For this Journal you consider how messages you have received regarding gender and gender roles

For this Journal you consider how messages you have received regarding gender and gender roles

For this Journal, you consider how messages you have received regarding gender and gender roles have influenced you and may influence you as a social worker. To Prepare Critically reflect on your socialization into your culture and the messages you received in early life about gender and gender roles.   homeworkassignment2.docx

For this Assignment you search for and analyze a peer-reviewed research article on gender identity

For this Assignment you search for and analyze a peer-reviewed research article on gender identity

For this Assignment, you search for and analyze a peer-reviewed research article on gender identity or sexual orientation, consider what you have learned, and apply your findings to practice. To Prepare: Conduct a search in the Walden Library to identify at least one peer-reviewed research article that addresses gender identity or sexual orientation in young or middle adulthood. Select an article that you find especially relevant to you in your role as a social worker. Consider how you might apply the findings from both the research article and the Learning Resources to social work practice.   A summary of your findings regarding gender identity or sexual orientation and its impact on life span development. This should include information from the Learning Resources and from the journal article(s) you selected during your research. An explanation of how you might apply your findings to social work practice. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.ForthisAssignment.docxForthisAssignment.docx

For each policy Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act Family Preservation Act and The Adoption

For each policy Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act Family Preservation Act and The Adoption

For each policy (Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, Family Preservation Act, and The Adoption and Safe Families Act), briefly: Explain how the policy is addressed at the federal, state, and local level. What programs were developed from this policy? Reflect on how the policy affects or may affect your community, geographic area, or potential clients. Then, address this unique prompt for this week’s Quick Guide: Describe one strategy for integrating cultural humility into implementation for one of the policies.

For each policy Affordable Care Act Medicare Medicaid and CHIP briefly: Explain

For each policy Affordable Care Act Medicare Medicaid and CHIP briefly: Explain

For each policy (Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP), briefly: Explain how the policy is addressed at the federal, state, and local level. What programs were developed from this policy? Reflect on how the policy affects or may affect your community, geographic area, or potential clients. Then, address this unique prompt for this week’s Quick Guide: Describe one strategy you would employ to help a client better understand one of the healthcare policies.

Each Wednesday you will turn in a reflection memo with your personal reactions to the

Each Wednesday you will turn in a reflection memo with your personal reactions to the

Each Wednesday you will turn in a reflection memo, with your personal reactions to the course material. You should use this exercise as an opportunity to integrate course material with your own life and experiences, and for you to give me feedback on how the course is going for you. The content of the memos should focus on both the course material and your experiences but are otherwise open to you. For example, you might discuss your reaction to class discussions, films, lectures, or readings, report on an event in your life or conversations you’ve had with friends and family about course material. These are not reading or lecture summaries. Your reflection memos should be no less than a paragraph but no more than a page.Dhillon.2018IndigenousResurgenceDecolonizationandEJ.pdfAtiles-Osoria.2014.EnvColonialismCriminalizationandResistance.pdfEichlerandBaumeister.2018.HuntingforJustice.pdf

Educational Experiences In this journal entry you will reflect on your educational experiences First you

Educational Experiences In this journal entry you will reflect on your educational experiences First you

Educational Experiences In this journal entry you will reflect on your educational experiences. First you will think about educational inequality: how schools are funded and programs that are put into place to help reduce inequality. Then you will reflect on your experience in higher education and how the need for a college degree has shifted over time.. Reflect on educational experiences:  Do you think that there is inequality in education? Why or why not?  Name two programs that are intended to help reduce education inequality. Select one from the textbook and one from another source. Briefly explain whether you believe the programs have been successful.  Select one of the theoretical perspectives and explain how the perspective would be applied to education inequality.  Reflect on higher education specifically: Why did you choose to attend college?  Why do you think that college credentials matter? Has the need for a college degree changed over time? Why or why not?  What credentials do you think you may need in 3-4 years from now for the job you want? How do you think these credentials may shift over time?  To successfully complete this assignment, view the Journal Rubric.SOC2302_journal_rubric.pdf

Describe two to three biological changes that occur in later adulthood and explain how the

Describe two to three biological changes that occur in later adulthood and explain how the

Describe two to three biological changes that occur in later adulthood, and explain how the social environment influences them. Then explain how these biological changes could affect the psychological and social domains. Finally, reflect on your own thoughts, perspectives, and experiences related to the aging process. How might these perspectives impact your work with older adults?

Debate topic: Selfhood is entirely constituted through power relations Agree/disagreeWord limit: 1000 wordsIn this assignment

Debate topic: Selfhood is entirely constituted through power relations Agree/disagreeWord limit: 1000 wordsIn this assignment

Debate topic: Selfhood is entirely constituted through power relations. Agree/disagree.Word limit: 1000 wordsIn this assignment I want you put citations name and year below the ideas not at the end and I need reference of 4 or 5 at the endPlease see attached files for more detailsfoucault-1977-170-194.pdfIMG-20220401-WA0001.jpgIMG-20220401-WA0002.jpg1343197-5.pdf

Cultural Representations of Social Class Social class can be divided in several ways. After reading

Cultural Representations of Social Class Social class can be divided in several ways. After reading

Cultural Representations of Social Class Social class can be divided in several ways. After reading Chapter 8 and discovering more about the USA social class divisions. 500 or more word answering the following questions. You should use the book as a reference.  Be sure to include in-text citations and include the book as a reference. ·  In what ways does culture related to social class impact identity and pride within specific social classes? ·  In what ways does culture help keep others outside of a specific social class? ·  Would the answers you given make it more difficult for someone from a lower social class to pass as someone from a higher class or would it make it more difficult for someone from a higher social class to pass as someone from a lower class? Why? ·  Why do most people stay in the same social class into which they were born? Textbook: SOC 6th edition Introduction to Sociology

Article: More damned lies and statistics: How numbers confuse public issues  Preface ‘People Count’ pp

Article: More damned lies and statistics: How numbers confuse public issues  Preface ‘People Count’ pp

Article: More damned lies and statistics: How numbers confuse public issues  (Preface, ‘People Count,’ pp. ix-xviii): What does Best mean by the statement all statistics are products of social activity; the process sociologists call social construction (p. xiii)? What are the steps that need to be taken to limit bias in how statistics are understood and used in sociology and other disciplines?