PSY203 Week 8


Go to the site of the American Academy of Family Physicians at Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services:

What are the guidelines for adolescent preventive services?

  1. What should parents (and teens) be aware of when visiting the family physician?

 2. Ask a family member who entered the world of work and their satisfaction with the work they are doing. Additionally, ask their elderly family member for thoughts on what to look for when considering a career and how the world of work has changed from their earlier experiences. (This question does not require you to use the hyperlink from question 1.)

PSY422 Week 8


Discuss major findings from learning styles research regarding Hispanic, African American, and Native American students. Specifically, what types of learning styles appear dominant or more common for each of these groups?

Educational Psychology – Discussion 7


Give classroom-related examples of how teacher attention can increase a particular desirable student behavior and an undesirable student behavior.