Discussion comment for leadership


Can you please reply to these to posts? And please include at least 2 resources and it should be in apa format. There are two separate discussion posts and each of them required its own comment with rational explanation and citations. Thanks in advance. 

M. C


Various issues that influence the delivery of care services have challenged national healthcare. My nonprofit mental health organization, a provider of community-based health services, is not immune to these pressures. 

Substance Use Disorders as a Healthcare Stressor

The prevalence of mental health disorders has been escalating, posing a national crisis that requires comprehensive approaches to care (Ruffolo M. et al., 2015). Mental health diagnoses, for example, substance use disorders (SUDs), represent another significant healthcare issue that impacts communities nationwide (Hasselberg, k., et al., 2014). The opioid epidemic, along with the rise in the use of other substances, has led to an increased patient load at our crisis centers. At my institution, the challenge lies in providing effective, evidence-based interventions to the patients, including re-admissions struggling with SUDs. This issue further intensifies the stigma associated with addiction, which can deter these individuals from seeking help.

An institution like mine encounters challenges in addressing these healthcare stressors directly. Organizations must navigate resource allocation, staff training, and integrating mental health and SUD services to provide comprehensive care. Additionally, the surge in demand for these services can result in resource constraints, impacting the organization’s ability to maintain high-quality care standards.

Social determinants such as socioeconomic status, education, and access to healthcare significantly influence mental health and substance use disorders (Greco E. et al., 2022). Individuals from marginalized communities are often disproportionately affected by these issues due to systemic barriers that limit their access to care. For example, poverty and unemployment can exacerbate the severity of mental health conditions and SUDs, creating a cycle that is difficult to break without intervention.

My organization has responded to the growing mental health and SUD crisis by implementing various changes to strengthen its services. The organization has embraced integrated care models that combine mental health and substance use treatment, recognizing the interconnectivity of these conditions (Bangani R. et al., 2021). My organization aims to treat the whole person by adopting a holistic approach, addressing the psychological and physical aspects of health.

Additionally, my organization has increased its outreach efforts, aiming to reduce the stigma around mental health and SUDs. Through community education and partnerships, the organization is working to foster a more inclusive environment where individuals feel comfortable seeking help (Broome M. et al., 2021). Other examples of changes implemented include expanding telehealth services, which has been critical in increasing accessibility, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.


My nonprofit mental health organization, like many nonprofit healthcare providers, faces significant challenges due to national healthcare issues and stressors. By understanding the impact of social determinants and implementing strategic responses such as telehealth services, education, and community partnerships, the organization can continue to provide essential care to its clients.


Broome, M., & Marshall, E. S. (2021). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

Chapter 2, “Transformational Leadership: Complexity, Change, and Strategic Planning” (pp. 34–62)

Chapter 3, “Current Challenges in Complex Health Care Organizations and the Quadruple Aim” (pp. 66–97)

Bangani, R. G., Menon, V., & Jovanov, E. (2021). Personalized stress monitoring AI system for healthcare workersLinks to an external site.

  • Links to an external site.
  • . 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2021 IEEE International Conference On, 2992–2997.

Greco, E., Graziano, E. A., Stella, G. P., Mastrodascio, M., & Cedrone, F. (2022). The impact of leadership on perceived work-related stress in healthcare facilities organisationsLinks to an external site.

Links to an external site.

Journal of Organizational Change Management, 35(4/5), 734-748.

Hasselberg, K., Jonsdottir, I. H., Ellbin, S., & Skagert, K. (2014). Self-reported stressors among patients with exhaustion disorder: an exploratory study of patient records. BMC psychiatry, 14, 1-10.

Ruffolo, M. C., Perron, B.E., & Voshel, E. H. (2015). Direct social work practice: Theories and skills for becoming an evidence-based practitioner. SAGE Publications.


Lyna Tran

Integrating Technology into Healthcare

Technology in healthcare has had a large impact.  Currently, electronic health records, remote monitoring, wearable devices, and telemedicine is being used commonly across the industry.  Although advantages have been apparent within the industry, disadvantages and concerns are still being evaluated.  The top concern related to the use of technology within the industry is the risk of medical record hackings.  While having the ability to access health information remotely is convenient, having a central point for all data information increases the risk of millions of patient information being stolen.  According to Anthem Health Insurance, in 2015 hackers were able to steal approximately 80 million Anthem customers’ and employee’s information (AIMS Education, 2023).  Stolen patient records can be valued up to $10 per patient record, which is approximately 10 to 20 times more valuable than a credit card number and the patient information can be used to create fake IDs to purchase items or even submit false insurance claims (AIMS Education, 2023).  Another disadvantage of technology is the cost of maintaining state-of-the-art equipment and the ability to provide remote monitoring or telemedicine.  Although telemedicine intends to free up time and increase accessibility, the cost to provide care with technology increases the cost to the patients.  The heavy reliance on electronic communication and remote monitoring has caused an issue when it comes to social determinants of health and the ability to access the tools of healthcare.

Economic Stability

According to the US Department of Health, 10% of the US population does not have health insurance and are less likely to have a primary care provider (2023).  The same percentage live in poverty and cannot afford healthy foods and housing.  The social determinants of health issue of economic stability cause a large strain on the 10 percent population thus causing an inability to obtain access to state-of-the-art technology due to cost and the inability to have access to the best healthcare providers and resources (US Department of Health, 2023).  The lack of financial resources restricts the ability to obtain adequate healthcare thus leading to increased number and costs of medications and hospital admissions which overall, increases the cost of healthcare to the entire population (US Department of Health, 2023). 

Health System Response

At this point, the main issue is the cost of healthcare.  Currently, evidence-based practice is heavily relied on to find the most efficient way to care for patients to not only improve patient outcomes but to also reduce unnecessary expenditures and to reduce overall cost to the hospital and the patient.  Management has been working with the health systems to initiate protocols that are backed by evidence-based practice to reduce duplicate testing, labs, and develop a care plan to produce efficient and productive work (Gjellebæk, 2020).  Management continues to promote involvement with nursing staff and continues to enhance workflow within the units to create an environment that is more productive and timelier for the staff.  Unfortunately for the staff, this solution has created an influx of work and another learning curve.  With new policies and protocols, time is now more focused on fulfilling a protocol rather than direct patient care.  Many can agree that following a protocol is patient care, however, this turns patient care into a list of tasks to complete.


In conclusion, technology has benefited our industry and has revolutionized the method of charting which makes the tasks for nurses easier and more efficient.  Although the benefits are grand, the risks and costs of technology has reflected on the patients and to compensate, the cost of healthcare has increased to subsidize for the difference.


Abu-elezz, I., Hassan, A., Nazeemudeen, A., Househ, M., & Abdalrazaq, A. (2020, August 14). The benefits and threats of blockchain technology in Healthcare: A scoping review. International Journal of Medical Informatics. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/…

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American Institute of Medical Sciences & Education. (2023, August 15). The impact of technology in Healthcare. AIMS Education. https://aimseducation.edu/blog/the-impact-of-techn…

Gjellebæk, C., Svensson, A., Bjørkquist, C., Fladeby, N., & Grundén, K. (2020). Management challenges for future digitalization of healthcare servicesLinks to an external site.

Links to an external site.

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Navaz, A. N., Serhani, M. A., El Kassabi, H. T., Al-Qirim, N., & Ismail, H. (2021). Trends, technologies, and key challenges in smart and connected healthcareLinks to an external site.

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