Writing Question


In your own words, discuss your philosophy of nursing. Reflect on the definition of the four concepts of the nursing meta-paradigm. Write your own definition for each concept of the meta-paradigm of nursing. Which concept would you add to the meta-paradigm of nursing and why? Which concept would you eliminate and why?

Willa Cather’s “Paul’s Case”


  • Describe Paul’s personality. Can you relate to him? Why or why not?
  • Contrast the three worlds – school, Carnegie Hall, Cordelia Street – in which Paul moves.
  • What do flowers represent in the story? Why does Paul bury his carnation in the snow?

week 1 disscusion


What are the basic types and purposes of theory in relation to theory practice and research? 

Using components from a model of transition discuss your reason for returning to nursing school for your bachelor


Discuss your reason for returning to nursing school for the bachelor and use components from the Bridges Model of Transition to reflect on your transition to the professional level role. You MUST USE key points/components from Bridges Model of Transition to support your point of view as you answer the prompts below.

1-Why are you returning to nursing school for your Bachelor?

2-Using key points from the Bridges Model, where do you see yourself in transitioning to the professional level role?  What professional skills and characteristics will you need to develop in order to transition to the next level in the Bridges Model of Transition?

3-Provide rationale for your response using APA style with at least one scholarly source using an APA in-text citation and full reference.

Two Replies


public policy meeting approval weel 1


What is a public policy meeting? A meeting held by public or governmental officials to discuss and deal with public problems or issues, communicate and disseminate information, and engage in problem-solving, policy change strategizing and/or decision making. Open public policy meetings are when the public’s business is conducted in open, noticed meetings, where the public, lobbyists and members of the news media have the right to attend, record, broadcast, and in some cases participate in the meeting. An open meeting agenda is usually posted in advance and meeting materials may be made available. 

Create a post seeking approval for your public policy meeting. Choose a meeting to view or attend. It must be a public policy body at work and related to health care. If it is a recorded meeting, please make sure it has been posted within the last year. Title the post with your name and the name of the policy meeting.

For example: Smith: Affordable Health Care Policy Meeting. In the body of the post include the title or topic focus of the policy meeting the date and time of the meeting the location of the meeting (if online, include the website). Some websites are:

https://www.c-span.org/Links to an external site. search the video library or the live sessions)

http://www.youtube.comLinks to an external site. (perform a search for your topic)

Your local government or healthcare organization websites

policy dissusion 2


What are the barriers to nurses’ participation in the development of health care policy at the state or national level or in an organization in the United States? Why do you think these are barriers? Support your opinion with a rationale or example.

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “Winter Dreams”


What is the real reason Dexter quit his job at the club?

What did Dexter do that allowed him to become successful?

Do you know anyone like Judy? Explain.

Why is Dexter sad at the end?

ENC1102 English Composition II


M2: L5: Discussion on Addressing Counterarguments (D-05)

? Instructions

Think about a reason given by those who disagree with your position for the topic you have chosen in this module: Focus on one reason, not all the possible arguments that they might make. Now, summarize that point as accurately as you can (about 50-75 words). Then, write a refutation or rebuttal to their point (about 100 words).

When you are done posting your response, reply to at least one classmate in no fewer than 75 words. Is the rebuttal convincing? What questions do you have about it?

Your discussion post will be graded according to the following criteria:

80% – Thoughtful original post that includes both a summary of a counterargument and your refutation (about 175 words)

20% – Thoughtful response to a classmate’s post that comments on how they have refuted the argument presented (at least 75 words)

M2: LESSON 5 – Four Articles for Argument Essay (A-04)


  • Before you submit your assignment to this dropbox, be sure to study and use the information in Module 2, Lesson 5 titled “Begin the Research for Your Argument Essay.” 
  • Use this dropbox to submit four articles you are considering for your paper. If the article is from the database, submit the full-text attachment of the article. If the article comes from a Website, submit the link to the site.
  • Remember that you must include at least 2 articles from the MDC databases.
  • M2: LESSON 5 – Argument Essay Thesis (A-05)


  • Before you submit your assignment to this dropbox, be sure to study and use the information in Module 2, Lesson 5 titled “Creating a Thesis Statement for an Argument Essay.” 

D.H. Lawrence’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner”


  • How would you characterize the relationship between Paul and his mother?
  • When Paul is dying, why does his mother’s heart turn to stone?
  • What is some symbolism in the story?