Week 10 Assignment – Epidemiology and the Community Overview In this assignment, you have been

Week 10 Assignment – Epidemiology and the Community Overview In this assignment, you have been

Week 10 Assignment – Epidemiology and the Community Overview In this assignment, you have been tasked with creating a brochure, handout, or other appropriate media piece that will be used to communicate to the general public information about a specific disease. Instructions To complete this assignment, use any appropriate resources including the Internet and Strayer databases as well as your textbook readings.In this assignment, do two things: Create a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of seven slides that summarizes your plan for creating the communication piece. Include on one slide of the PowerPoint presentation a sample of the brochure, handout, or media piece. Step 1 In this task, gather specific data and information pertinent to the chosen disease. Remember to include appropriate citations in this and in all subsequent steps. Choose one disease from the categories listed below to focus on for this assignment. Cancer. Infectious disease (possibly COVID-19). Environmental exposure. The data and information you gather should include: The development of the disease in the community. Steps to address the proliferation of the disease. Provide support for the suggestion. Ways to address the disease in the community. Use at least six sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the Strayer Library or review Strayer Library Guides. Step 2 Identify your audience of interest. Note: Be sure you align the language and tone to your targeted audience. Step 3 From the previous two steps, create your brochure, handout, or other appropriate media. It should include: A summary of the development of the disease in the community, including any appropriate citations. An outline of at least five steps to address the proliferation of the disease through the community. Provide support for these steps.

Use the attached document( document contains links) to answer the questions below. What are

Use the attached document( document contains links) to answer the questions below. What are

Use the attached document( document contains links) to answer the questions below. What are your thoughts on the readings? There is much here to reflect upon. Is our taste in fashion, food, music, etc. personal — or is it a reflection of our position in social space? And what is your take on the habitus?TasteandDistinction.docx

Use the attached readings and link to Respond to one of the following discussion prompts. 

Use the attached readings and link to Respond to one of the following discussion prompts. 

Use the attached readings and link to Respond to one of the following discussion prompts.  Discuss modeling, measurement, and analysis in social research. Discuss the problem of survey response, its impact on social research, and the need for representative samples. Link: https://www.wnyc.org/story/paul-f-lazarsfeld-research-work-in-the-field-of-politics-political-behavior-and-voting-behavior/ Problemsandprospectsofmeasurementinthestudyofculture.pdfInterpretiveQuantitativeMethodsfortheSocialSciences.pdf8B27D97D-3478-4461-9ED7-4719E5838E13.jpegCC965F07-BA71-4F90-A94C-A8DEC9BA280D.jpegB4D465C7-5473-41CD-AFA6-FD3838854708.jpeg20F33781-772E-4066-95B1-3319BB94F96E.jpegAF65AFA9-C766-4419-8F86-A92072D2E9C0.jpeg71F9413E-304E-4CE9-B203-CE4642B268C4.jpeg0D5C9770-1F65-4DC6-BC9A-696340AF9B75.jpegEF16DD25-D43A-4DC9-87F8-7BA888EB9930.jpeg53D55A59-E1C7-4E90-A90A-78A36705A54C.jpeg8BD9D2B2-16EC-416D-AD11-981FD9463B8E.jpeg776DE56D-0C39-4BC6-AC82-2BC9646C9625.jpeg4144E43B-FB73-426E-ABEB-AA6E00A945A8.jpeg84765C9C-7D0D-4329-A4AA-5D04A07C9781.jpeg46B61FFE-4F2D-4F10-9CD5-D9BCED3C2AE5.jpegC233B61B-FB61-4FA6-AFAB-BC6FE50E01E4.jpegD6C95955-2335-431A-9906-5F37D6677F2A.jpegACFD039F-5BC7-45F4-A0D5-67CE6BC48C5D.jpeg

Use the attached readings and videos and answer only one (1) of the following questions

Use the attached readings and videos and answer only one (1) of the following questions

Use the attached readings and videos and answer only one (1) of the following questions (150 Words) 1. Compare the ethics of the two experiments, discuss each experiment (Milgrim and Zimbardo).  Though studies like these would never again be allowed, and would not be approved by an Institutional Review Board, is there anything you would like to test that would get at authority again that would benefit our understanding of human behavior in the modern context?  2. In one of this week’s videos, Philip Zimbardo discusses the Milgram Obedience Experiment.  He notes that in the study, a dispositional orientation takes place, in that 65% of the studies’ participants (teachers) inflicted the highest level of voltage (pain) on the learners, versus what psychiatrists had estimated (1%).  Using concepts from our course text, discuss why you feel this number was so large.  If conducted today, what kind of obedience do you think Milgram would get and why? 3.  Given our understanding of how prison situations act on the mind of the individual (as demonstrated by the Zimbardo study), what recommendations or changes would you suggest for our nation’s prison environments? (In answering this, please be sure to note concepts from the sections of the chapter that directly discuss this). Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdrKCilEhC0 Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g1MJeHYlE0 Video 3: http://bit.ly/qwXOBDCredibilityandIncredulityinMilgram27sObedience.pdfApplyingSocialPsychologytoCriminalJusticeSystemch11.pptx59C0540D-816F-42C5-8149-DC87A46A3C5F.jpeg2A76D3EB-684E-4F50-9DA6-8822DAC1C7FA.jpeg9BF5C406-F428-40FD-877F-1C94D79ABB8E.jpeg2368A307-9ED9-4080-8381-56861EE45A43.jpeg6D5E0E0A-89E8-4372-B0B9-A66823D437ED.jpeg9C7EE4F3-4090-4C86-8E24-EC5F86628764.jpegAF1AF6C5-EEEE-4BD1-B280-D57E8E138EE2.jpeg41FF3D6A-5082-44A7-9C8D-A16FAA3418C8.jpegF97F22C2-039A-4CA8-9A0B-40E2C0DCF1CD.jpeg80083511-4892-440F-9127-E6944CB1B56A.jpeg857F9BFE-9ADA-4604-82E1-F567972154E2.jpeg6418E662-B912-4C28-9390-C4453E5B51C0.jpeg91E7C91E-2456-43DE-BDEB-5FB5AE7A62B1.jpegD98BC3FD-73F6-43F5-9758-E1C15249A041.jpeg0D9E0450-7032-4B2E-B38F-BF5A900AF0E7.jpeg1B849E77-288D-4178-BF92-16AE99E395FF.jpeg571CE033-EC0C-447E-8236-631FC9303128.jpeg

Topic Selection In this milestone you will select a social problem for your final project

Topic Selection In this milestone you will select a social problem for your final project

Topic Selection In this milestone you will select a social problem for your final project. Outline a social problem in the United States you may want to refer to your journal entry, What is the Biggest Social Problem in the U.S.? or you may select another. Refer to your instructor’s feedback on that assignment whether you choose the same topic or not, as it will help you to define your social problem.  Outline the social problem you will be analyzing in your final project. What is the problem? Why did you select it? Why do you think it is important?  Describe why the topic is a social problem. In your response include the following:  Who does this problem affect (e.g., a specific culture or other group of people)?  Approximately how many people does it affect? Include your source that provides an estimate. Explain the methods your source used to make that estimate.   Explain the consequences the social problem has for society. In your response include the following: What are the consequences of this problem? Find an additional source besides the one that you used for your estimate of how many people your social problem affects that provides an explanation of the consequences.  If the social problem is widely recognized, explain why this is the case. If it is not widely recognized, make a case for why it should be more widely recognized.  To successfully complete this assignment, view the Milestone 1 Rubric.SOC2302_Milestone_1_Rubric.pdf

Theoretical Perspective In this milestone you will select one theoretical perspective and how that

Theoretical Perspective In this milestone you will select one theoretical perspective and how that

Theoretical Perspective In this milestone you will select one theoretical perspective and how that particular perspective would explain the social issue that you have selected. Remember to look at the feedback from your instructor from your journal entry in Module 1 and your short paper in Module 3 before you start this assignment.  Briefly outline your topic and the perspective are you selecting.  Explain how the theoretical perspective would apply your chosen topic.  Include the following in your response:  How the theoretical perspective would explain your topic. Identify your approach to the topic”how did you select your perspective? Such as, are you interested in the big picture (macro) or how individuals (micro) are affected by the issue? For example, a macro topic could be income inequality and the effects it has on society overall. This would require a different perspective than explaining how individuals are affected by the experience of income inequality, or what it means to be poor when others are not.   Are there any classic explanations from the perspective you have selected that are addressed in the textbook (pre-1950)? If so, what is it? Who was the theorist associated with the explanation? For example, Conflict Theory could be a useful perspective to analyze poverty. Classic examples of the conflict perspective come from Karl Marx and his writing on the divide between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat and Max Weber’s three components of stratification. These are really important theorists and theories that the modern theories are based upon.  What is the specific theory/theorist that you feel best addresses your chosen social problem?  Analyze the strengths and challenges of the theoretical perspective. Include the following in your response:  What is the strength of the perspective you selected in explaining your topic? What does the perspective do well?  Where do you think this perspective could be improved in explaining your topic? What exactly could be improved?  For example, you could discuss the strengths of conflict theory in explaining income inequality. This could include its particular focus on power differences between groups and differences in resource allocation and what those concepts mean. Conflict theory is mostly focused on large groups of people and does not focus much on how individuals make sense of inequalities or how individuals contribute to inequality other than at group levels, though. This is a weakness of this perspective, especially compared to symbolic interactionism, which would be very focused on how individuals make sense of power differences and how interactions reinforce, or, reduce inequalities.  To successfully complete this assignment, view the Milestone 2 Rubric.  SOC2302_Milestone_2_Rubric.pdfMilestone1.docx

The theory manuscript should meet the standard of the theory chapter in the thesis or

The theory manuscript should meet the standard of the theory chapter in the thesis or

The theory manuscript should meet the standard of the theory chapter in the thesis or publishable theory manuscript. Each student will write a 10-15 page research report. The paper must include: an introduction to the communication theory being examined (to include a discussion of the author’s investment in the theory) a review of the literature (using a minimum of ten scholarly articles) stated research question(s) explanation and justification for the theory as a means for analysis Application to an artifact or data set conclusion (to include a discussion of implication, limitations, and future research) A reference page will accompany the final paper and will be in APA format   (TOPIC:Why is it harder for black people to be successful in the film industry) -USE THEORY OF COMMUNICATION  (CHECK THE FILE ATTACHED TO SEE AN EXAMPLE OF HOW TO DO THIS ASSGNMENT)EXAMPLETheoryManuscriptPaperTitle.docx

The city of Erickson has allocated 4 million dollars to develop an outpatient mental health

The city of Erickson has allocated 4 million dollars to develop an outpatient mental health

The city of Erickson has allocated 4 million dollars to develop an outpatient mental health treatment center for people in the community who are homeless. Can you  recommend two best practice methods for the new service. ?

Summary based on the book Nobody Left to Hate ******MUST READ ALL BEFORE ACCEPTING****

Summary based on the book Nobody Left to Hate ******MUST READ ALL BEFORE ACCEPTING****

Summary based on the book Nobody Left to Hate ******MUST READ ALL BEFORE ACCEPTING**** ——–>SEE ATTACHMENT <-------  or writing prompt please read over entire instructions --->Remember this course is for School Counseling Due Monday, March 13, 2023, By 5:00 pm USA time/date ** Absolutely NO Plagiarism ***All writing must be original  ****NO using writing or COPYING FROM COURSE HERO ***** My Instructor checks for plagiarism on Turn It In and on Safe assign A one-to two-page description of your current level of training and experience in the areas of crisis, prevention and intervention. ******MUST READ ALL BEFORE ACCEPTING**** ——–>SEE ATTACHMENT <-------  or writing prompt please read over entire instructions --->Remember this course is for School Counseling Summary: reflective summary of the book Nobody Left to Hate that addresses the following questions: What are the two types of blaming? What are the two classes if interventions? What are key factors in addressing school violence? What resonated with you from the book? What are some of the key learnings and questions you took away from the reading? What are some initial steps you would take to evaluate a school in terms of the initiatives and systems they have in place to address the preventative measures for a positive school climate? Format your reflection consistent with APA guidelines. SchoolSafetyweek1.png

Submit a 2-page literature review demonstrating what is known about your topic and any identified

Submit a 2-page literature review demonstrating what is known about your topic and any identified

Submit a 2-page literature review demonstrating what is known about your topic and any identified gaps. The literature review must include at least four of the peer-reviewed research articles you found.  At the end of your literature review, write 1 to 2 paragraphs answering the following question: How will you change, refine, or focus your research question based on your exploration of the literature? Provide justification.