week 2 discussion 2


Consider a world where Dewey was not born, so his philosophy and work on learning would not be present. How might modern American educational theory look as a result? Would this be a problem or a gift? Support your position. 

taysir discission 251


All discussions must be submitted by the closing dates. I do not accept late discussions.

After reviewing the information provided in Module 5, answer the following questions:

  1. How could you apply flexibility exercises to maintain or improve your current fitness level? Write a minimum of one paragraph.
  2. How could you apply the concept of body composition to maintain or improve your current fitness level? Write a minimum of one paragraph.


sanaa 158 hed


discussion 7

1. Watch the following videos on hydration.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

  1. Prior to this class, what was your thoughts on Hydration?
  2. After reading the chapter material and watching the videos, how you would advise a high school cross country team on hydration before, during, and after their practice.

Discussion 8

1. Watch the following videos.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

  1. How can Vitamin D impact athletic performance?
  2. What do antioxidants do?

psy 355-0500


Directions: After reading Chapter 1 and reviewing Chapter 10 of your textbook

The goal of this assignment is to address how the individual selected became whom they are today or who they were using concepts learned in Topic 1.
This assignment should be in a third-person narrative and include a scholarly research-based discussion.

Select a famous person and describe their childhood/background (where they lived, one- or two-parent household, siblings, good in school, adopted, abuse, barriers, etc.).

Look ahead to Chapter 10. According to Baumrind’s parenting styles, discuss the suspected parenting style used (e.g., permissive parenting style).

Discuss social challenges (e.g., culture, SES, bullying, gender identity). Discuss any biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes that can be identified.

  1. What period of development was pivotal for this person and why? Use research to support claims.
  2. Examine influences on this individual’s development using concepts from the textbook (e.g., cohort effect, issues in development, nature versus nurture, continuity vs. discontinuity, early vs. late experiences). What made this individual who they are today or who they were?
  3. Use three to four scholarly resources to support your explanations. Apply relevant topics as discussed in the textbook and other resources you have located and read (the textbook can count as one source). In addition, credible websites such as .org, .mil, .gov, and .edu are acceptable, however, cannot serve as primary sources to support this assignment.
  4. Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style/format.
  5. Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represents what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please ensure the speaker notes include a minimum of 100 words per slide.

nidhal hed 158


discussion 7

1. Watch the following videos on hydration.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

  1. Prior to this class, what was your thoughts on Hydration?
  2. After reading the chapter material and watching the videos, how you would advise a high school cross country team on hydration before, during, and after their practice.

Discussion 8

1. Watch the following videos.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

  1. How can Vitamin D impact athletic performance?
  2. What do antioxidants do?

layla hed discussions


discussion 7

1. Watch the following videos on hydration.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

  1. Prior to this class, what was your thoughts on Hydration?
  2. After reading the chapter material and watching the videos, how you would advise a high school cross country team on hydration before, during, and after their practice.

Discussion 8

1. Watch the following videos.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

  1. How can Vitamin D impact athletic performance?
  2. What do antioxidants do?

Interprofessional Teams: Collaboration and Communication


Consider an area in health care in which you work or are interested in working. Examine the dynamics of the interprofessional team (physicians, nurses, physical therapists, social workers, health care administrators, etc.) in that setting. In a 1,000-1,250-word paper, explain how communication and collaborative strategies can be applied to ensure respectful interactions and to prevent or address potential issues among the team in that health care setting. Include the following:

Describe the health care setting and summarize the various individuals or teams typically working together in that setting.

Discuss what types of issues may occur and how these affect dynamics within the setting for health care workers and for patients and their families.

  1. Discuss attributes of a healthy culture that help individuals or groups perform as a team.
  2. Describe qualities of effective communication. Discuss how communication styles can be applied to facilitate productive communication.
  3. Chapter 8 of your textbook discusses the dynamics of successful interprofessional health care teams. What is a boundary-spanning activity you could incorporate as a leader that would support a collaborative culture and enhance communication? Consider the interprofessional team you would be working with.
  4. Explain how employee satisfaction impacts patient care. Describe qualities of professional communication that contribute to acceptable interactions with patients, their families, and other health care professionals.
  5. Explain what your role is as a health care leader in helping to facilitate collaboration and clear communication among an interprofessional team, as well as with patients and their families.

bashar 158 discussion


discussion 7

1. Watch the following videos on hydration.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

  1. Prior to this class, what was your thoughts on Hydration?
  2. After reading the chapter material and watching the videos, how you would advise a high school cross country team on hydration before, during, and after their practice.

Discussion 8

1. Watch the following videos.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

  1. How can Vitamin D impact athletic performance?
  2. What do antioxidants do?