Higher Education


In higher education, learning outcomes are evaluated to get data that can be used to make broad statements about student populations (Russell and Markle, 2017). While exploring this week’s module, Continuum and Culture of Assessment the findings identify 3 phases of assessment essentials. The phases are identified as planning, implementation, and improving and sustaining.

Planning Phase

According to (Banta and Palomba, 2014) in this phase, stakeholders are engaged and purpose identified; a written plan, with milestones established over multiple years, will guide successful process. Additionally, an initial step in planning is to identify and involve relevant stakeholders (Banta and Palomba, 2014). Planning is also the initial managerial function, determining what should be done in the future consisting of setting goals, objectives, policies, procedures, and other plans needed to achieve the purposes of the organization (Leonard and Trusty, 2016). Planning stage is also summed up as comprised of defining goals and learning outcomes, selecting correct methods of assessment, and developing the assessment plan.

Implementing Phase

The second phase of the continuum is identified as implementation phase. This phase includes leadership, resources, data, collection strategies, and educating stakeholders, assessing resources and processes, assessing outcomes and sharing the data findings. Implementation furthermore outlines the controls for monitoring and adjusting implementing of the planning phase (Kotler and Keller, 2012). Summed up, implementation is basically the collection of data, analyzing data, interpreting the results of the data and utilizing the findings.

Improving and Sustaining Phase

The third and final phase of the assessment continuum is the improvement and sustaining process. During this phase, stakeholders ensure the validity of data collected in the implementation stage and evaluate the assessment process to ensure result validity. The improvement and sustain phase is summed up as promoting a culture of assessment, using assessment results for continuous improvements, monitoring progress and sustaining assessment efforts.

The initial planning phase, at the course level can enhance individual classes contributing to the broader program and educational institution goals. At the program level, a well thought out and organized strategy will contribute to desired learning outcomes.

Improving and sustaining at the course level is critical use of cultivating a culture of assessment which will enhance the instructors’ opportunity to promote student success based on teaching practices. At the program level, promoting a culture of assessment can further sustain continuous improvements to rapid changes in the higher education environment.

Each one of the phases teach us to pay attention to Habakkuk 2:2-3 (KJV) which states: And the Lord answered me, and said, “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it”. “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry”.

God is faithful and will carry out his plans and purposes at His appointed time. The plan, the implementation and sustaining it’s all in His divine workmanship.

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