Journel entry 2


Periodically, you will be given a specific question or issue to write about. Do NOT throw these entries away after they have been graded as you will be required to review your answers from previous entries and compare your responses to current entries. 

The journal assignments will resemble your textbook readings for that week. In addition, they may ask you to share a personal example(s) that illustrates a particular concept or theory. These entries should reflect your learning experiences in this class. Please make sure that your responses are more than simply a description of events. You should demonstrate your ability to make a connection between the example and the concept or theory. These entries are private between you and I.


  1. Describe a disagreement in detail that you have recently had with another person you currently have an interpersonal relationship with. LABEL THIS STEP.
  2. Write a personal letter to this person describing your main points regarding your position on the argument. Your letter should be long enough to develop your ideas – approximately 300 words. LABEL THIS STEP.
  3. Now put yourself in the other person’s position. Write a “letter” to you from this other person’s perspective describing his or her position and disagreement. This letter should also be approximately 300 words. LABEL THIS STEP.
  4. Now show the letter you wrote in Step # 3 to the person you had a disagreement with. Have that person read and correct any statements that do not accurately reflect his or her position accurately. (Remember, you are doing this so that you can more clearly understand how the issue looks to the other person!) If you would like to, you may also share your letter written in Step # 2 with this person. LABEL THIS STEP.
  5. Make corrections to the letter you received back from the person you had a disagreement with and show it to him or her again. Make sure it accurately reflects his or her viewpoint on the argument. LABEL THIS STEP.
  6. Now record your conclusions to this experiment. By putting yourself in the other person’s “shoes,” has your perception shifted or changed at all? Do you understand the other person’s perspective better? What does this assignment tell you about yourself? About the other? LABEL THIS STEP.