

This Report should cover some of the major issues facing a specific career field or industry. The focus of the Report should be on the industry, and not on you and your career interests.

For example, if I were to write a report on issues facing the financial industry, I might cover topics like cryptocurrency, anticipated inflation, emerging markets (China, India, etc.), and the impending Social Security crisis. I would not talk about my personal career goals or interests.

2. Use APA formatting and citationguidelines. 

3. Remember, a report is objective; avoid interjecting your own subjective opinions (although many of your sources will state their opinions about the topics you cover). 

4. Introduce the field overall, and then shift into discussing each of the major issues you have selected in turn. At the end of the report, wrap things up in a brief conclusion.

5. The body of the Report should be 6-8 pages. This length requirement does notinclude the “front matter” (e.g., title page, Table of Contents, etc.) or the “back matter” (e.g., References page, etc.). When everything is put together, do not be surprised if your Report is at least 10-12 pages long.