EDU425 Grand Canyon University Strategies to Promote Comprehension Paper

EDU425 Grand Canyon University Strategies to Promote Comprehension Paper

Use the following scenario from The IRIS Center to complete the tasks below:

José is a new student in the fifth grade. It is April and this is the third school José has been in this year. José adapts well to change, has a positive attitude toward school, and appears to have made friends at his new school. José does well in math and enjoys science and social studies. In the area of reading, José is able to easily decode unfamiliar words and reads with good expression. However, in the area of comprehension, José has difficulty answering questions that require reasoning and total understanding of the story. José also has difficulty identifying the main components of a story. José’s teacher, Ms. Lundy, states that although he enjoys reading and does not seem to be frustrated, he will not ask for help when needed, thus his reading grade is beginning to suffer. Ms. Lundy has the following instructional goals for José:

  • Given a reading passage on his instructional level, José will answer inferential and evaluative comprehension questions;
  • Given a reading passage on his instructional level, José will recall the main story elements.

Paulsen, K., & the IRIS Center. (2004).Comprehension & vocabulary: Grades 3–5.

Research three strategies regarding comprehension instruction that will assist José in reaching his goals.

In 500-750 words, decide which of José’s goals you would address first and explain why. For each goal, identify a strategy and explain why or how it will assist José in reaching his goals.

Include three sources from your research in your essay to support your position.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

SRM410 Ashford University Sports Marketing Paper

SRM410 Ashford University Sports Marketing Paper

The Growth of Sports

Provide 3 examples of how you would measure growth in the sports marketing industry. What evidence do you have that the number of people participating in sports is growing? Use the Internet to find census data for how this might change 10 years from now. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

Text Book:

Shank, M. (2009). Sports marketing: A strategic perspective (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to College Writing
  • Chapter 2: College Reading

SRM410 Ashford University Strategic Sports Marketing Discussion

SRM410 Ashford University Strategic Sports Marketing Discussion

Strategic Sports Marketing

Define the strategic sports marketing process and discuss the various elements in the strategic sports marketing process. Give specific examples from the text as well as from your experience.

Book is: Sports Marketing: A Strategic perspective-4/e

EMS3301 Columbia Southern University Emergency Medical Services Essay

EMS3301 Columbia Southern University Emergency Medical Services Essay

For this assignment, you are asked to write a 2 1/2-3 page essay that addresses how data collection and published researchcontribute to the evolution of EMS as an evidence-based clinical practice. The application of the data and research maybe related to a clinical based function, support for routine or special operations in EMS, or overall system performance.Your essay should include the role of the EMS medical director in data collection, interpretation, and application ofresearch to initiate changes or development in the area you select.

Your essay should be written in APA style with all sources cited in APA format. You should include a title and referencepage (not included in the required pages for the assignment).