Higher. Education



To carry out assessment and accreditation processes in higher education, there need to be
theoretical models that assessment practitioners can use to guide their efforts. The Joughin and
Macdonald Model of Assessment in Higher Education exemplifies such a theoretical model.
Over time, such models must be adapted to incorporate the changing nature of assessment and
accreditation. Universities and colleges use the guidance of such models to create their own
assessment processes, one example being the Liberty University PLACE assessment model. It is
vital that all stakeholders at the institution be involved in planning and conducting assessment
processes, which can be done by incorporating them into appropriate stages of an institution’s
assessment processes. These stakeholders need to be aware of the standards the institution’s
regional accreditation agency has developed to ensure the assessment processes carried out will
produce improvements across the institution and the documentation necessary to demonstrate
that the accrediting agency’s standards are being met.
For this assignment, compose a paper with the following:
1. First, recommend three ways the Joughin and Macdonald Model of Assessment can be
improved; one recommendation is needed for each of the following:
a. To better reflect the current definition of assessment.
b. To better reflect the purpose of assessment.
c. To better reflect the approaches to assessment.
2. Then, you will analyze the stages of the Liberty University PLACE Process of
Assessment described in the Watch: Assessment Models, Processes, and Stakeholders
item located in this module and suggest ways to incorporate specific, appropriate
stakeholders into different stages of the Liberty University process. Transcript is attached
3. Finally, categorize the scope of regional accreditation standards and note the specific
stakeholders who would be involved in addressing each specific category of standards.
Your paper must be 5 pages (not including the required title, abstract, and reference pages).
Support the content of your paper with at least six different sources from scholarly peer-reviewed
sources and/or the Bible. At least four sources must have been published within the past five
years, and at least one source must be from the Bible. A source can be cited more than once.

Higher Education


In higher education, learning outcomes are evaluated to get data that can be used to make broad statements about student populations (Russell and Markle, 2017). While exploring this week’s module, Continuum and Culture of Assessment the findings identify 3 phases of assessment essentials. The phases are identified as planning, implementation, and improving and sustaining.

Planning Phase

According to (Banta and Palomba, 2014) in this phase, stakeholders are engaged and purpose identified; a written plan, with milestones established over multiple years, will guide successful process. Additionally, an initial step in planning is to identify and involve relevant stakeholders (Banta and Palomba, 2014). Planning is also the initial managerial function, determining what should be done in the future consisting of setting goals, objectives, policies, procedures, and other plans needed to achieve the purposes of the organization (Leonard and Trusty, 2016). Planning stage is also summed up as comprised of defining goals and learning outcomes, selecting correct methods of assessment, and developing the assessment plan.

Implementing Phase

The second phase of the continuum is identified as implementation phase. This phase includes leadership, resources, data, collection strategies, and educating stakeholders, assessing resources and processes, assessing outcomes and sharing the data findings. Implementation furthermore outlines the controls for monitoring and adjusting implementing of the planning phase (Kotler and Keller, 2012). Summed up, implementation is basically the collection of data, analyzing data, interpreting the results of the data and utilizing the findings.

Improving and Sustaining Phase

The third and final phase of the assessment continuum is the improvement and sustaining process. During this phase, stakeholders ensure the validity of data collected in the implementation stage and evaluate the assessment process to ensure result validity. The improvement and sustain phase is summed up as promoting a culture of assessment, using assessment results for continuous improvements, monitoring progress and sustaining assessment efforts.

The initial planning phase, at the course level can enhance individual classes contributing to the broader program and educational institution goals. At the program level, a well thought out and organized strategy will contribute to desired learning outcomes.

Improving and sustaining at the course level is critical use of cultivating a culture of assessment which will enhance the instructors’ opportunity to promote student success based on teaching practices. At the program level, promoting a culture of assessment can further sustain continuous improvements to rapid changes in the higher education environment.

Each one of the phases teach us to pay attention to Habakkuk 2:2-3 (KJV) which states: And the Lord answered me, and said, “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it”. “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry”.

God is faithful and will carry out his plans and purposes at His appointed time. The plan, the implementation and sustaining it’s all in His divine workmanship.

Higher. education.


There are three phases of the continuum of assessment essentials:  assessment planning, implementation, and sustaining and improving the process (Banta & Palomba, 2014).  Each phase is vital in ensuring that assessment methods in higher education are effective and contribute to student learning and the institution’s improvement.

Assessment Planning Phase

The assessment planning phase involves setting clear objectives, selecting appropriate assessment methods, and establishing a timeline for assessment activities (Banta & Palomba, 2014).  This phase is important because it lays the groundwork for effective assessment by ensuring that assessment goals align with institutional objectives, stakeholders are involved in the planning process, and resources are allocated appropriately. This phase also helps establish the framework for collecting and analyzing data to measure student learning outcomes accurately.  The assessment planning phase is highly adequate for addressing different aspects of higher education assessment across all levels.

At the course level, the assessment planning phase must align with specific learning outcomes and objectives. The assessment methods must be designed or selected to measure student achievement of course-specific skills, competencies, and knowledge. This phase needs to incorporate strategies for program-level assessment, such as capstone projects or portfolio assessments, to evaluate students’ cumulative learning experiences.

At the institution level, the assessment planning phase plays a crucial role in aligning assessment practices with the institution’s mission, goals, and strategic priorities. This involves institutional assessment activities with broader institutional effectiveness initiatives, such as strategic planning and accreditation processes. The assessment planning phase can ensure that assessment practices at the institutional level are integrated into the overall institutional framework and contribute to institutional improvement and accountability.


The essentials of assessment planning are highly adequate for addressing different aspects of higher education assessment. They provide a comprehensive framework for aligning assessment activities with institutional goals, involving stakeholders, allocating resources effectively, and upholding ethical standards. Assessment planning should build a culture of assessment that is evident in every part of the university (Boylan-Fick & Sadowski, 2006).

Proverbs 16:3 stresses the importance of planning as it says “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans” (New International Version, 2011).  In the context of assessment planning, this verse highlights the significance of aligning assessment activities with the overarching goals and mission of the higher education institution.

Implementation Phase

During the implementation phase, assessment leadership is established with advocates present at the classroom, department, and college levels, while coordination occurs at the institutional level (Banta & Palomba, 2014).  After developing a data collection strategy, it is important to allocate resources toward creating or acquiring suitable measurement tools.  As many faculty and staff lack the necessary skills to develop or utilize reliable and valid measures, orientation and training are required in order for them to effectively participate in outcomes assessment.  After gathering assessment data, it should be systematically organized, analyzed, summarized, and communicated effectively to encourage actionable steps (Banta & Palomba, 2014).

This phase includes essentials such as the selection of assessment methods, formative and summative assessment, data collection and analysis, and continuous improvement. These essentials are critical for addressing different aspects of higher education assessment, but their adequacy may vary depending on the context and implementation fidelity. This phase should include assessment practices that promote sustainability within higher education by utilizing various assessment practices (Makovskaya, 2022). 

During the implementation phase, the data collection and analysis can present a challenge at the program and institution level.  Most evaluation processes of courses that are completed by students are developed by professors for specific course purposes. Programs and institutions will need to aggregate this data in order to utilize these evaluations at the program or institutional level, and this tends to add complexity to the data analysis (Rickards & Stitt-Bergh, 2016).

Assessment methods must be carefully selected to align with learning outcomes and provide valid and reliable evidence of student achievement. Data collection and analysis are essential for generating meaningful assessment results that inform decision-making. Formative assessment provides ongoing feedback to support student learning, while summative assessment evaluates student achievement at the end of a course or program. Continuous improvement ensures that assessment activities contribute to enhancing student learning and program effectiveness. Utilizing assessment of student academic learning is critical to the future sustainability of higher education institutions (Lpez, 2002).


The essentials of implementation are critical for ensuring that assessment activities generate meaningful data and contribute to improving student learning and program effectiveness. However, the extent to which these essentials are adequate may vary depending on the implementation fidelity and the alignment of assessment methods with learning outcomes.

Proverbs 4:25-27 states, “Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.” When you consider this verse and how it relates to assessment, it encourages diligence and steadfastness in the implementation of assessment activities, ensuring that educators remain focused on the goals and objectives of the assessment process.

Improve and Sustain Phase

Processes are sustained and improved during the third phase of outcomes assessment (Banta & Palomba, 2014), this phase can be considered an evaluation phase.  If assessment evidence lacks credibility for stakeholders, it may be necessary to consider improvements in data collection methods.  Leaders responsible for assessment should oversee the examination, dissemination, and responsive action based on assessment findings.  Allocating resources for implementing improvements is crucial. Regular reassessment of the assessment plan and procedures is necessary, with adjustments made as needed (Banta & Palomba, 2014).


The essentials of evaluation are crucial for establishing a culture of assessment focused on continuous improvement and accountability. However, the extent to which these essentials are adequate depends on the institution’s commitment to using assessment results effectively and transparently.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.” This verse serves as a reminder of the importance of reflection and timing in the improve and sustain phase of assessment. It encourages institutions of higher education to take the necessary time to review assessment results thoughtfully, reflect on their implications, and make informed decisions for improvement.