Social Health


1. How does the quality of our social connections impact our overall social health, and what strategies can individuals employ to cultivate and maintain positive relationships in today’s digital age

2. In the context of social health, how do societal structures and cultural factors contribute to feelings of belonging, inclusion, or isolation? Additionally, what role does community engagement play in fostering a sense of social well-being and addressing the challenges posed by modern social dynamics?

Ethical Business


How can business ethics theories be leveraged to address the challenges and complexities associated with Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives (MSIs), particularly in terms of input legitimacy, institutionalization dynamics, and impact assessment? Furthermore, how might theoretical frameworks such as deliberative democracy theory, deontological reasoning, and integrative social contracts theory enhance our understanding of MSIs’ norm justification processes, motivations for adoption, and moral legitimacy criteria for assessing impact? Considering the diverse perspectives and moral principles involved in evaluating MSI outcomes, how can Boltanski and Thévenot’s theory of justification aid in reconciling conflicting assessments and resolving disputes regarding the moral legitimacy and effectiveness of MSIs in promoting positive societal outcomes while upholding human dignity?