for help with philosophy assignment Part a) read six passages, determine whether they contain an argument, an explanation, or a description. Explain your choice with direct reference to the meaning of the term you identify. Your answer should be sufficiently detailed to prove or demonstrate that your identification of the passages is correctPart b) Using the tools for identifying parts of arguments in Units 1 and 2, analyze the arguments by bracketing and labelling the premises and conclusions in the passage. You must diagram the arguments using circled numbers, direction arrows, and brackets. You must also include a brief explanation of how you determined your diagram. Your explanation should be sufficiently detailed to prove or demonstrate that your identification of the argument is correctPart c) Write one or two paragraphs (250300 words) summarizing and analysing how the argument(s) in the follow passage are logically supported, drawing specifically on the methods demonstrated in Unit 2, Part 2. Specify the premises, conclusions, and how they relate to each other. Use indicator words to demonstrate relationships between the premises and the conclusion(s). Your summary should be sufficiently detailed so that someone who has not read the passage would have a clear and accurate understanding of the arguments you are summarizing.Will provide passages and examples. assignment2philosophy.docx

Make sure you have read the full assignment in the Projects section of Moodle For

Make sure you have read the full assignment in the Projects section of Moodle For

Make sure you have read the full assignment in the Projects section of Moodle. For Step 3, update me on your research and reading. Most importantly, provide a clear outline/plan for your final project’s organization. You should finish reading the 50 pages of original work by your philosopher. Answer the following questions in a Word document: 2 pages Have you read all 50 pages of your philosopher’s work? How well do you understand it?  2. Take the source you mentioned in Step 2 (the source for the biographical/historical sections) and create an MLA Works Cited entry (see the Writing Center’s MLA Guide). If you have the other sources you will use, add those in MLA format also.  3. Explain what format your project will take. Why did you choose this format? 4. How you will organize the project? Provide an outline, storyboard, or a bullet-pointed list of the order.  5. What questions do you have about the project?BefriendingaPhilosopher.PHIL1013.LateSp22.pdf

Last week you began journaling over the reading assignments This week you will continue journaling

Last week you began journaling over the reading assignments This week you will continue journaling

Last week, you began journaling over the reading assignments. This week you will continue journaling. Challenge yourself by adding an extra element this week,  Create and upload a Word document  Choose at least two philosophers from this week’s readings and take notes on the readings. You must have at least 3 pages of  words. Augustine of Hippo: On the Nature of Good or Aquinas: Summa Theologicae Things you may want to include: make a distinction between concepts you understand and those you don’t show any concepts that are mind-blowing or mind-hurting (don’t worry–no one understands everything they read) explain why this philosopher is important connect these ideas to your life: can you incorporate these ideas to make your life better; do these ideas make you question, or do they clarify anything for you?

Identify: A subjective claim that people might call a fact

Identify: A subjective claim that people might call a fact

Identify: A subjective claim that people might call a fact An objective claim that people might call an opinion What is the difference between a claim that is objective and a claim that is subjective? Explain how mislabeling these claims could negatively impact the quality of a person’s thinking. You might try thinking of claims you could hear in a hospital or another work-related environment. If a person has confused objective with subjective or fact with opinion, what is the solution?