Contemporary Issues in Marketing



Digital Marketing portfolio

– Overview of company’s new product, 

– Marketing objectives 

– 5 digital communications channels to be used 

– Promotional mix 

– KPI and monitoring of marketing campaign



Case Study Analysis Report- TUI



The introduction should draw from academic sources and include (but not limited to): 

A brief explanation of the aim of the case study report 

A definition of the internal business environment 

A definition of the micro business environment

A definition of the macro business environment. 

Section 1

This section should give a summary of TUI by including the following (but not limited to): 

Business overview (e.g., key events, products/services, business type, legal structure) 

  • Size (e.g., annual revenue, number of employees, scale of operation, market share) 
  • Sector and industry operations 
  • Direct and indirect competitors 
  • Organisational structure and leadership team. 

Section 2

This section should interpret the information provided by including the following (but not limited to): 

The impacts of increasing corporate tax rate after Brexit on TUI’s internal environment

How TUI can recover from challenges they are facing using internal environment 

  • Section 3 
  • This section should interpret the information provided by including the following (but not limited to): 
  • The impacts of increasing corporate tax rate after Brexit on TUI’s micro-environment
  • How TUI can recover from challenges they are facing using micro-environment. 
  • Section 4 

This section should use the information provided to analyse TUI’ macro environment: 

The impacts of PESTLE factors on TUI’ operations. 

How TUI can recover from challenges they are facing using macro-environment


This section should include (but not limited to): 

Suggestions for TUI how to improve its operations considering the micro, internal and macro analysis.

Propose recommended strategies, possible limitations and possible action plan

Business questions


Explain the concept of corporate governance and its importance in ensuring transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior within organizations. Discuss the role of key stakeholders, such as shareholders, board members, and executives, in corporate governance practices.

Analyze the legal and ethical implications of insider trading in the context of securities regulation. Discuss the potential consequences for individuals and organizations involved in insider trading activities, as well as the measures taken by regulatory bodies to prevent and prosecute such misconduct.

Evaluate the legal and financial considerations involved in international trade and investment, including trade agreements, tariffs, foreign investment regulations, and dispute resolution mechanisms. Discuss the impact of globalization on business operations and strategies.

Discuss the legal and regulatory challenges facing businesses in the digital age, including data privacy and cybersecurity regulations, intellectual property rights, and online consumer protection laws. Analyze the role of government agencies and industry standards in addressing these challenges.

California Seismic situation


EXPLAIN CALIFORNIA’S CURRENT SEISMIC (TECTONIC) SITUATION”  Note that you do not need to include the “Basin & Range Extension” in your essay.  As such, there are three main components specific to California that  you can write about: the Transform Plate Boundary, Converging Plate  Boundary, and Diverging Plate Boundary. Since a traditional  college-level essay of 5 paragraphs includes an introduction, 3 body  paragraphs, and a conclusion, you can write one body paragraph on each  of the three plate boundaries that are part of California’s current  tectonic situation (as discussed in lecture). And, be sure to include  some of the key points made in the video lectures and Canvas course  content, such as forces involved, plates involved, type of motion,  location, resultant features on the landscape, etc. 

Art Question


Research the artwork and the religion or spiritual system that it relates to. Using at least two reputable research sources, compose a 2-3 page, double-spaced essay on your artwork and its context. Your essay can focus exclusively on the artwork and the context it comes from and Your essay should include an introduction and conclusion, and your sources should be cited in-text as well as in a bibliography at the end. Don’t forget to check out the rules :

1. Only use Reputable Sources

2. Cite your quotes in-text!

3. Include a bibliography

A comparative analysis of employees’ job satisfaction and motivational factors in public versus private organisations


Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design (Constructionism)
3.3 Research approach (Theory DevelopmentI. Interpretivism)

3.4 Data Collection (secondary data publicly available)
3.5 Sampling method (Non-probability convenient sampling)
3.6 Data Analysis (Thematic Analysis)

3.7 Ethical issues and Accessibility
3.8 Research Limitation
3.9 Summary

2 different current event


  • You are required to keep a typed single-spaced
    journal of your thoughts about current business law-related events, including related ethical issues as
    • One entry per week about law-related news & significance for business, with citation
    information to show where it came from (merely restating the facts of the news is not
    sufficient for full credit; you must add your thoughts and analysis to demonstrate
    understanding of the issue presented and its importance for business) (12 total – about ½
    page per entry);
    • One entry about each oral argument (including your own) engaging with the practical
    ramifications of the material presented for business; and
    • One final reflective entry: What lessons have you learned this semester about business law?
    You should provide constructive, substantive feedback about the class (about 1 page). 

CJS221 University of Phoenix Minority Groups and Court System Paper

CJS221 University of Phoenix Minority Groups and Court System Paper

Minority Groups and the Court System Paper

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you include the following:

  • Explain the difference between implicit biases and stereotypes and explicit stereotyping and attitudes.
  • How biases might affect courtroom proceedings
  • How racial disparity in sentencing affects the judicial system