Topic/ Question: In 3000 words, answer the question:Flooding in Accra, Ghana: examining
Topic/ Question: In 3000 words, answer the question:Flooding in Accra, Ghana: examining
Topic/ Question: In 3000 words, answer the question: Flooding in Accra, Ghana: examining the impacts of flooding on residents through the dimensions of class and environmental racism, and how capitalism as a structural force (political ecology), drives flooding. How can the theories of informality and infrastructure be informed, as coping mechanisms? See document for all instructions. PulidoL2017Geographiesofraceandethnici_230309_214652.pdfHeynenNKaikaMSwyngedouwE2006U_230309_214529.pdfGandyM2017MosquitosModernityandPostco_230309_214410.pdfResearchpaperInstructions.docxZeidermanA2012Onshakygroundthemaking_230227_221753.pdfAlvarezMKCardenasK2019Evictingsl_230309_215729.pdf