questions on podcast



After listening to a part of the broadcast (see below), answer the following questions.

For this assignment, listen to about 15 minutes of the broadcast War of the Worlds. (Pay attention to the first 11 seconds, from the  beginning to 0:11 – when it is introduced as a show.

Listeners who missed the introduction and disclaimer that this was a broadcast based on a novel were more likely to believe this was true.)War of the Worlds Radio BroadcastLinks to an external site.

What skills are involved in being a radio listener? In other words, how is ‘reading’ or interpreting the radio program different from ‘reading’ a television program?” Discuss the differences.

Comment on what elements would have been familiar to the listeners and what elements contributed to the panic.

  • Were these people media illiterate? Or did the Mercury Theatre broadcast play against people’s media literacy? (That is, you had to know something of the conventions to make it “real.”) (The National Geographic article discusses this a bit).

Have you ever been fooled by a fake news report? What tools and strategies did the media producers use? How are they similar to and different from the tools and strategies Welles used?

Post Bullet Style Notes (20 to 25) Include a one paragraph summary statement about the viewing



Watch the YouTube Video and take Bullet Notes.

(see link in Module page & Short View Links)


Post Bullet Style Notes (20 to 25)

Include a one paragraph summary statement about the viewing

  • Summary can describe a past occasion in school work where you may have used one of these elements while writing a particular analysis.

Investigate an independent recording company).


  1. Investigate an independent recording company (of which there are tens of thousands throughout the United States and the world). Please do not choose one of the “major” labels: Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Music Group. Make also sure that one of these “majors” does not own the smaller label you have chosen! * Please also do not choose XL Recordings.
  2. Visit its Web site, and look for information about the label online (newspapers, magazines, trade publications, etc.). In your investigation, proceed through the steps of the Critical Process (we read about the “Critical Process” in Chapter 1 and each chapter in the textbook has an example of analyzing something using the Critical Process. The steps are listed below).
  3. Make sure you completed the required reading in the textbook, paying special attention to the discussion of “indies” vs. “majors” so you understand what an “indie” is and what role indie labels play in the industry.


Please number your responses and do not re-write the questions.

1. Critical Process step 1: Description. Which label did you choose? What kind of music does this label specialize in? Is the label limited to only one genre? What are some of the groups that the label produces? Where and how does the label identify its musical artists? How does the label describe itself? How does the label distribute its recordings to consumers?

2. Critical Process step 2: Analysis. Look at the variety of groups that the label produces. What kind of fan is the label trying to target? How does this label promote its artists and get a recording to the consumer? What obstacles does the label face in popularizing its artists? Is the label fiercely independent, or is its goal to sell to a major label? Is the label struggling, or is it financially viable?

3. Critical Process step 3: Interpretation. From what you’ve gathered so far from your research as well as from the textbook/required reading, what challenges do independent recording labels face? Do you see independent labels overcoming these problems? How?

4. Critical Process step 4: Evaluation. What is the value of small independent recording companies to the entire recording industry? What would be different about the recording industry as a whole if small independent labels didn’t exist? (Be s