Select three of the following four questions and answer. must be written using your own

Select three of the following four questions and answer. must be written using your own

Select three of the following four questions and answer.   must be written using your own words (do not copy from books or articles without naming your sources).  Mid-terms need to be 5-7 pages long.   Discuss which factors of child development need to be considered by caregivers/teachers when planning curriculum for young children. How would you explain to parents the concept of Play as a way of Learning? Which key points would you discuss?  List at least four. Discuss the role of the caregivers/teachers and the importance of positive adult/child interactions. Discuss how your understanding of brain development will impact your interactions with children as you prepare a curriculum for them.

Presentation1 Presentation The presentation is to facilitate the learner to demonstrate their

Presentation1 Presentation The presentation is to facilitate the learner to demonstrate their

Presentation,    1) Presentation The presentation is to facilitate the learner to demonstrate their module learning and ability to formulate critical and challenging thought processes. Presentation, 25 minutes.  Topic: Analysis of the conditions of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in Ireland and human right sustainable development The presentation will include an annotated bibliography of ten academic sources, including ethnographic case study research and readings about theoretical perspectives of social inclusion. Six sources are chosen from reading supplied by lecturers, four additional academic sources are chosen by the student through independent study. Total of 10 academics sources The annotated bibliography is 150 words per source 1500 words. The script must be submitted and should be approximately 4000 words excluding bibliography Total word count: 5500. projectpresentationonunaccompaniedassylumseekingchildren.odtMultidisciplinaryHandbookofSocialExclusionResearch.pdfArtandSocialExclusion-IJCP2002.pdfLilliesofthefield.pdfrcie.2008.3.3.235.pdfsocialexclusionandsocialpolicyresearch.pdfUnderstandingtheStigmatizationofGypsiesPowerandtheDialecticsofDisidentification1.pdfSuper-diversity_Crul.pdf

Part of becoming a multiculturally competent counselor requires you to explore your own culture and

Part of becoming a multiculturally competent counselor requires you to explore your own culture and

Part of becoming a multiculturally competent counselor requires you to explore your own culture and how it was derived. This assignment will help you examine different aspects of your personal cultural background to help bring awareness of how you developed your current cultural viewpoints. Create a genogram that identifies the racial or ethnic characteristics and changing worldviews of your family over three to four generations to be used in future assignments in this course. This tool differs from a standard genogram because the focus is on how and when prejudice or bias may be learned. Download the PowerPoint template at the end of the tutorial to use to build your genogram. Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis of your genogram in which you: Analyze your family history to determine how you developed your own racial and cultural identity. Describe how you identify yourself when reflecting on your cultural heritage, age, religious affiliation, socioeconomic status, etc. Describe the values, beliefs, philosophies, attitudes, or opinions you hold that are similar to your family. Describe how you came to know these values, beliefs, philosophies, attitudes, or opinions. Determine how they compare to those of the dominant culture. Describe the effects of your cultural upbringing on your worldview. Include commentary on your views of help-seeking behaviors in yourself and others. Explain how learning about your cultural upbringing can affect your effectiveness as a multicultural counselor. Describe how you will consider cultural and contextual differences between you and your clients to be an effective multicultural counselor. Identify personal biases, limitations, or prejudices held that may hinder your effectiveness as a counselor. Summarize your personal strengths or abilities that may positively influence your effectiveness with diverse clients. Describe methods for enhancing multicultural competence in counseling. Support your analysis with research from a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources. Submit 1 PowerPoint genogram and 1 Word document of your analysis for your assignment.Genogram_Template_CA.pptx

Needs to be formatted in the 3+1 format please see attached For your assignment this

Needs to be formatted in the 3+1 format please see attached For your assignment this

Needs to be formatted in the 3+1 format (please see attached) For your assignment this week, research two groups in American society. Use research to provide support for your persuasive argument. For your research, you can use data from peer-reviewed sources, PEW, Gallup, Brookings, or a Federal Agency such as the U.S. Census Bureau. Devote at least 250 words to each group. Identify a group in American society that has been, at any time since 1633, treated with less than an equal right to opportunity. This group might identify by race, religion, gender, ethnicity, cultural or historical background, handicap, sexual preference, geographic location, education, job, immigration status, and so on. However, over time, this group has overcome many of the obstacles that have restricted their rights. Use research to find an example of this group’s success. Identify a group in American society that has been, at any time since 1633, treated with less than an equal right to equality of opportunity. This group might identify by race, religion, gender, ethnicity, cultural or historical background, handicap, sexual preference, geographic location, education, job, immigration status, and so on. However, over time, this group has failed to overcome obstacles that have restricted their rights. Use research to find an example of this group’s lack of success. Conclude your research with a 100-word discussion of why one group has been successful while the other group continues to struggle. What did you learn by comparing and contrasting these two groups? What is our role as individuals to help obtain equal rights for others? 31FormatingRules.docx

Locate a news article that is relevant and fits to any of the chapter topics

Locate a news article that is relevant and fits to any of the chapter topics

Locate a news article that is relevant and fits to any of the chapter topics below, then  1. summarize the article, 2. explain how the article is relevant to the chosen chapter topic you pick  from the listed,  3. reflect your personal opinion of the article, what stood out to you, and what the article mean to you. N/B  Article must not be more than 6 months old (current event) Length: 2 pagesIMG_E9987.JPG

Instructions Part 1: Please participate in one of the following – training options and then

Instructions Part 1: Please participate in one of the following – training options and then

Instructions Part 1: Please participate in one of the following – training options and then write a critical appraisal of the training. As you participate in the training, you may want to take notes to help with Part 2 of this assignment.  A. An Australian training on adolescent brain adaptation in the presence of drugs. Note that no registration is required and handouts are available to download in addition to the training itself.  B.  Partnering to Support Families Affected by Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders. If you are interested in NAS/NOWS or pregnancy you may prefer this video to options A or C. C.  Resources to Support Families in Child Welfare Affected by Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Part 2:  – Please share the top 5 learning points from this training or webinar with the class. Describe the way this information can help to inform your work (present, future, or imagined) with your clients and their families. You are encouraged to share any concerns you might have from this training as well.  When you respond to classmates, please respond to classmates who have chosen a different training/ webinar than you have chosen. Initial Post Prompt: Your initial discussion board post should be between 250 – 350 words in length. Be sure to use APA style and format If you use in-text citations and references. You should also include a descriptive subject line in this initial post.

In this first argumentative speech, you will be proposing a solution to the social problem

In this first argumentative speech, you will be proposing a solution to the social problem

In this first argumentative speech, you will be proposing a solution to the social problem you’ve identified. The thesis statement of this speech will be the proposition you submitted previously. Your speech should have three main points organized into (1) the problem/ill; (2) cause of this problem/blame; and (3) solution to this problem/cure. Most social problems are not caused by just one action, policy, or group of people (e.g., homelessness due to greedy landlords, irresponsible tenants, or absurd government policies); rather, there are often multiple causal factors for such social problems. For this assignment, however, you will argue that one particular factor is the main cause of the problem you selected. Refer to/cite publications during your first main point to inform us of the severity or prevalence of the problem. In your second main point, use evidence to back up your claim regarding the chief causal agent of the problem. Finally, for your third main point, propose a solution to this problem, and explain why you think it will work. I have left 2 files with some work of the information you can use for this assignment. My social problem is Internet Protection Laws: Deepfake Technology Protection Polic.I need this completed by 3/13/23 before 1 pm PSTArgumentationBrief.pdf2Policyypropp.pdf

In most classes it is important that students and instructors get to know each other

In most classes it is important that students and instructors get to know each other

In most classes, it is important that students and instructors get to know each other. That is sometimes easy in an on-campus class when students and instructors are able to interact in person. Knowing each other can be more of a challenge online, but the class discussion board is a place where students and the instructor can interact with each other. In this first unit, please introduce yourself to the class. You may discuss your major and your educational and/or career goals and anything else about yourself that you would like to share. Also, please share how you feel about writing and English classes. What positive aspects do you see with writing? What don’t you like about writing?

Identify any social problem and analyze it using the objective and subjective criteria in the

Identify any social problem and analyze it using the objective and subjective criteria in the

Identify any social problem and analyze it using the objective and subjective criteria in the first chapter of your textbook. Why does it qualify as a ‘social problem’ as defined within sociology? You should discuss the following points: What is the shared undesirable condition faced by people who have this problem? What must they face that other people don’t have to Who are the people (the social group) who have this problem By whom is the problem recognized as a problem? Are there others who deny that it is a problem Your submission should be a minimum of 700 words in length and should reflect consideration of course materials and previous lessons.Social-Problems-Continuity-and-Change1.2.pdf

How many immigrants does the US allow per yearWhat

How many immigrants does the US allow per yearWhat

How many immigrants does the U.S. allow per year? What are the categories for admission? How are these numbers broken down (who is included and who is not)? What policy changes do you see as having the most effect on current immigration, in your opinion?  (Use your readings and cite specifics)