Drama Discussion Question


Discussion Prompt 1: Critique of Patriarchy, Defense of Women’s Rights?

1) You MUST include a piece of DIRECT QUOTE from the play itself relevant to the ideas/topics chosen (not just something you read online about it); and 2) also what YOU think about this issue and WHY you interpreted that way.  If you are reporting on what someone else (ie, something you read online) wrote, you MUST include the citation (like a URL) and also put their words within quotation marks: “As analyzed by ____ in ____, these lines suggest….”

Analyze the extent to which you would argue Ibsen is critiquing patriarchy and/or defending the rights of women in A Doll’s House. Since the topic can be too broad, you are asked to choose ONE of the following areas such that you can focus on the particular effects of an aspect of patriarchal power as discussed within the play.  You must make specific textual references to at least one significant part of the play.

Law: Is there a different understanding of law that men and women have within the play? Or is gender less an issue than other categories?

Work: Who works, where? Who can pursue work? Again, is this a gender issue?

Family/Marriage: Who leads the family? What is a woman’s role within the family structure? Does marriage as an institution trap women? Are men trapped as well?