PED212 Ashford Benefits of Including Health & Physical Education Classes Paper

PED212 Ashford Benefits of Including Health & Physical Education Classes Paper


Children’s Health Awareness Presentation

You have been invited to speak at a community event to promote awareness of children’s health and physical activity. For this assignment, you will create a presentation to educate the parents/families and other community members using factual evidence and examples to provide a sound argument for the inclusion of health and physical education classes within the schools. In your presentation:

  1. Describe stages of motor development for young children.
  2. Discuss the importance of physical activity for the developing child and provide examples.
  3. Discuss the impact that families and the community can have on children’s health and physical activity.
  4. Identify at least three examples of physical activities and at least three examples of healthy eating practices that families can implement at home.
  5. Identify at least three local resources for families to make healthy lifestyle choices within your own community (e.g. a local 5K race, farmer’s market, sports programs, drug rehabilitation).

Other requirements:

  1. Include evidence from two to three outside sources that support the relationship between regular physical activity and children’s health.
  2. Use at least three graphics (pictures, clipart, chart, table, etc.) to support your presentation.

You may write a three- to four-page paper (excluding the title and reference page), but you are encouraged to present your information using other creative means like a three- to five-minute video or an eight- to ten-slide PowerPoint presentation or another web-based presentation tool like Prezi (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Jing (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., or Brainshark (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Your assignment must be in APA format.


In Chapter 10, we learn about various classroom management skills. There is a relationship between good teaching and good management, which often incorporates the need for a school-wide management system. Many schools use acronyms as a way of helping students remember school policies. One example is the creation of STAR students (STAR: safety, talking, attitude, and respect).

What might be another example that you would create to reflect a classroom management system? Create an acronym, and then explain in detail why you chose each aspect and how it fits within your management system. Also reflect upon and share how you would use this acronym and system in a physical education classroom.

Columbia Southern University Risk Assessment and Job Hazards Analysis

Columbia Southern University Risk Assessment and Job Hazards Analysis

Consider a task in the fire department and as a firefighter that has led to issues, injuries, or near injuries. (Something that is a common occurrence in the fire department) Perform a Job Hazards Analysis (JHA) for this task. (The form is provided below).

fill out the uploaded document and send along with paper. only complete 1-5 on the worksheet

Upon completing the JHA, you will need to address the following items surrounding your workplace in the fire department and as a firefighter:

1. Describe principles of risk assessment and hazard analyses used within your occupation.

2. Explain how OSHA and other control methods currently are currently being used to prevent injuries and illnesses.

3. Critique current strategies in your workplace to combat the hazards surrounding the selected job task

4. 2 1/2 page paper with references and cited work. no plagiarism

SPAN114 Phoenix Importance of Tourism in Mexico and Puerto Rico Paper

SPAN114 Phoenix Importance of Tourism in Mexico and Puerto Rico Paper

The two countries will be Mexico and Puerto Rico. Topic is your choice.

Select your topic and the way in which you want to complete your assignment.

Compare and contrast one of the following topics:

  • The importance of tourism in your selected countries
  • Description of a family vacation you would like to take in your selected countries

Select one of the following options to complete your assignment:

Write a 350-word paper.

Format and cite sources on a separate paper consistent with appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

University of Phoenix Leadership Theories Matrix Assignment

University of Phoenix Leadership Theories Matrix Assignment

These instructions are also with the word document that has the matrix, which I have attached.

Complete the following sections using the provided matrix template.

Develop a leadership theories matrix that describes the definition and characteristics of various leadership theories and approaches to leadership (trait leadership, behavioral leadership, contingency leadership, skills leadership and situational leadership).

Provide one or more examples to support the definition or characteristics of each form of leadership.

Write out your explanations in each section; each section should contain about 350 words.

Format your matrix consistent with APA guidelines.

PED212 Ashford University Controlling Class Climate Paper

PED212 Ashford University Controlling Class Climate Paper


Read in Chapter 9 about Autonomy Supportive Environments in the classroom. Review Table 9.3 on the comparison of a controlling environment and an autonomy supportive environment.

For your initial post, create a model for a physical education lesson that is being taught in a controlling environment. Explain in detail how the task is introduced, taught, and assessed. You must include the following criteria:

  • Name of task
  • Type of authority in decision making
  • Recognition of achievement
  • Grouping of children
  • Evaluation
  • Time constraints

Your initial post can be a chart like the one below, or the information can be presented in story form.

Example: “Coach Johnson will be teaching a class how to dribble a ball while stationary. First, she will pass out equipment so each child has a ball. Then…”

Controlling Class Climate
Name of task

Dribbling a basketball while stationary.
Type of authority in decision making role Teacher passes out equipment so each child receives a ball. The instructor then gives directions to bounce and catch ball 10 times in a row; students follow directions.
Recognition of achievement Praises children aloud when task is completed, if ball rolls away student must return and start back at the beginning of the 10 count.
Grouping of children

Children are grouped in three groups: excellent, proficient, and needs improvement.

Groups are allowed free time when their group completes the task.
Time constraints Thirty-minute class period. Students remain in groups until every member has completed the task; then free time is awarded.


Assessing the mastery of a skill is an important part of any lesson. Many fundamental motor skills are combined to create the more complex motor skills. If a fundamental skill is not mastered, it will affect the development of other skills as well.

In this discussion forum you will explain how you would observe, document, and assess a fundamental motor skill. Choose a fundamental motor skill that you will assess. It can be a skill previously discussed in this course or one that has not been discussed.

  1. First, provide a brief explanation of the skill and activity used to practice the skill. List all of the aspects of the skill that you will be looking for during the lesson, including the student’s body and space awareness and quality of movement (e.g., balance, movement from one place to another, moving more than one body part at a time).
  2. Then, discuss how you plan to observe and document during the lesson.
  3. Finally, include a rubric that you have created to assess the mastery of this skill. You can find a guide for assistance with rubrics here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

LDR300 University of Phoenix Leadership Legacy Assessment Test Paper

LDR300 University of Phoenix Leadership Legacy Assessment Test Paper

Resource: Leadership Assessments found on Internet

Open your web browser and search for either “Leadership Legacy Assessment Test” or “Disc Personality Test.”

Complete one of these free online tests. Note: The online test should be free so if you encounter a site that charges a fee for the test please continue searching for a site that offers a free test.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary in which you articulate elements of leadership using the following criteria:

  • Examine your individual, essential elements of leadership and management.
  • Differentiate between leadership and management roles, and provide specific examples from the text, literature, or personal example.

Cite at least one peer-reviewed source in addition to the course text (be certain to include the web link for your test in your citations).

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

I have attached the assessment that I took and also the course text, that has to be included in the paper.

EED475 GCU Strategies to Help Chloe Achieve Fluency Scenario Paper

EED475 GCU Strategies to Help Chloe Achieve Fluency Scenario Paper

se the following scenario from The IRIS Center to complete the tasks below:

Chloe is a quiet fifth grader who is naturally organized and thrives on structure. Chloe’s mother reports that she tends to be focused on tasks, even in play. Chloe’s teacher, Mrs. Clifton, has also noticed that she is diligent with academic tasks. When reading aloud in class, Chloe is able to read all sight words and decode most multi-syllable words she encounters. However, Chloe’s fluency is not at the level of most fifth graders. Mrs. Clifton reports she is a word-by-word reader and does not read with proper tone or expression, but she feels Chloe has the skills needed to become a fluent, expressive reader. She has decided to implement strategies that will help Chloe reach her goal, which is:

• Given readings at the fifth-grade level, Chloe will read fluently.

Paulsen, K., & the IRIS Center.(2004).Comprehension & vocabulary: Grades 3–5.

Research three strategies regarding fluency instruction that will assist Chloe in reaching her goals.

In 500-750-words, identify and explain three strategies that will help Chloe with her fluency.

In addition, select a fifth-grade passage from a basal series (or a fifth grade passage from Appendix B of the Common Core standards) and describe how you would have Chloe’s parents use it at home.

Include three sources from your research in your essay to support your position.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

PED212 Ashford University Fundamental of Motor Skills Paper

PED212 Ashford University Fundamental of Motor Skills Paper

Read Section 4.1, “Three Elements Affecting Motor Skill Performance,” in Chapter 4 of your text. Next, use Table 3.2, “Typical gross motor milestones,” from Chapter 3 as a guide, and the skills outlined in Chapter 5 and 6 to complete the following chart*:

Age of Child Fundamental motor skill

(Choose one locomotor (moving), non-locomotor (stationary) or manipulative skill that would be developmentally appropriate to teach each age group.)

Explain what game or activity that you would use to teach this skill

(Example: To teach balance, you might use a low balance beam and instructions on how to hold their arms out straight.)

2 yrs

3 yrs

4 yrs

5 yrs

6 yrs

Download an editable version of this chart hereView in a new window.

Section 2 – Guided Response (Post by Day 5):
Respond to two classmates. Review the activities and skills included on their charts. Use one of the activities listed on their charts to create a situational example in story form, such as a case study. Within your story, include a complication in which they would need to adapt the lesson. This complication can be an environmental, individual, or task-related constraint. Environmental constraints are faulty/missing equipment, weather, space, time, etc. Individual constraints include any difficulty or disability that the student might encounter. A task related constraint includes complications incorporating the activity or lesson to be taught.

Conclude with a question as to how this lesson could be adapted in the given situation.

For example: They might have chosen to teach a 6-year-old (individual) to hit a ball (task) off a tee and provide them with a light weight, fat barreled bat (environment).You can create an individual constraint such as “When you are teaching a class of 6-year-olds how to hit a ball off of a tee, you notice a child is having difficulty holding the bat. If the bat is too large for the child, how could you adapt the activity for this individual?” You could also create a situation in which a child has already mastered this activity and is ready to advance or even create an example with inclement weather or faulty/missing equipment, etc. Be creative!


According to the textbook, “skill learning takes place through a predictable and consistent sequence. It is also similar to that of growth and development by how the rate of learning a skill is different across people and depends on a person’s environment as well as their previous experiences” (Hastie, 2012).

Select a complex motor skill that you are proficient at (such as bowling, riding a bike, driving a car, jumping rope, etc.). Explain when you first learned it and your early experiences with this skill. Try to describe how you acquired this skill in terms of the phases discussed in Chapter 4. Then describe the progress a learner might take as they begin to master this same skill.

PED212 Ashford University Purpose of Physical Education Paper

PED212 Ashford University Purpose of Physical Education Paper

Section 1: KWL Chart ()

Before reading Chapters 1, 2, and 3, fill in the “What I Know” and “What I Want to Know” section of the following chart. Then read the chapters and complete the “What I Learned” section of the chart*. You will not include the KWL chart in your discussion post

KWL Chart
Topic What I know What I Want to Learn What I Learned
The purpose of physical education

The health, cognitive and social benefits of physical education

The characteristics of a quality physical education program

The role of physical education in helping young people develop personal and social responsibility

Theories surrounding the concepts of growth and of development in children

Download an editable copy or the KWL Chart here.View in a new window

Section 2: Creating Your Own Discussion Question/Prompt

For your initial post, you will create your own discussion prompt based on your own research and review of the chapter readings for this week. Your questions need to originate from one of the concepts introduced in Chapter 1, 2, or 3. These chapters cover a variety of issues that can be further researched.

After reading, use your completed chart and chapter readings to formulate a discussion prompt. Your discussion prompt should include all of the following:

  • An opening question or statement to introduce the topic:
    • Examples: What are some subjects that a teacher can integrate into a PE lesson? OR List several academic subjects that can be integrated into a PE lesson.
  • A question or statement that requires further research or thinking on the subject:
    • Examples: Do you think that PE teachers should integrate different subjects into their lessons? If so, how do you think this will help students? If not, why would this not be a good idea? OR Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of integrating academic subjects into physical education:
  • A question or statement that requires the reader to apply it to their own situation, current or future profession.
    • Example: How would you implement academic subjects into a PE lesson? OR Give an example of how an academic subject could be integrated into a PE lesson.

Additional Tips:

  • Use words such as: compare, contrast, discuss, evaluate, explain, how, why, or why not.
  • Your prompt should be open-ended (i.e. it cannot be answered with just a “yes” or a “no” statement, a one-word answer, or a simple definition).
  • Your prompt can require the reader to do further research on the subject, such as researching a website or outside source.

Phoenix Mexico and Puerto Rico Educational System Comparison Paper

Phoenix Mexico and Puerto Rico Educational System Comparison Paper

The two countries are Mexico and Puerto Rico.

Compare and contrast one of the following:

  • The educational system
  • The political system

Select one option to complete your assignment. Any one you choose is fine.

Write 350- to 475-word paper.

Format and cite sources on a separate paper consistent with appropriate course-level APA guidelines.