RCJ communications hw


IMPORTANT: This weekly assignment is open Friday-Sunday (due date) only. During weeks with special due dates, see posting of open days/dates.

The focus of this Relational Communication Journal [5 points each] will be on your mental and physical health. How we feel both mentally and physically will affect our interactions with everyone around us, especially those who we consider significant others (family, friends, partner, spouse, etc.). So it is important to say in touch with how we are feeling both mentally and physically. The information posted in this Journal assignment is confidential. That said, please do not reveal anything you feel is none of the Professor’s darn business! The purpose of this assignment is to “try to provide an understanding of the multiple influences, such as culture, family, work, and politics, on your behaviors.” (Geist-Martin et al., p. 17).

Posting Your Journal Entry: Type or copy/paste your assignment into the text box. Make sure you “submit” your post!  Each week you will address the following prompt:

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your mental and physical health right now/this week? Explain the number you have picked to represent your mental and physical health [i.e. “I am at a 7/10 this week because I…”]

  • Describe one behavior you engaged in this week that you believe contributes to or detracts from your health (e.g., taking or not taking vitamins, any form of exercise or sedentary activities, smoking, meditating, eating particular foods, feeling anxious or sad or depressed).
  • Explain why you do this behavior and how you believe it contributes to or detracts from your health.
  • Describe how communication was part of engaging in this behavior today (e.g., retelling the behavior to a friend or healthcare provider, talking with someone while engaging in the behavior, sharing your experiences with someone who also engages in the behavior). That is, how and who did you talk to about your week/behaviors? 
  • Describe how you might ensure continuing this healthy behavior or reducing/eliminating this unhealthy behavior.

Hw communication


Assignment prep and set-up for DB posts:

Review the DB Requirements [word count, textbook reference, etc.].

Read the designated chapters for the week before you start this assignment.

Choose one of the two posted chapter prompts to complete. 

Start your paragraph with the chapter number. Example: Chapter 1

  • Do not include the prompt/questions in your post. 

Yes, spelling and grammar count, so proofread before you post!

Content of the original thread: The content of your thread should be clearly connected to the chapter reading/topic. Outside sources are not acceptable.                                                           Discussion Board 4: Chapters 7 & 8

  • Review the CH DB Requirements [word count, textbook reference, etc.].

Choose one of the two posted chapter prompts to complete. 

Start your paragraph with the chapter number. Example: Chapter 8

  • Do not include the prompt/questions in your post. 

Yes, spelling and grammar count, so proofread before you post!

OPTION 1: Chapter 7: Body Language Shapes Who You Are—Amy Cuddy. Amy Cuddy.Body Language 

Answer the following questions:

What are some examples of nonverbal expressions of power and dominance, according to Dr. Cuddy? Provide an interpersonal example of when you expressed power/dominance non-verbally. 

How do our nonverbal behaviors govern how we think and feel about ourselves? 

  • What is “power posing”? Provide examples of powerful and powerless poses from the video. Also, give an example of when “power-posing” might help you in your everyday interactions. 

“Tiny Tweaks can lead to big changes”—what is the speaker referring to here? What “tweaks” will you make to improve communication?

Explain the concept of “two minutes” and the benefits this can have in your daily interactions with others.

  • OPTION 2: Chapter 8:  “One-Up Penelope” 

View the Saturday Night Live (SNL) clip entitled “Penelope: Therapy.” Penelope goes to group therapy and demonstrates poor listening behavior, which upsets her peers and therapist. Link to video: Penelope.One.Up

After you watch the video, respond to the following questions: Penelope.One.Up

What poor listening habits did you observe in the video? (Note: Stage hogging is obvious, so consider other poor listening habits listed in the textbook.)

What was the effect of poor listening on the group?

Can you relate to the video? 

  • Give an example of someone you know who doesn’t listen well. 

What do they do that is ineffective? 

Why do you think that they do not listen well? (Note: Focus on barriers to listening).

  • CH DB Requirements: Original thread/post should be at least 300-400 words total and have a least 1textbook reference from the specific chapter. You must include a citation with your textbook reference. For this class, citations should be listed as textbook chapter and page number (Chapter 3, p. 72).  

Peer Responses (2): Each of the two peer responses should be at least 150 words each in length and have a least 1 textbook from either of the specified chapters. For this class, citations should be listed as textbook chapter and page number (Chapter 3, p. 72). You will have 1 textbook reference/citation in each of your peer response posts. 

To earn maximum points:

  • You must have a clear reference to the textbook in both your original post and your peer responses. Textbook references should be exclusively taken from the course textbook. References from any source other than the required textbook [Interplay/15th Ed.] will not be accepted and will result in a loss of points.

Do not use any of the textbook references from your original tread or another student’s original tread in any of your peer responses.

Peer responses are a dialogue with your classmates. It needs to be your thoughts in response to the original tread content. Stay away from “I like when you said…” and then copy and paste the original thread content and add a few words.

Important Information: 

  • Participants must create/post a thread to view other threads in each forum. 

Please do not include prompt/DB questions in your posts. 

Grammar and spelling should be checked and corrected before you post.

  • You cannot edit or delete your post once you submit/post it.

Do not post a response to your original thread with additional information or materials that may be missing. 

Do not submit your post as an attachment or link (i.e., Word file, Google Docs, etc). It must be typed/copied & pasted into the text box.  

All DB assignments require Interplay textbook connections and references.

Communication hw


Point of View [POV] DB Requirements: Each POV DB is worth 10 points [total].

Assignment prep and set-up for POV DB posts:

Review the POV DB Requirements [word count, etc.].

Do not include the prompt/questions in your post. 

This DB assignment does not require a textbook citation. 

Yes, spelling and grammar count, so proofread before you post!

Content of the original thread: The content of your thread should be clearly connected to the point of view assignment prompt. Outside sources are not acceptable. 

POV DB Requirements: Original thread/post should be at least 250-300 words total and solely based on the prompt.

Peer Responses (2): Each of the two peer responses should be at least 100 words each in length. Peer responses are a dialogue with your classmates. It needs to be your thoughts in response to the original tread content. Stay away from “I like when you said…” and then copy and paste the original thread content and add a few words.

Important Information: 

  • Participants must create/post a thread in order to view other threads in each forum. 
  • Please do not include prompt/DB questions in your posts. 
  • Grammar and spelling should be checked and corrected before you post.
  • You cannot edit or delete your post once you submit/post it.

Do not post a response to your original thread with additional information or materials that may be missing.

POV DB 2: Think about your interactions/discussions with your significant others [family members, friends, or spouse/partners]. Are you asking for what you need? Are you making assumptions about how they will respond? Are you cleaning fighting? How do you respond to criticism? How do you handle the subconscious programming, old scripts, or armor we put up in “discussions” with our significant others [interpersonal relationships]? What do I Do?

Start POV DB 2 by watching this short video: POV DB 2.Batching.80.20

Take notes about the clip to help you answer the questions posted below.

Think about your current relationships [family, friends, spouse/partner]. Choose/adapt one of those relationships to use in this assignment. 

How aware are you of your subconscious programming, old scripts, or the armor you put up in “discussions” with your significant others?

What is the “batching” method?

What did you think of the “batching” method? 

When or who would you use this method with? 


What is the “80/20” method?

What did you think of the “80/20” method? 

When or who would you use this method with? 


What did you think of the video clip overall? 

What are at least two things that you related to in the clip  (outside of the “batching” or ” 80/20″ methods).

As a result of watching this video, are you more, the same, or less aware of your subconscious programming, old scripts, or the armor you put up in “discussions” with your significant others?

Will you try either of these methods in the future? Why or Why not?