Week 8 Edu Psych


  1. . Discuss major findings from learning styles research regarding Hispanic, African-American, and Native American students. Specifically, what types of learning styles appear dominant or more common for each of these groups?

Public Speaking


Discuss the following: After watching the video above, please discuss 3 key ideas you took from it. Link attached below

Instructions: Please review the expectations below, then create an original posting 

Grading Expectations for Discussions


Thoroughly address the topic prompt, using citations as appropriate.

Format any included citations using the APA style.

Be submitted by the end of Wednesday to allow Faculty and classmates time to respond.


Contain at least 50 words.

Expand upon ideas expressed in your classmates’ threads by adding new ideas to points that you agree with and/or explaining areas of disagreement.

  • Be posted intermittently throughout the forum. Do not complete all of the replies at one time; instead, allow for conversation to develop by posting multiple times throughout the week.
  • Be posted by the end of the last day of the module.

Fundamental Principles week 8


    In your own words discuss the following:

    1. How can we explain the concept of punishment in a way that is easily understood by individuals we work with in ABA interventions?

    2. Share some creative examples of how punishment can be implemented positively and ethically in various scenarios (e.g., classroom, home setting).

    3. Negative punishment, can have its drawbacks. Discuss the potential benefits and limitations of using negative punishment in ABA interventions.

Ethics and Prof conduct week 8 315


Look at section 3 in the APA Ethical Principals: Ethics code pick 2 to discuss IN YOUR OWN WORDS and their importance.Please provide a 250 word minimum response. (https://www.apa.org/ethics/code/)

Discussion Question: 

  1. How do cultural norms shape individual identity and influence social behavior?  How should someone in the helping fields be aware of and work with those cultural norms?