Complete the Site and Program Description section of a program evaluation plan using the provided template. Include


Complete the Site and Program Description section of a program evaluation plan using the provided template. This portion of the Program Evaluation Plan includes site information, a description of the program and its purpose, stakeholders and participants, the program’s goals and objectives, your role within (or in connection with) the program, the need for the evaluation, collaboration details, and any permissions that will be required. You will use the Program Evaluation Plan Template [DOCX] Download Program Evaluation Plan Template [DOCX]for each assessment as you build your Program Evaluation Plan. You will be able to refine your responses in the template as you progress through the plan.

Begin by reflecting on your organization’s characteristics and identifying programs at your organization that could serve as the basis of the program evaluation. Learning organizations rely on information and data about their products, programs, and services to engage in continuous improvement. Program evaluation is an opportunity to improve a program during implementation (formative evaluation) or to determine a program’s impact to make decisions about its continuance (summative evaluation).

National Park College- Effect of Student Resources on Retention- If more specific needed then focus on first year programs to support. Use previous coursework as the base

Using the Program Evaluation Plan Template [DOCX] Download Program Evaluation Plan Template [DOCX], complete Part 1: Site and Program Description, which includes the following:

Program Evaluation Site Information.

Description of the Program.

Purpose of the Program.

Stakeholders and Participants.

Program Goals/Objectives.

Your Role in (or Connection With) the Program.

Need for the Evaluation.

